Oct. 14 The Holy Martyrs Nazarius, Gervase, Protasius, and Celsus; Our Venerable Mother Paraskeva of Trnovo

Bulletin as of October 13 2024

The holy martyrs Nazarius, Gervase(Gervasius), Protasius(Protase), and Celsus: Nazarius was a fearless Christian who visited Gervase and Protasius in prison in Milan. The governor ordered Nazarius to be whipped and driven from the city. He eventually returned to Milan with his disciple Celsus. Gervase and Protasius were still in prison, and Nero the emperor ordered all four of them to die by beheading. St. Ambrose found the relics of Gervase and Protasius on this day and had them translated with solemn rites to a new basilica he built himself. 

Our venerable mother Paraskeva of Trnovo was of Serbian birth with devout Christian parents. She left her home and went first to Constantinople and then to Jerusalem, and then to the wilderness beyond the Jordan, where she lived to old age in asceticism. At the end of her life, she returned to her birthplace of Epibata and gave her spirit to God there, sometime in the 11th century. 

Troparion – Martyrs

This quartet of martyrs illumines the Church like a brilliant star in the sky. Through the martyrdom of Nazarius, and the faith of Gervasius, and with the confession of Celsus and Protasius, the Church has been made to sing: Glory to God, Who has given strength to the martyrs!

Troparion – Venerable

You followed closely in the steps of Christ, your Spouse, loving the silent, desert life. As a young woman you took up His yoke, and armed yourself against the enemy with the cross. By fasting and prayer, by tears and penance, you utterly quenched the fires of passion. Now you stand with the wise virgins in Christ’s presence, and pray for those who honor your memory, O Paraskeva. 

Kontakion – Martyrs

Let us celebrate the quadruple glory of the witnesses of Christ, O faithful! Let us sing of Nazarius and Protase! In our hymn, let us acclaim Celsus and Gervase! For they fought the good fight unto the point of being beheaded. Having received the crown of immortality, they intercede for our salvation. 

Kontakion – Venerable

Let us all sing of Paraskeva, holy intercessor of all who are in trouble. For she rejected the corruptible and accepted the incorruptible way of life forever. Therefore discover the glory, the grace of wonders, by the command of God. 


Colossians 2: 13-31

Brothers and sisters: Even when you were dead in sin and your flesh was uncircumcised, God gave you new life in company with Christ. He pardoned all our sins. He canceled the bond that stood against us with all its claims, snatching it up and nailing it to the cross. Thus did God disarm the principalities and powers. He made a public show of them and, leading them off captive, triumphed in the person of Christ. 

No one is free, therefore, to pass judgment on you in terms of what you eat or drink or what you do on yearly or monthly feasts, or on the sabbath. All these were but a shadow of things to come; the reality is the body of Christ. Let no one rob you of your prize by insisting on servility in the worship of angels. Such a one takes his stand on his own experience; he is inflated with empty pride by his human reflections when he should be in close touch with the head. The whole body, mutually supported and upheld by joints and sinews, achieves a growth from this source, which comes from God.

If with Christ, you have died to cosmic forces, why should you be bound by the rules that say, “Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!” as though you were still living a life bounded by this world?


Luke 9: 18-22

At that time Jesus went to pray in seclusion and his disciples were with him. He put this question to them, “Who do the crowds say that I am?” “John the Baptizer,” they replied, “and some say Elijah, while others claim that one of the prophets of old has returned from the dead.” Then Jesus asked them, “But you— who do you say that I am?” Peter said in reply, “The Messiah of God.” Jesus strictly forbade them to tell this to anyone. “The Son of Man,” he said, “must first endure many sufferings, be rejected by the elders, the high priests and the scribes, and be put to death, and then be raised up on the third day.”

Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com

Sunday, October 13 –

  • 8:13 PM