All Saints: Mini Bible Study

Blog Post - May 22 2024
Mini-Bible Study: Sunday of All-Saints
Hebrews 11:36 ff (From today’s Epistle):
Others (faithful of the Old Testament) suffered mocking and scourging, and even chains and imprisonment.  They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were killed with the sword…And all these, though well attested by their faith, did not receive what was promised, since God had foreseen something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect.
Commentary from St. John Chrysostom:
Do you also consider what a thing it is, and how great, that Abraham should be sitting and the apostle Paul waiting till you have been perfected, so that they may then be able to receive their reward? For the Savior has told them before that, unless we also are present, he will not give it to them, just as an affectionate father might say to sons who were well approved and had accomplished their work that he would not give them to eat unless their siblings came… For “God,” he says, “has provided some better thing for us.” In order that they might not seem to have the advantage over us of being crowned before us, God appointed one time of crowning for all; and he that gained the victory so many years before will receive his crown with you. Do you see God’s tender mercy?  They were before us as regards the conflicts but are not before us as regards the crowns. God did not wrong them; God honored us. For they also wait for the siblings, for, if we are “all one body,” the pleasure becomes greater to this body when it is crowned altogether and not part by part. For the righteous are also worthy of admiration in this, that they rejoice in the welfare of their siblings, as in their own, and, for themselves also, it is according to their wish to be crowned along with their own members. To be glorified all together is a great delight.
For Prayerful Reflection:
  1. Have you considered how eagerly the saints await our glorification with them? Since they are in the Body of Christ, they reflect Christ’s own eagerness. They anticipate our prayer of intercession even more than we cry out in prayer.
  2. We are also gifted with the ability to intercede for those for whom we promise to pray with the same eagerness.

Wednesday, May 22 –

  • 5:34 PM