Oct. 17 The Holy Prophet Hosea; The Holy Venerable Martyr Andrew of Crete

Bulletin as of October 16 2024

The holy prophet Hosea, who not only by his words but also by his manner of life showed the unfaithful people of Israel that the Lord was an ever-faithful Spouse, moved by limitless mercy. 

The holy venerable martyr Andrew of Crete was a priest who defended the cult of the holy icons with great vigor during the persecution under the emperor Copronymus. He attacked the emperor publicly in church saying, “You would do better, O King, to look to the work of the army and the governing people, than to the persecuting of Christ and his servants.” He was attacked and killed by a man with an ax in 767.


Troparion – Prophet

As we celebrate the memory of Your prophet Hosea, O Lord, we implore You to save our souls through his prayers. 


Troparion – Venerable-Martyr

Trained in asceticism on the mountain, you were able to defeat the devil’s assaults by the power of the Cross, O all-blessed one. With great courage, you faced the battle and crushed the emperor Copronymus with the sword of faith. O glorious venerable martyr Andrew, God crowned you for your asceticism and your good fight. 


Kontakion – Prophet

With sure steps, you followed the commands of the Lord, and you were filled with the Holy Spirit, O prophet Hosea. You received the gift of prophecy and you spoke daringly to Israel, who sought a speedy coming of Christ. You converted those who strayed from the path of justice and set them on the road to the heavenly Jerusalem. Now you stand within that city and implore the Lord, praying without ceasing for us all.


Kontakion – Venerable-Martyr

Today Constantinople, Capital of the Byzantine Empire, celebrates the brightest feast of your light-bearing memory and calls all cities and countries to participate. It rejoices in that it holds a great treasure: your body which sustained so many struggles, O holy martyr Andrew, light of Orthodoxy!



Colossians 3:17 – 4:1

Brothers and sisters: Whatever you do, whether in speech or in action, do it in the name of the Lord Jesus. Give thanks to God the Father through him.

You who are wives, be submissive to your husbands. Avoid any bitterness toward them. You children, obey your parents in everything as the acceptable way in the Lord. And fathers, do not nag your children lest they lose heart.

To slaves I say, obey your human masters perfectly, not with the purpose of attracting attention and pleasing men but in all sincerity and out of reverence for the Lord. Whatever you do, work at it with your whole being. Do it for the Lord rather than for men, since you know full well you will receive an Inheritance from him as your reward. Be slaves of Christ the Lord. Whoever acts unjustly will be repaid for the wrong he has done. No favoritism will be shown. You slaveowners, deal justly and fairly with your slaves, realizing that you too have a master in heaven. 



Luke 9: 49-56

At that time it was the disciple John who said, “Master, we saw a man using your name to expel demons, and we tried to stop him because he is not of our company.” Jesus told him in reply, “Do not stop him, for any man who is not against you is on your side.”

As the time approached when Jesus was to be taken from this world, he firmly resolved to proceed toward Jerusalem, and sent messengers on ahead of him. These entered a Samaritan town to prepare for his passing through, but the Samaritans would not welcome him because he was on his way to Jerusalem. When his disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, would you not have us call down fire from heaven and destroy them?” He turned toward them only to reprimand them. Then they set off for another town. 

Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com


Wednesday, October 16 –

  • 5:00 PM