Ascension of Our Lord

Bulletin as of May 16 2023

Leaving earthly care to the earth and that which is waste and refuse to the dust, come, let us arise from sleep with our eyes and hearts let us go towards higher things. Let us also lift up our thoughts and our attention from the earth to the gates of heaven, as if we were on the Mount of Olives, where we fix our eyes on the Redeemer as He is carried away to heaven. For it is there that the Lord departs for heaven; it is there also that He distributes his great gifts to the apostles, giving them strength and comforting them as a Father, guiding them as sons and saying to them: I am not separating myself from you; I shall always be with you, and no one shall ever have power over you.

This prayer is from the Matins service for the Ascension. Join us in prayer Thursday morning at 8:30 AM for Matins on Ascension Thursday.


Tuesday, May 16 –

  • 9:46 AM