Aug. 24 The Holy Martyr Eutyches

Bulletin as of August 23 2024

The hieromartyr Eutyches, a disciple of the holy Apostles John the Theologian and Paul, was from the Palestinian city of Sebastea. Although St. Eutyches is not one of the 70 Apostles, he is called an Apostle because of his labors with the older Apostles, by whom he was made bishop. After hearing about Christ the Savior, St. Eutyches first became a disciple of the Apostle John the Theologian. Later, he met the Apostle Paul, and preached together with him on the early journeys. St. Eutyches underwent many sufferings: they starved him with hunger, beat him with iron rods, they threw him into the fire, and then sent him to be devoured by wild beasts. Once, a lion was let loose upon the saint, but it astonished everyone when the animal started to praise the Creator with a human voice. The hieromartyr Eutyches completed his labors in his native city, where he was beheaded with a sword at the beginning of the second century. 



You shared in the apostles’ way of life and succeeded to their throne, divinely inspired bishop. You found access to contemplation in the active life. Therefore, you rightly taught the word of truth and struggled for the faith to the shedding of your blood. O Priest Martyr Eutyches, pray to Christ our God to save our souls. 



You sat on the chair of the apostles, and you were the honor of pastors. You decorated all your labors with martyr’s blood, and you shine with the brilliance of the sun. You disperse the night of godlessness and enlighten all people. Therefore, we honor you as a true priest.



1 Corinthians 4: 1-5

Brothers and sisters: Men should regard us as servants of Christ and administrators of the mysteries of God. The first requirement of an administrator is that he prove trustworthy. It matters little to me whether you or any human court pass judgment on me. I do not even pass judgment on myself. Mind you, I have nothing on my conscience. But that does not mean that I am declaring myself innocent. The Lord is the one to judge me, so stop passing judgment before the time of his return. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and manifest the inventions of hearts. At that time, everyone will receive his praise from God. 



Matthew 23: 1-12

At that time Jesus told the crowds and his disciples: “The scribes and the Pharisees have succeeded Moses as teachers; therefore, do everything and observe everything they tell you. But do not follow their example. Their words are bold but their deeds are few. They bind up heavy loads, hard to carry, to lay on other men’s shoulders while they themselves will not lift a finger to budge them. All their works are performed to be seen. They widen their phylacteries and wear huge tassels. They are fond of places of honor at banquets and the front seats in synagogues, of marks of respect in public and of being called ‘Rabbi.’ As to you, avoid the title ‘Rabbi.’ One among you is your teacher, the rest are learners. Do not call anyone on earth your father. Only one is your father, the One in heaven. Avoid being called teachers. Only one is your teacher, the Messiah. The greatest among you will be the one who serves the rest. Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled, but whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.”

Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –

Friday, August 23 –

  • 5:00 PM