Aug. 4 The Holy Seven Children of Ephesus; The Holy Venerable Martyr Eudoxia

Bulletin as of August 3 2023

The holy seven children of Ephesus: During the persecution of the emperor Decius, seven young soldiers refused to sacrifice to idols. Tradition says that their names were: Maximilian, Iamblichus, Martinian, John, Dionysius, Exacustodianus, and Antoninus. They concealed themselves in a cave outside of Ephesus, and the emperor sealed them into that cave to kill them in the year 250. In the year 454, during the reign of the Christian emperor Theodosius the Younger (408-450), a dispute arose about the veracity of the Christian teaching on the resurrection of the dead. The youths awoke, testified to the true teaching, and one week later died.

The venerable martyr Eudoxia was a native of Heliopolis in Phoenicia who lived in the times of the emperor Trajan (98-117). At first she led a licentious life, enticed a large number of men to evil by her rare beauty, and amassed riches of great value. Having heard a certain Germanus, a monk, speak on religion and repentance, she was converted to Christ and baptized by Bishop Theodotos. After having distributed her goods to the poor, the saint retired to a monastery and there practiced all the ascetical exercises. She was brought before Emperor Adrian (177-138), accused by the very ones who she had formerly corrupted. Working miracles and curing the Emperor’s son, she converted the latter to the Christian faith. She received her crown of martyrdom through beheading.  



What a marvel of faith! The seven holy youths lived in a cave as in a palace, and they passed on without corruption. After time had marched on, they came out as if from sleep and are fitting signs of the resurrection of all. Have mercy on us, O Christ, through their prayers. 



Despising the corruptible things of this world, they received gifts which were incorruptible. They died but did not decay. Coming out after many years, they bury unbelief. O faithful people, come to praise them today, and let us raise a hymn to Christ. 



2 Corinthians 1: 12-20

Brothers and sisters: Conscience gives testimony to the boast that in our behavior toward all and especially toward you we have always acted from God-given holiness and candor; this has been prompted, not by debased human wisdom, but by God’s goodness. We never write anything that you cannot read and understand. I hope that, just as you know us to a certain degree already, you will in time come to know us well, and will recognize that we shall be your boast, and you ours, on the day of our Lord Jesus. 

Confident as I am about this, I wanted to visit you first so that a double grace might be yours. I planned to visit you, both on my way to Macedonia and on my return, that I might receive your help on my journey to Judea. DO you suppose that in making those plans I was acting insincerely? Or that my plans are so determined by self-interest that I change my mind from one minute to the next? As God keeps his word, I declare that my word to you is not “yes” one minute and “no” the next. Jesus Christ, whom Silvanus, Timothy, and I preached to you as Son of God, was not alternately “yes” and “no”; he was never anything but “yes.” Whatever promises God has made have been fulfilled in him; therefore it is through him that we address our Amen to God when we worship together. 



Matthew 22: 23-33

At that time some Sadducees, who hold there is no resurrection, came to Jesus with a question: “Teacher, Moses declared, ‘If a man dies without children, his brother must take the wife and produce offspring for his brother.’ Once there were seven brothers. The eldest died after marrying, and since he had no children, left his wife to his brother. The same thing happened to the second, the third, and so on, down to the seventh. Last of all the woman died too. At the resurrection, whose wife will she be, since all seven of them married her?” Jesus replied: “You are badly misled because you fail to understand the Scriptures and the power of God. When people rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage but live like angels in heaven. As to the fact that the dead are raised, have you not read what God said to you, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob’? He is the God of the living, not of the dead.” The crowds who listened were spellbound by his teaching. 


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –


Thursday, August 3 –

  • 4:00 PM