Dec. 28 The Twenty Thousand Martyrs of Nicomedia

Bulletin as of December 27 2024

The twenty-thousand martyrs of Nicomedia: During the reign of emperor Maximian Hercules, the Christian faith was brutally persecuted in Nicomedia. When the local Christians gathered in the church to celebrate the Nativity of the Lord, he ordered his soldiers to surround the church and set it on fire. Those inside were offered free passage out, as long as they betrayed Christ. They all refused, men, women, and children alike, and they were martyred. 



O passion-bearers if the Lord, blessed is the earth that received your blood, and holy is the place that received your bodies. You have vanquished the enemy in battle and proclaimed Christ with courage. We pray to you to intercede with Him, the Good One, that He may save our souls. 



O saints made steadfast in soul by faith, twenty thousand accepted suffering by fire, calling out to Him Who was born of the Virgin: accept our all-consumed burnt offering as You accepted gifts of gold, myrrh, and frankincense from the Persian kings, O God existing from all eternity.



1 Timothy 6: 11b-16

Brothers and sisters: Seek after integrity, piety, faith, love, steadfastness, and a gentle spirit. Fight the good fight of faith. Take firm hold on the everlasting life to which you were called when, in the presence of many witnesses, you made your noble profession of faith. Before God, who gives life to all, and before Christ Jesus, who in bearing witness made his noble profession before Pontius Pilate, I charge you to keep God’s command without blame or reproach until our Lord Jesus Christ shall appear. This appearance God will bring to pass at his chosen time. He is the blessed and only ruler, the King of king and the Lord of lords who alone has immortality and who dwells in unapproachable light, whom no human being has ever seen or can see. To him be honor and everlasting rule! Amen. 



Matthew 12: 15-21

Jesus was aware of the Pharisees’ plot to destroy him so he withdrew from that place. Many people followed him and he cured them all, though he sternly ordered them not to make public what he had done. This was to fulfill what had been said through Isaiah the prophet: “Here is my servant whom I have chosen, my loved one in whom I delight. I will endow him with my spirit and he will proclaim justice to the Gentiles. He will not contend or cry out, nor will his voice be heard in the streets. The bruised reed he will not crush; the smoldering wick he will not quench until judgment is made victorious. In his name, the Gentiles will find hope.”

Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –

Friday, December 27 –

  • 5:00 PM