Jan. 4 Synaxis of the Holy 70 Apostles; Our Venerable Father Theoctistus

Bulletin as of January 3 2025

Synaxis of the Holy 70 Apostles,  whose names were recorded by St. Dorotheus. In addition to the Twelve Apostles, our Lord chose seventy other apostles and sent them out to preach (cf. Luke 10: 1-5)

Our Venerable Father Theoctistus, Hegumen at Cuomo in Sicily founded a monastery in the city of Kucuma on the island of Sicily, where he became hegumen. At his monastery lived Greek monks, who had fled persecution by iconoclasts. (800)


Troparion – Apostles

O holy apostles, intercede with the merciful God that he may grant our souls forgiveness of our sins.


Troparion – Theoctistus

In you, O father, the divine image was strictly preserved; taking up your cross, you followed Christ. You taught us by example how to spurn the flesh, for it passes away, and how to care for the soul, which is immortal. Therefore, O venerable Theoctistus, your soul rejoices with the angels.


Kontakion – Apostles

Come, you faithful people, let us praise the seventy disciples of Christ with heavenly hymns. Through them we have come to adore the Holy Trinity, and they are still a light of faith for us.


Kontakion – Theoctistus

You gained your merit by feeding the sheep of the Lord by your words of exhortation in an unfeeling land. You filled it with zeal and presented it to the Savior. Now that you have passed over to Him , you have received a reward worthy of your troubles. Glory to Him who strengthened you! Glory to Him who crowned you! Glory to Him who heals us through you!



1 Timothy 3:14 – 4:5

Timothy, my son: Although I hope to visit you soon, I am writing you about these matters so that if I should be delayed you will know what kind of conduct befits a member of God’s household, the church of the living God, the pillar and bulwark of truth. Wonderful, indeed, is the mystery of our faith, as we say it professing: “He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated in the Spirit; seen by the angels; preached among the Gentiles, believed in throughout the world, taken up into glory.”

The Spirit distinctly says that in later times some will turn away from the faith and will heed deceitful spirits and things taught by demons through plausible liars–men with seared consciences who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving be believers who know the truth. Everything God created is good; nothing is to be rejected when it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by God’s word and by prayer. 



Matthew 3: 1-11

At that time when John the Baptizer made his appearance as a preacher in the desert of Judea, this was his theme: “Reform your lives! The reign of God is at hand.” It was of him that the prophet Isaiah had spoken when he said: “A herald’s voice in the desert: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.’”

John was clothed in a garment of camel’s hair, and wore a leather belt around his waist. Grasshoppers and wild honey were his food. At that time Jerusalem, all Judea, and the whole region around the Jordan were going out to him. They were being baptized by him in the Jordan River as they confessed their sins.

When John saw that many of the Pharisees and Sadducees were stepping forward for this bath, he said to them: “You brood of vipers! Who told you to flee from the wrath to come? Give some evidence that you mean to reform. Do not pride yourselves on the claim, ‘Abraham is our father.’ I tell you, God can raise up children to Abraham from these very stones. Even now the ax is laid to the root of the tree. Every tree that is not fruitful will be cut down and thrown into the fire. I baptize you in water for the sake of reform, but the one who will follow me is more powerful than I. I am not even fit to carry his sandals. He it is who will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and fire.”


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com



Friday, January 3 –

  • 5:00 PM