Sunday Bulletin 02/21/21

Bulletin as of February 20 2021

First Sunday of the Great Fast / Sunday of Orthodoxy


Sunday, February 21 – Sunday of Othodoxy         

8:30 AM          Matins

9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy

Wednesday, February 24 – 1st & 2nd Findings of the Head of John the Baptist   

7:30 AM          Akathist to John the Baptist

4:00 PM          6th Hour

7:30 PM          Presanctified Divine Liturgy +Michael Hurtado from Phil Hurtado

Thursday, February 25 – Tarasius, Patriarch      

7:30 AM          Morning Prayer

8:30 AM          Photina Walk

4:00 PM          6th Hour

Friday, February 26 – Porphry of Gaza, Bishop           

7:30 AM          Morning Prayer

4:00 PM          6th Hour

7:30 PM          Presanctified Divine Liturgy  +John Bosak from Helen Bosak

Saturday, February 27 – 2nd All Souls Saturday       

8:30 AM          Divine Liturgy & Panachida 

5:00 PM          Ventura County Divine Liturgy

6:30 PM          Vespers

Sunday, February 28 – 2nd Sunday of the Great Fast          

8:30 AM          Matins

9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy 


Please remember the following people in your prayers: Estella Biedenbender,  Ken Bosak, , Fletes Family: Alicia, Frankie, Layla, Lupita & Veronica, Victoria Flores, Larry Goodwin, Holly Garlow,  Michelle Grana, Virginia Harrington, Jeanne Hart, Michael Hefferon, Rob Hooper, Chris Johnson, Patricia Kurczak,  Irene Lehman, Elizabeth & John Mallas, Dylan Mancia, Toni Martin, Marg Mauro, Juan Gabriel Martinez, Pedro Medina, Mina family: Mila, Diana, Rev. John & Mike,  Shannon O’Neill, Tanya Petach, Casandra Porch, Nicholas, Rodriguez Diane Romano, Paul Saucedo, Kathleen Savko, Robert Stamer, Leanne Steuer, Mary Washko, Dina & Matthew Wiggins,  Carmen Zambrano, Lana Zimmerman, Patrick Zimmerman, Fr. Chris Zugger and all those who serve in the Armed Forces


Collection: $975.00; Candles: $27.50; Online: $425.00; VC Outreach: $130.00; Church Improvements: $75.00

Total: $1,632.50 / Attendance 52



In the Epistle appointed for today, we hear the repetition of the word “faith.” What is faith, and why is the virtue focused upon in the Divine Liturgy today? In an attempt to define or explain what faith is, some might use the word “trust.” Faith, however, is something more than trust. Still others may explain what faith is by using the word “belief.” Again, however, the word belief, at least as it is commonly used today, falls short of a full explanation of what faith is.

First, it is important to realize that faith, as with trust and belief, is always directed toward something or someone beyond ourselves. “I trust this person” or “I believe this statement.” Faith is an action which goes beyond the one who has faith, and takes hold of someone or something beyond ourselves.

So what is faith? Faith is, as some have described it, the total giving over of ourselves to the one in whom we believe. Faith is not the acceptance of a list of doctrines or ideas; faith is not the trust we place in people who are knowledgeable in a particular area or expertise. Faith is the acceptance of the entirety of the person in whom we believe, regardless of the verifiability of what they say or claim to know. Faith unites us totally to Jesus in our mind, in our heart, in our will, and in our spirit. Only then do we begin to see as Jesus sees, understand as Jesus understands, and live as Jesus lives.

Why is this important to understand today? As we stand now at the beginning of our Lenten journey (having begun the fast this past week), we begin to realize how attached we are to the things of this world. Today Jesus calls us to place our trust, our belief, and yes, our faith, in him. Soon Jesus will die on the cross, and be buried in a cave. And soon, very soon, Jesus will rise from the dead on the third day. Only those who have become totally detached from the things of this world and have placed their faith in him, will rise with him from the dead.

How can we verify what is on the other side of the cross, if we choose to willingly die with Jesus? How can we verify what will happen to us if we give up our whole life and give ourselves totally to the Lord? The simple answer is that we cannot. Today we are called to Lord, he promises us that we, with the Apostle Nathanael, “shall see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.”             – From


“We have found the one about whom Moses wrote in the law and also the prophets.” Finding our Savior during this Great Lent, we see that our “soiled image was restored to its original form, commingled with divine beauty.” God may be helping you find that a vocation to monasticism or holy orders is the beauty meant for you. To learn more, contact the Vocations Office at 206-329-9219 or email:

Saturday, February 20 –

  • 12:12 PM