Sunday, Feb. 07 – Meatfare Sunday
8:30 AM Matins
9:30 AM Divine Liturgy
Monday, Feb. 08 – Theodore, Great-Martyr
7:30 AM Morning Prayer
8:30 AM Divine Liturgy +Lori McGeever from Mary Horey
Tuesday, Feb. 09 – Nicephor, Martyr
7:30 AM Morning Prayer
8:30 AM Divine Liturgy +John Bosak from Helen Bosak
4:00 PM Evening Prayer
Wednesday, Feb. 10 – Charalampus, Martyr
7:30 AM Morning Prayer
4:00 PM Evening Prayer
Thursday, Feb. 11 – Blase, Bishop-Martyr
7:30 AM Morning Prayer
7:30 PM Divine Liturgy +John Bosak from Helen Bosak
Friday, February 12 – Meletius, Archbishop
7:30 AM Morning Prayer
4:00 PM Compline
Saturday, Feb. 13 – All Holy Ascetical Fathers and Mothers
8:30 AM Divine Liturgy +John Bosak from Helen Bosak
5:00 PM Ventura County Divine Liturgy
6:30 PM Vespers
Sunday, Feb. 14 – Cheesefare Sunday
8:30 AM Matins
9:30 AM Divine Liturgy
11:30 AM Forgiveness Vespers
Please remember the following people in your prayers: Estella Biedenbender, Ken Bosak, , Fletes Family: Alicia, Frankie, Layla, Lupita & Veronica, Victoria Flores, Larry Goodwin, Holly Garlow, Michelle Grana, Virginia Harrington, Jeanne Hart, Michael Hefferon, Rob Hooper, Chris Johnson, Patricia Kurczak, Irene Lehman, Elizabeth & John Mallas, Dylan Mancia, Toni Martin, Marg Mauro, Juan Gabriel Martinez, Pedro Medina, Mina family: Mila, Diana, Rev. John & Mike, Shannon O’Neill, Tanya Petach, Casandra Porch, Nicholas, Rodriguez Diane Romano, Paul Saucedo, Kathleen Savko, Robert Stamer, Leanne Steuer, Mary Washko, Dina & Matthew Wiggins, Carmen Zambrano, Lana Zimmerman, Patrick Zimmerman, Fr. Chris Zugger and all those who serve in the Armed Forces
Collection: $1,541.00; Candles: $58.25; Online: $375.00; Ventura County Outreach: $50.00
Total: $2,024.25 / Attendance 73
Join Fr. Nathan Wednesdays during lent in Camarillo for Presanctified Liturgy followed by a Bible study on the Epistles of Peter. Presanticified begins at 5:30pm at the home of Hope and Justin Schnier. See flyer for all the details.
The three-fold apparatus that empowers the Christian to navigate the complexities of the Great Fast, and arrive eager and prepared at the Resurrection, consists of prayer, fasting, and alms-giving (Matthew 6).
Prayer reflects the Christian’s vision of the Beauty of God, true self-awareness of a failure to live according to the invitation of this Beauty, and a request that the Beautiful One heal the blemishes that are causing this disparity.
Alms-giving acknowledges the human tendency of this awareness to enable a self-absorption that deceives the Christian into forgetting that he progresses with the community around him, and goes astray without them.
Fasting allows the Christian’s body to accompany his mind and soul in the awareness of this needed growth by aligning the pleas and anticipation of his prayer with the yearning and tempering of his appetite.
In other words, during the Great Fast, our prayer reflects our need for God, and so our bodies and our relationships should fall in sync with our prayer. If we alter our conversation with Our Lord (Presanctified Divine Liturgy, prostrations, prayer of St. Ephrem etc.) but not our relationship with others or our appetites, we will experience a wrenching and imbalance in our spiritual lives.
Blessed Cheesefare Week! Byzantine Catholics traditionally ease into the fast this week by beginning to pray, give and eat differently this week so that the first week of the Great Fast (next week!) doesn’t catch us off guard. -Fr. Michael
“Whatever you did for the least of my brethren, you did it for me.” Our vocation is about being Christ to others and seeing Christ in others with as much faith, hope and love as possible. Is God calling you to this life through an increase in prayer as a monk, nun, or member of the clergy? To find out more, contact the Vocations Office at 206-329-9219 or email:
Saturday, February 6 –