The holy martyrs Nazarius, Gervase(Gervasius), Protasius(Protase), and Celsus: Nazarius was a fearless Christian who visited Gervase and Protasius in prison in Milan. The governor ordered Nazarius to be whipped and driven from the city. He eventually returned to Milan with his disciple Celsus. Gervase and Protasius were still in prison, and Nero the emperor ordered […]
Category Archives: Daily Devotionals
Oct. 13 The Holy Martyrs Carpus, Papylus, and Agathonica
The Holy Martyrs Carpus, Papylus, and Agathonica: Carpus was the bishop of Thyatira; Papylus, a deacon; Agathonica, sister of the same Papylus. There were many others at Pergamum in Asia, who were crowned with martyrdom for their blessed confession of Christ in the year 250. Troparion Your martyrs, O Lord our God, in their […]
Oct. 12 The Holy Martyrs Probus, Tarachus, and Andronicus; Our Venerable Father Cosmas of the Holy City, Bishop of Maiuma, the Hymnographer
The holy martyrs Probus, Tarachus, and Andronicus were persecuted under the emperor Diocletian, and gave their lives confessing for Christ at Anazarbus in Cilicia in the year 292. Our venerable father Cosmas, bishop of Maiuma, the hymnographer, was born in Jerusalem. He was a friend to St. John Damascene, whose parents took him in as […]
Oct. 11 The Holy Apostle Philip, One of the Seven Deacons; Our Venerable Father Theophane, the Branded and Composer of Canons, Bishop of Nicea
The holy apostle Philip was one of seven deacons chosen by the Apostles. He converted Samaria to the faith of Christ, baptized the eunuch of Candace the queen of the Ethiopians, and passed through cities evangelizing them all until he came to Caesarea, where it is said he rested. Our venerable father Theophane, the artist […]
Oct. 10 The Holy Martyrs Eulampius and Eulampia
The holy martyrs Eulampius and Eulampia were brother and sister. They lived at the beginning of the 4th century in the city of Nicomedia. Eulampius became upset after reading the decree of the emperor Maximian (284-305) sentencing all Christians to execution. Eulampius was horrified that the emperor was taking up arms against his own subjects […]
Oct. 9 The Holy Apostle James Alpheus; Our Venerable Father Andronicus and his wife Athanasia
The holy apostle James Alpheus was one of the Twelve, a witness of the true words and miracles of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, a witness to his passion, resurrection, and ascension. After the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, it fell to James to preach the gospel in Eleutheropolis and the surrounding […]
Oct. 8 Our Venerable Mother Pelagia
Our venerable mother Pelagia the Penitent was converted to Christianity by St. Nonnus, Bishop of Edessa. Before her baptism, Pelagia was head of a dance troupe in Palestinian Antioch, living a life of frivolity and prostitution. One day Pelagia, elegantly dressed, was making her way past a church where St. Nonnus was teaching in the […]
Oct. 7 The Holy Martyrs Sergius and Bacchus
The holy martyrs Sergius and Bacchus were nobles of the court of the emperor Maximian. The emperor valued them for their courage, wisdom, and zeal. When they refused to offer sacrifice to pagan Gods, the emperor turned against them, dressing them in women’s clothing and paraded them through the city of Rome. They were sent […]
Oct. 6 The Holy and Glorious Apostle Thomas
The holy and glorious apostle Thomas was a fisherman in Galilee, who, after hearing the words of the Lord, became his disciple. Thomas did not believe the other disciples when they announced the resurrection of Jesus. When Jesus himself showed his pierced side, Thomas exclaimed, “My Lord and my God.” According to Church Tradition, the […]
Oct. 5 The Holy Martyr Charitina
The holy martyr Charitina was a young girl who was brought before a governor of the emperor Diocletian in the year 304. She boldly testified, “It is true that I am a Christian, and a lie that I delude others. O lead those in error to the way of truth, bringing them to my Christ.” […]