Sunday of the ForeFathers
15 December 2024
Saturday, Dec. 14 – Thrysus and other Martyrs
5:00 PM Santa Paula Outreach Divine Liturgy
Sunday, Dec. 15 – Sunday of the Forefathers
9:30 AM Divine Liturgy
Tuesday, Dec. 17 – Daniel, Great Prophet
6:30 PM Akathist* for those suffering Addictions & Mental Illness in Person and on Zoom (link on website)
Wednesday, Dec. 18 – Sebastian and Other Martyrs
6:30 PM Emmanuel Moleben
7:30 PM Firepit Social
Saturday, Dec. 21 – Saturday before Christmas
5:00 PM Santa Paula Outreach Divine Liturgy
Sunday, Dec. 22 – Sunday before Christmas, Sunday of the Ancestors
8:00 AM Matins
9:30 AM Divine Liturgy: Sunday before Christmas
*Add first names to this prayer service by emailing
St. Mary’s: Sundays 8:45 AM or by appointment
Santa Paula: Saturdays 4:15 PM or by appointment
(Please resubmit or submit names to
The Carlin Family, Michael Hefferon, Shirley Kunze, Michael Mina, Peter Mina, Fr. John Mina, Mila Mina, Lana Zimmerman, Patrick Zimmerman, Shannon O’Neill, Fern Bonowicz, Stephen Petach, Jenny Roman, All the sick and suffering of St. Mary’s
A Christmas tree has been set up in the church to receive gifts for children in need. If you would like to contribute, please bring new, packaged but unwrapped toys for children of any age to place under the tree.
Collection: $2,027.00; Santa Paula: $550.24; Online: $1060.00; Church Improvements: $200.00; Candles: $77.62; Christmas Donations: $125.00; Religious Retirement Fund: $350.00; Flowers: $10.00; Parish Social: $64.02; Eparchy Refund: $190.00
Total: $4,653.88 / Attendance – PSM: 114 SPO: 93
The Three Holy Youths
Today and next Sunday have similar themes. Today, two Sundays before the Nativity, is the Sunday of the Forefathers. Next Sunday, the Sunday before the Nativity, is the Sunday of the Holy Ancestors of Christ. There are subtle differences between these themes, but the Three Holy Youths will be prominent in the hymnography both weeks. Who were the Three Holy Youths? This is an important question, because their story is scriptural, and they feature very prominently every morning at Matins and in services to the Theotokos. You can read the scriptural reference to them in the Old Testament book of Daniel. They were Hebrew children who refused the worship the pagan gods of the Babylonians. Because of this refusal, all three were bound and thrown into a furnace that was so blazing hot that it killed the men who threw them in. When the king looked into the furnace expecting to see corpses, he rather saw four men, all strolling through the flames, and the fourth unexpected man looking “like a son of the gods.” The church has always seen this fourth man as a manifestation and prefiguration of the incarnation (taking on a human body) of Christ. They are also referenced in services to the Theotokos because they encountered fire but were not burned. The Theotokos bore God Himself, and was not destroyed, as were those who came too close to His presence in the Old Testament (think of Uzzah in 2 Samual 6:3, and God’s warning to Moses in Exodus 19:10.)
Commemorating these three youths just before celebrating the Nativity of Our Lord, the revelation of His Incarnation, draws us into greater gratitude that which our forefathers in the Old Testament could only encounter in a vision like that in the fiery furnace, has now truly become one of us and invited us into His Divine Life.
Holy Three Youths Hananiah (Shadrach), Mishael (Meshach), and Azariah (Abednego), intercede before the throne of Christ our God to save our souls!
-Father Michael
Nativity of Our Lord Schedule:
Tuesday, Dec. 24, Christmas Eve | 12:00 PM Royal Hours, 4:00 PM Christmas Vespers, 5:00 PM Christmas Divine Liturgy
Wednesday, Dec. 25 Christmas Day | 10:00 AM Christmas Divine Liturgy Santa Paula Outreach
*Christmas Morning Liturgy with the Romanians to be announced
“Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel people to come in, so that my house may be filled.” Our gracious Lord seeks to bring all people who are willing to his heavenly banquet. His servants are called to reach out to the ends of the earth so that his house may be filled. While this is the calling of all Christians, those called to the priesthood, diaconate, minor orders, monastic and religious life do so in a special way. If this may be your calling, contact the Vocations Office at 206-329-9219 or email: