Feb. 7 Our Venerable Father Parthenius, Bishop of Lampsacus

Our venerable father Parthenius was the son of a deacon from the town of Melitopolis. As a child he remembered well the words of the Gospel and endeavored to fulfill them. He settled near a lake, where he fished. Then he sold the fish and distributed the money to the poor. By God’s providence he was chosen as bishop of Lampsacus. He cleansed the town of paganism, closed the idolatrous temples, built many churches and strengthened believers in the faith. Through prayer he healed every manner of illness and was particularly powerful over evil spirits. On one occasion when he wanted to cast out an evil spirit from an insane man, the evil spirit begged him not to do so. Parthenius said to him: “I will give you another man whom you can enter, and then him you can dwell.” The evil spirit asked him: “Who is this man?” “I am that man,” replied the saint. “Enter and dwell in me.” Upon hearing this, the evil spirit fled as though burned by fire, crying out: “How can I enter into the house of God?” St. Parthenius lived a long time and through his work manifested an abundant love for God and man. Pathenius entered into eternal rest of Christ in the fourth century.


God of our fathers, You always deal with us in Your kindness. Take not Your mercy away from us; but through your prayers guide our life in peace. 


O God-wise Parthenius, you have received the grace of miracles. O God-bearing father, you have dispelled all the passions of the faithful, and you have cast out the evil spirits. Therefore, we praise you, the perfect contemplator of divine truths.

Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com

Feb. 6 Our Venerable Father Bucolus, Bishop of Smyrna; The Holy Martyr Silvanus, Bishop of Emesa, and his Companions

Our venerable father Bucolus was a disciple of St. John the Evangelist, who consecrated him Bishop of Smyrna. In Smyrna there were few that were baptized. In the darkness of paganism, St. Bucolus shone as bright as a candle. He distinguished himself with every virtue, especially meekness and humility. Before his death, Bucolus consecrated the glorious Polycarp as his successor to the episcopacy. He died peacefully in the 2nd century.

The holy martyr Silvanus of Esmesa in Syria, was a bishop, who, when he had led the same Church for forty years, finally, under the emperor Maximinus, was thrown to the wild beasts. Together with Luca the deacon and Mocius the lector he received the palm of martyrdom in 313.


Your life has shown you to your flock as a rule of faith, an image of gentleness, and a teacher of moderation. You acquired greatness through humility and wealth through poverty. O father and bishop Bucolus, intercede with Christ our God to save our souls.


Radiant with the light of the priesthood, you illuminated the people, O pastor. You destroyed the darkness of idolatry, and you dispersed the clouds of passions by your cures. You went before the unsetting Light. Now we ask you to pray for us who honor you, O blessed Bucolus.


Jude 1:1-10

Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James, to those who have been called by God; who have found love in God the Father and have been guarded safely in Jesus Christ. May mercy, peace, and love be yours in ever greater measure. 

I was already fully intent on writing you, beloved, about the salvation we share. But now I feel obliged to write and encourage you to fight hard for the faith delivered once for all to the saints. Certain individuals have recently wormed their way into your midst, godless types, long ago destined for the condemnation I shall describe. They pervert the gracious gift of our God to sexual excess and deny Jesus Christ, our only master and Lord. 

I wish to remind you of certain things, even though you may already be very well aware of them. The Lord first rescued his people from the land of Egypt but later destroyed those who refused to believe. There were angels, too, who did not keep to their own domain, who deserted their dwelling place. These the Lord has kept in perpetual bondage, shrouded in murky darkness against the judgment of the great day. Sodom, Gomorrah, and the towns there abouts indulged in lust, just as those angels did; they practiced unnatural vice. They are set before us to dissuade us, as they undergo a punishment of eternal fire.

Similarly, these visionaries pollute the flesh; they spurn God’s dominion and revile the angelic beings. Even the archangel Michael, when his case with the devil was being judged – a dispute over Moses’ body – did not venture to charge him with blasphemy. He simply said, “May the Lord punish you.” These people, however, not only revile what they have no knowledge of but are corrupted through the very things they know by instinct, like brute animals.


Luke 22: 39-42, 45-71, 23:1

At that time Jesus went out and made his way, as was his custom, to the Mount of Olives; his disciples accompanied him. On reaching the place he said to them, “Pray that you may not be put to the test.” He withdrew from them about a stone’s throw, then went down on his knees and prayed in these words: “Father, if it is your will, take this cup from me; yet not my will but yours be done.”

Then Jesus rose from prayer and came to his disciples, only to find them asleep, exhausted with grief. He said to them, “Why are you sleeping? Wake up, and pray that you may not be subjected to the trial.”

While he was still speaking a crowd came, led by the man named Judas, one of the Twelve. He approached Jesus to embrace him. Jesus said to him, “Judas, would you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?” When the companions of Jesus saw what was going to happen, they said, “Lord, shall we use the sword?” One of them went so far as to strike the high priest’s servant and cut off his right ear. Jesus said in answer to their question, “Enough!” Then he touched the ear and healed the man. But to those who had come out against him – the chief priests, the chiefs of the temple guards, and the ancients – Jesus said, “Am I a criminal that you come after me armed with swords and clubs? When I was with you day after day in the temple you never raised a hand against me. But this is your hour – the triumph of darkness!”

They led Jesus away under arrest and brought him to the house of the high priest, while Peter followed at a distance. Later they lighted a fire in the middle of the courtyard and were sitting beside it, and Peter sat among them. A servant girl saw him sitting in the light of the fire. She gazed at him intently, then said, “This man was with him.” Peter denied the fact, saying, “Woman, I do not know him.” A little while later someone else saw him and said, “You are one of them too.” But Peter said, “No, sir, not I!” About an hour after that another spoke more insistently: “This man was certainly with him, for he is a Galilean.” Peter responded, “My friend,  I do not know what you are talking about.” At the very moment he was saying this, a cock crowed. The Lord turned around and looked at Peter, and Peter remembered the word that the Lord had spoken to him, “Before the cock crows today you will deny me three times.” Peter went out and wept bitterly.

Meanwhile the men guarding Jesus amused themselves at his expense. They blindfolded him first, slapped him, and then taunted him: “Play the prophet; which one struck you?” And they directed many other insulting words at him.

At daybreak, the elders of the people, the chief priests, and the scribes assembled again. Once they had brought him before their council, they said, “Tell us, are you the Messiah?” Jesus replied, “If I tell you, you will not believe me, and if I question you, you will not answer. This much only I will say: ‘From now on, the Son of Man will have his seat at the right hand of the Power of God.’” “So you are the Son of God?” they asked in chorus. He answered, “It is you who say I am.” They said, “What need have we of witnesses? We have heard it from his own mouth.” Then the entire assembly rose up and led him before Pilate.

Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com

Feb. 5 The Holy Martyr Agatha

The holy martyr Agatha, the glorious virgin and martyr for Christ, was born in the Sicilian town of Palermo to noble and wealthy parents. When the emperor Decius began the persecution of Christians, St. Agatha was arrested and brought to trial before the judge Quintian. The judge, seeing Agatha beautiful in countenance, desired to have her for his wife. When he suggested this, Agatha answered that she was the bride of Christ and would not be unfaithful to her Betrothed. Quintian subjected her to cruel tortures. Agatha was mocked, whipped, bound to a tree and flogged until blood flowed. After that, the judge again tried to persuade her to deny Christ and avoid any further torture and suffering. St. Peter appeared to Agatha in prison and restored her to health and wholeness of body. Again Agatha was led out for torture, and again she was cast into prison, where she gave up her soul to God in the year 251 in the town of Catania, during the reign of Emperor Decius.


Your lamb Agatha, O Jesus, cries out in a loud voice: I love you, my Bridegroom; I seek You with painful longing; I am crucified with You; in Your baptism, I am buried with You; I suffer for You that I may reign with You; and I die for You that I may live with You. Receive me as a spotless sacrifice immolated with love for You. By her prayers, O merciful One, save our souls.


May the Church be robed today in a mantle of precious purple made of the blood of the pure martyr Agatha. Let us all cry out to her: Rejoice, Agatha, O pride of Catania!


3 John 1: 1-15

The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I indeed love.

Beloved, I hope you are in good health – may you thrive in all other ways as you do in the spirit. For it has given me great joy to have the brothers bear witness to how truly you walk in the path of truth. Nothing delights me more than to hear that my children are walking this path.

Beloved, you demonstrate fidelity by all that you do for the brothers even though they are strangers; indeed, they have testified your love before the church. And you will do a good thing if, in a way that pleases God, you help them to continue their journey. It was for the sake of the Name that they set out, and they are accepting nothing from the pagans. Therefore, we owe it to such men to support them and thus to have our share in the work of truth. 

I did write to the church; but Diotrephes, who enjoys being their leader, ignores us. Therefore, if I come I will speak publicly of what he is doing in spreading evil nonsense about us. And that is not all. Not only does he refuse to welcome the brothers himself but he even hinders those who wish to do so and expels them from the church! 

Beloved, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Whoever does what is good belongs to God. Demetrius is one who gets a good testimonial from all, even from truth itself. We give our testimonial as well, and you know that our testimony is true. 

There is much more that I had in mind to write, but I do not wish to write it out with pen and ink. Rather, I hope to see you soon, when we can talk face to face. 

Peace be with you. The beloved here send you their greetings; greet the beloved there, each by name. 


Luke 19: 29-40; 22: 7-39

At that time as Jesus approached Bethpage and Bethany on the mount called Olives, he sent two of the disciples with these instructions: “Go into the village straight ahead of you. Upon entering it you will find an ass tied there which no one has yet ridden, Untie it and lead it back. If anyone should ask you, ‘Why are you untying the beast?’ say, ‘The Master has need of it.’”

They departed on their errand and found things just as he had said. As they untied the ass, its owners said to them, “What are you doing that?” They explained that the Master needed it. Then they led the animal to Jesus, and laying their cloak on it, helped him mount. They spread their cloaks on the roadway as he moved along; and on his approach to the descent from Mount Olives, the entire crowd of disciples began to rejoice and praise God loudly for the display of power they had seen, saying: “Blessed is he who comes as king in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples.” Jesus replied, “If they were to keep silence, I tell you the very stones would cry out.”

The day of Unleavened Bread arrived on which it was appointed to sacrifice the paschal lamb. Accordingly, Jesus sent Peter and John off with the instructions, “Go and prepare our Passover supper for us.” They asked him, “Where do you want us to get it ready?” Jesus explained to them: “Just as you enter the city, you will come upon a man carrying a water jar. Follow him into the house he enters, and say to the owner, ‘The Teacher asks you: Do you have a guest room where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?’ That man will show you an upstairs room, spacious and furnished. It is there you are to prepare.” They went off and found everything just as he had said; and accordingly they prepared the Passover supper. 

When the hour arrived, Jesus took his place at the table, and the apostles with him. He said to them: “I have greatly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. I tell you, I will not eat again until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.”

Then taking a cup he offered a blessing in thanks and said: “Take this and divide among you; I tell you, from now on I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the coming of the reign of God.”

Then, taking bread and giving thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying: “This is my body to be given for you. Do this as a remembrance of me.” He did the same with the cup after eating, saying as he did so: “this cup is the new covenant in my blood, which shall be said for you.

“ And yet the hand of my betrayer is with me at this table. The Son of Man is following out his appointed course, but woe to that man by whom he is betrayed.” Then they began to dispute among themselves as to which of them would do such a deed.

A dispute arose among them about who should be regarded as the greatest. Jesus said: “Earthly kings lord it over their people. Those who exercise authority over them are called their benefactors. Yet it cannot be that way with you. Let the greater among you be as the junior, the leader as the servant. Who, in fact, is the greater – he who reclines at table or he who serves the meal? Is it not the one who reclines at table? Yet I’m in your midst as the one who serves you. You are the ones who have stood loyal by me in my Temptations. I for my part assigned to you the dominion my Father has assigned to me. In my kingdom you will eat and drink at my table, and you will sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 

“Simon, Simon! Remember that Satan has asked for you, to sift you all like wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith may never fail. You intern my strength and your brothers.” Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, at your side I am prepared to face imprisonment and death itself.” Jesus replied, “I tell you, Peter, the cock will not crow today until you have three times denied that you know me.”

Jesus asked them, “when I sent you on mission without purse or traveling bag or sandals, were you in need of anything?” “Not a thing,” they replied. He said to them: “Now, however, the man who has a purse must carry it; the same with the traveling bag. And the man without a sword must sell his coat and buy one. It is written in scripture, ‘He was counted among the wicked.’ and this, I tell you, must come to be fulfilled in me. All that has to do with me approaches its climax.” They said, “Lord, here are two swords!” He answered, “Enough.”

Then Jesus went out and made his way, as was his custom, to the Mount of Olives; his disciples accompanied him.

Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com

Feb. 4 Our Venerable Father Isidore of Pelusium

Our venerable father Isidore of Pelusium, in Egypt, priest, who, notable in his teachings, spurning the world and riches, preferred to imitate the life of John the Baptist in the desert, having taken up the monastic state, founded a monastery in Pelusium in the 5th century, and was held in much esteem as a theologian and a guide for souls.


In you, O father, the divine image was strictly preserved; taking up your cross, you followed Christ. You taught us by example how to spurn the flesh, for it passes away, and how to care for the soul, which is immortal. O venerable Isidore, your soul rejoices with the angels. 


O glorious Isidore, the Church has found in you another morning star, for you enlighten her with the clarity of your teaching. And she cries out to you: Rejoice, Isidore most blessed, who spiritual knowledge is so revered.


1 Corinthians 8:8 – 9:2

Brothers and sisters: Now food does not bring us closer to God. We suffer no loss through failing to eat, and we gain no favor by eating. Take care, however, lest in exercising your right you become an occasion of sin to the weak. If someone sees you, with your “knowledge,” reclining at table in the temple of an idol, may not his conscience in its weak state  be influenced to the point that he eats the idol-offering? Because of your “knowledge” the weak one perishes, that brother for whom Christ died. When you sin thus against your brothers and wound their weak consciences, you are sinning against Christ. Therefore, if food causes my brother to sin I will never eat meat again, so that I may not be an occasion of sin to him.

Am I not free? Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen Jesus our Lord? And are you not my work in the Lord? Although I may not be an apostle for others, I certainly am one for you. You are the very seal of my apostolate in the Lord.


Matthew 25: 31-46

The Lord said: “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, escorted by all the angels of heaven, he will sit upon his royal throne, and all the nations will be assembled before him. Then he will separate them into two groups, as a shepherd separates sheep from goats. The sheep he will place on his right hand, the goats on his left. The king will say to those on his right, ‘Come. You have my Father’s blessing! Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me. I was ill and you comforted me, in prison and you came to visit me.’ Then the just will ask him: ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you or see you thirsty and give you drink? When did we welcome you away from home or clothe you in your nakedness? When did we visit you when you were ill or in prison?’ The king will answer them: ‘I assure you, as often as you did it for one of my least brothers, you did it for me.’

“Then he will say to those on his left: ‘Out of my sight, you condemned, into that everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels! I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink. I was away from home and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing. I was ill and in prison and you did not come to comfort me.’ Then they in turn will ask: ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or away from home or naked or ill or in prison and not attend you in your needs?’ He will answer them: ‘I assure you, as often as you neglected to do it to one of these least ones, you neglected to do it to me.’ These will go off to eternal punishment and the just eternal life.”

Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com

Sunday Bulletin 2/04/24


Saturday, Feb. 3  –  All Souls Saturday       

5:00 PM          Santa Paula Outreach Divine Liturgy

Sunday, Feb. 4  –  Meat-fare Sunday         

8:30 AM          Matins

9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy

Tuesday, Feb. 6  –  Bucolus, Bishop        

5:30 PM          Akathist* for those suffering Addictions & Mental Illness

Wednesday, Feb. 7  –  Parthenius, Bishop  

6:30 PM          Evening Prayer

7:30 PM          Firepit Social

Saturday, Feb. 10  –  All Ascetical Fathers & Mothers     

5:00 PM          Santa Paula Outreach Divine Liturgy

Sunday, Feb. 11  –  Cheesefare Sunday     

8:30 AM          Matins

9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy

*Add first names to this prayer service by emailing niemirick@gmail.com


St. Mary’s: Sundays 8:45 AM or by appointment

Santa Paula: Saturdays 4:15 PM or by appointment


(Please resubmit or submit names to admin@ByzantineLA.com)

The Carlin Family, Michael Hefferon, Shirley Kunze, Michael Mina, Peter Mina, Fr. John Mina, Mila Mina, Lana Zimmerman, Patrick Zimmerman, Shannon O’Neill, Fern Bonowicz, Carolina Chirdon, All the sick and suffering of St. Mary’s


Collection: $1,681.00; Santa Paula: $608.00; Online: $155.00; Candles: $45.31; Initial Offering: $5.00; Parish Socials: $21.00; SPO Improvements: $50.00; Church Improvements: $100.00; Holydays: $30.00; All Souls: $160.00; Reimbursement: $27.93

Total: $2,883.24 / Attendance – PSM: 71    SPO: 73  


2023 Parishioner Contribution Statements

All statements were sent to the email address on file with the parish office. Please let Anne Seabright know if you did not receive it or would like a paper copy. You can reach Anne by email at: admin@byzantineLA.com


Preparing for Forgiveness Vespers – February 11

What is the meaning of this rite? Why is it that the Church wants us to begin the Lenten season with forgiveness and reconciliation? These questions are in order because for too many people Lent means primarily, and almost exclusively, a change of diet, the compliance with ecclesiastical regulations concerning fasting. They understand fasting as an end in itself, as a “good deed” required by God and carrying in itself its merit and its reward. But, the church spares no effort in revealing to us that fasting is but a means, one among many, towards a higher goal: the spiritual renewal of man, his return to God, true repentance and, therefore, true reconciliation. The Church spares no effort in warning us against a hypocritical and pharisaic fasting, against the reduction of religion to mere external obligations. As a Lenten hymn says:

In vain do you rejoice in no eating, O soul!

For you abstain from food,

But from passions you are not purified.

If you persevere in sin, you will perform a useless fast.

-Fr. Alexander Schmemann (www.schmemann.org)


“Whatever you did for the least of my brethren, you did it for me.” Our vocation is about being Christ to others and seeing Christ in others with as much faith, hope and love as possible. God may be calling you to this life through an increase in prayer as a monk, nun, or member of the clergy. To find out more, contact the Vocations Office at 206-329-9219 or email: vocations@ephx.org 

Feb. 3 Synaxis of the Holy and Just Simeon, Who received God, and the Prophetess Anna

The synaxis of the holy prophet Simeon and the prophetess Anna, who, the one a righteous and devout old man, and the other a widow and prophetess, were worthy to hail the infant Jesus as the Messiah and Savior, the blessed hope and redemption of Israel, when he had been brought to the temple to be circumcised according to the custom of the law. All we know of them is given in the second chapter of the Gospel according to St. Luke.



The elderly Simeon is filled with happiness today, receiving the eternal God as an infant into his arms. He begs to be released from the bonds of the flesh, for he cries: I have seen Your salvation for the world. 



The Elder departed from the bonds of the flesh of this passing life today. He received Christ the Creator and Lord into his arms.



1 Corinthians 10: 23-29

Brothers and sisters: “All things are lawful,” but not all are advantageous. “All things are lawful” – which does not mean that everything is constructive. No man should seek his own interest but rather that of his neighbor. Eat whatever is sold in the market without raising any Question of conscience. [Scripture says,] “The earth and its fullness are the Lord’s.” If an unbeliever invites you to his table and you want to go, eat whatever is placed before you, without raising Question of conscience. But if someone should say to you, “This was offered in idol worship,” do not eat it, both for the sake of the one who called attention to it and on account of the conscience issue – not your own conscience but your neighbor’s.



Luke 21: 5-8, 25-27, 33-36

The Lord said: “Take care not to be misled. Many will come in my name saying, ‘I am he’ and [they will also say] ‘The time is at hand.’ Do not follow them. Neither must you be perturbed when you hear of wars and insurrections. These things are bound to happen first, but the end does not follow immediately.”

“There will be signs in the sun, the moon and the stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish, distraught at the roaring of the sea and the waves. Men will die of fright in anticipation of what is coming upon the earth. The powers in the heavens will be shaken. After that, men will see the Son of Man coming on a cloud with great power and glory.

“The heavens and the earth will pass away, but my words will not pass. Be on guard lest your spirits become bloated with indulgence and drunkenness and worldly cares. The great day will suddenly close in on you like a trap. The day I speak of will come upon all who dwell on the face of the earth. So be on the watch. Pray constantly for the strength to escape whatever is in prospect, and to stand secure before the Son of Man.” 


Readings for All Souls


1 Thessalonians 4:13-17

Brothers and sisters: We would have you be clear about those who sleep in death; otherwise you might yield to grief, like those who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose, God will bring forth with him from the dead those who have fallen asleep believing in him. We say to you, as if the Lord himself had said it, that we who live, who survive until his coming, will in no way have an advantage over those who have fallen asleep. No, the Lord himself will come down from heaven at the word of command, at the sound of the archangel’s voice and God’s trumpet; and those who have died in Christ will rise first. Then we, the living, the survivors, will be caught up with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Therefore we shall be with the Lord unceasingly.



John 5: 24-30

The Lord said: “I solemnly assure you, the man who hears my word and has faith in him who sent me possesses eternal life. He does not come under condemnation, but has passed from death to life. I solemnly assure you, an hour is coming, has indeed come, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who have heeded it shall live. Indeed, just as the Father possesses life in himself, so has he granted it to the Son to have life in himself. The Father has given over to him power to pass judgment because he is Son of Man; no need for you to be surprised at this, for an hour is coming in which all those in their tombs shall hear his voice and come forth. Those who have done right shall rise to live; the evildoers shall rise to be damned. I cannot do anything myself. I judge as I hear, and my judgment is honest because I am not seeking my own will but the will of him who sent me.”


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com

Feb. 2 Meeting of our Lord with Simeon and Anna

The encounter of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ with Simeon and Anna is one of the most ancient of all feasts established in Jerusalem in the 4th century. St. Sophronius of Jerusalem wrote about this feast: “Let us all hasten to meet (encounter) Christ. Everyone should be eager to join the procession and carry a light. Our lighted candles are a sign of the divine splendor of the One who comes to expel the dark shadows of evil and to make the whole universe radiant with the brilliance of his eternal Light.” The meeting is described in the third Gospel (Luke 2:22-40). Forty days after His birth the Divine Child was brought to the Temple at Jerusalem to be presented to the Lord. According to the Law of Moses (Lev. 12:2-8), a woman who gave birth to a male child was forbidden to enter the Temple for forty days. At the end of the time of her purification, the mother went to the Temple with the child, to offer a young lamb, two turtle doves, or pigeons to the Lord as a sacrifice. At this time the righteous Elder Simeon was living in Jerusalem. It had been revealed to him that he would not die until he beheld the promised Messiah. By divine inspiration, Simeon went to the Temple at the very moment when the Most Holy Theotokos and St. Joseph had brought the Child Jesus to fulfill the Law. At the Temple was an 84-year-old widow, Anna the Prophetess arrived just when Simeon met the Divine Child. She also gave thanks to the Lord and spoke of Him to all those who were looking for redemption of Jerusalem” (Luke 2:38). 



 Rejoice, Theotokos, Virgin full of grace; for from you has shown forth the Sun of Justice, Christ our God enlightening those who are in darkness. Rejoice also, you just elder; you received in your arms the liberator of our souls, who grants us resurrection.



Christ our God, through Your birth You sanctified the virgin’s womb and blessed the hands of Simeon as was proper. Now You have come and saved us. Give peace to nations at war and strengthen our government. You, alone, love mankind. 



Hebrews 7: 7-17

Brothers and sisters: it is indisputable that a lesser person is blessed by a greater. And whereas men subject to death receive tithes, scripture testifies that this man lives on. Levi, who receives tithes, was, so to speak, tithed in the person of his father, so he was still in his fathers loins when Melchizedek met Abraham.

If, then, perfection had been achieved through the levitical priesthood (on the basis of which the people received the law), what need would there have been to appoint a priest according to the order of Melchizedek, instead of choosing a priest according to the order of Aaron? When there is a change of priesthood, there is necessarily a change of law. Now he of whom these things are said was of a different tribe, none of whose members ever officiated at the altar. It is clear that our Lord rose from the tribe of Judah, regarding which Moses said nothing about priests. The matter is clearer still if another priest is appointed according to the likeness of Melchizedek: one who has become a priest, not in virtue of a law expressed in a commandment concerning physical descent, but in virtue of the power of a life which cannot be destroyed. Scripture testifies: “You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.”



Luke 2: 22-40

When the day came to purify the child and mother according to the law of Moses, Joseph and Mary brought Jesus up to Jerusalem so that he could be presented to the Lord, forward is written in the law of the Lord, “Every first-born male shall be consecrated to the Lord.” They came to offer and sacrifice “a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons,” in accord with the dictate in the law of the Lord.

There lived in Jerusalem at the time a certain man named Simeon. He was just and pious, and awaited the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. It was revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not experience death until he had seen the anointed of the Lord. He came to the temple now, inspired by the Spirit; and when the parents brought in the child’s Jesus to perform for him the customary ritual of the law, Simeon took the child in his arms and blessed God in these words: “Now, Master, you can dismiss your servant in peace; you have fulfilled your word. For my eyes have witnessed your saving deed displayed for all the peoples to see: A revealing light to the Gentiles, the glory of your people Israel.”

The child’s father and mother were marveling at what was being said about him. Simeon blessed him and said to Mary his mother: “This child is destined to be the downfall on the rise of many in Israel, a sign that will be opposed — and you yourself shall be pierced with a sword — so that the thoughts of many hearts may be laid bare.”

There was also a certain prophetess, Anna by name, daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Asher. She had seen many days, having lived seven years with her husband after her marriage and then as a widow until she was 84. She was constantly in the temple, worshiping day and night in fasting and prayer. Coming on the scene at this moment, she gave thanks to God and talked about the child to all who looked forward to the deliverance of Jerusalem.

When the pair had fulfilled all the prescriptions of the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee and their own town of Nazareth the child grew in size and strength, filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him.


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com


Feb. 1 The Holy Martyr Tryphon

The holy martyr Tryphon was born in Phrygia, one of the districts of Asia Minor. From his early years, the Lord granted him the power to cast out demons and to heal various maladies. He once saved the inhabitants of his native city of Lampsacus from starvation. He was condemned to death by beheading with a sword. The holy martyr prayed before his execution, thanking God for strengthening him in his sufferings. Just as the soldiers raised the sword over the head of the holy martyr, he surrendered his soul to the hands of the Lord. This occurred in the city of Nicea in the year 250.



Your martyr Tryphon, O Lord our God, in his struggle received an incorruptible crown from You. With Your strength, he brought down the tyrants and broke the cowardly valor of demons. Through his prayers, O Christ our God, save our souls. 



You are worthy of all praise, O Tryphon, for through the power of the Holy Trinity, you wiped out the might of pagan gods and increased in honor before God. Unconquered, you vanquished your persecutors through the power of Christ the Savior, deserving the crown of martyrdom and God-given grace of healing the sick.



1 John 4:20- 5:21

Dearly beloved: If anyone says, ‘My love is fixed on God,” yet hates his brother, he is a liar. One who has no love for the brother he has seen cannot love the God he has not seen. The commandment we have from him is this: whoever loves God must also love his brother. 

Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been begotten of God. Now, everyone who loves the father loves the child he has begotten. We can be sure that we love God’s children when we love God and do what he commanded. The love  of God consists in this: that we keep his commandments – and his commandments are not burdensome.

Everyone begotten of God conquers the world, and the power that has conquered the world is this faith of ours. Who, then, is conqueror of the world? The one who believes that Jesus is Son of God. Jesus Christ it is who came through water and blood – not in water only, but in water and in blood. It is the Spirit who testifies to this, and the Spirit is truth. Thus there are three that testify, the Spirit and the water and the blood – and these three are of one accord. DO we not accept human testimony? The testimony of God is much greater: it is the testimony God has given on his own Son’s behalf. The testimony is this: God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever possesses the Son possesses life; whoever does not possess the Son of God does not possess life. 

I have written this to you to make you realize that you possess eternal life – you who believe in the name of the Son of God. 

We have this confidence in God: that he hears us whenever we ask for anything according to his will. And since we know that he hears us whenever we ask, we know that what we asked him for is ours. 

Anyone who sees his brother sinning, if the sin is not deadly, should petition God, and thus life will be given to the sinner. This is only for those whose sin is not deadly. There is such a thing as deadly sin; I do not say that one should pray about that. True, all wrongdoing is sin, but not all sin is deadly.

We know that no one begotten of God commits sin, rather, God protects the one begotten by him, and so the evil one cannot touch him. We know that we belong to God, while the whole world is under the evil one. We know, too, that the Son of God has come and has given us discernment to recognize the One who is true. And we are in the One who is true, for we are in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. My little children, be on your guard against idols. 



Mark 15: 1-15

At that time as soon as it was daybreak the chief priests, with the elders and scribes (that is, the whole Sanhedrin), reached a decision. They bound Jesus, led him away, and handed him over to Pilate. Pilate interrogated him: “Are you the king of the Jews?” Jesus replied, “You are the one who is saying it.” The chief priests, meanwhile, brought many accusations against Jesus. Pilate interrogated him again: “Surely you have some answers? See how many accusations they are leveling against you.” But greatly to Pilate’s surprise, Jesus made no further response. 

Now on the occasion of a festival Pilate would release for them one prisoner – any man they asked for. There was a prisoner named Barabbas jailed along with the rebels who had committed murder in the uprising. When the crowd came up to press their demand that he would honor the custom, Pilate rejoined, “Do you want me to release the king of the Jews for you?” He was aware, of course, that it was out of jealousy that the priests had handed Jesus over. Meanwhile, the chief priests incited the crowd to have Pilate release Barabbas instead. Pilate again asked them, “What am I to do with the man you call the king of the Jews?” They shouted back, “Crucify him!” Pilate protested, “Why? What crime has he committed?” They only shouted the louder, “Crucify him!” So Pilate ,who wished to satisfy the crowd, released Barabbas to them; and after he had had Jesus scourged, he handed him over to be crucified.


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com

Jan. 31 The Holy Wonderworkers and Unmercenaries Cyrus and John

St. Cyrus was a noted physician in the city of Alexandria, where he had been born and raised. He was a Christian and he treated the sick without charge. Preaching the gospel, the holy physician converted many pagans to Christ. During the persecution of Diocletian (284-305), St. Cyrus withdrew into Arabia, where he became a monk. He continued to heal people by his prayer, having received from God the gift to heal every sickness.

In the city of Edessa at this time lived the soldier John, a pious Christian. When the persecution started, he went to Jerusalem and there he heard about St. Cyrus. He began to search for him, going first to Alexandria and then to Arabia. When St. John finally found St. Cyrus, he remained with him and became his faithful follower. After helping the Christian woman Athanasia and her three young daughters, Theoctiste, Theodota, and Eudoxia, they were flogged and then beheaded, receiving their crowns of martyrdom.


The grace of the trinity settled in your pure hearts, most blessed Cyrus and John. You have become marvelous exorcists of impure spirits. You were doctors over hidden and visible illnesses. Now that you stand before God, heal our spiritual diseases by your unceasing prayers.


Receiving the gift of miracles from divine grace, you work all sorts of wonders, O holy ones. By your invisible labors you uproot all our passions, for you our heavenly doctors, O God-wise Cyrus! O glorious John!


1 John 3:21-4:6

Dearly beloved, if our consciences have nothing to charge us with, we can be sure that God is with us and that we will receive at his hands whatever we ask. Why? Because we are keeping his commandments and doing what is pleasing in his Sight. His commandment is this: we are to believe in the name of the Son, Jesus Christ, and are to love one another as he commanded us. Those who keep his commandments remain in him and he in them. And this is how we know that he remains in us: from the Spirit that he gave us.

Beloved, do not trust every spirit, but put the spirits to a test to see if they belong to God, because many false prophets have appeared in the world. This is how you can recognize God’s Spirit: every spirit that acknowledges Jesus Christ come in the flesh belongs to God, while every spirit that fails to acknowledge him does not belong to God. Such is the spirit of the antichrist which, as you have heard, is to come; in fact, it is in the world already.

You are of God, you little ones, and thus you have conquered the false prophets. For there is One greater in you than there is in the world. Those others belong to the world; that is why theirs is the language of the world and why the world listens to them. We belong to God and anyone who has knowledge of God gives us a hearing, while anyone who is not of God refuses to hear us. Thus do we distinguish the spirit of truth from the spirit of deception.   


Mark 14:43- 15:1

At that time while Jesus was still speaking, Judas, one of the Twelve, made his appearance accompanied by a crowd with swords and clubs; these people had been sent by the chief priests, the scribes, and the elders. The betrayer had arranged a signal for them, saying, “The man I shall embrace is the one; arrest him and lead him away, taking every precaution.” Judith then went directly over to Jesus and said, “Rabbi!” and embraced him. At this, they laid hands on Jesus and arrested him. One of the bystanders drew his sword and struck the high priest’s slave, cutting off his ear. Addressing himself to them, Jesus said: “You have come out to arrest me armed with swords and clubs as if against a brigand. I was within your reach daily, teaching in the temple precincts, yet you never arrested me. But now, so that the Scriptures may be fulfilled…” with that, all deserted Jesus and fled. There was a young man following Jesus who was covered by nothing but a linen cloth. As they seized him he left the cloth behind and ran off naked. 

Then they led Jesus off to the high priest, and all the chief priests, the elders and the scribes came together. Peter followed him at a distance right into the high priest’s courtyard, where he found seat with the temple guard and began to warm himself at the fire. The chief priests with the whole Sanhedrin were busy soliciting testimony against Jesus that would lead to his death, but they could not find any. Many spoke against him falsely under oath but their testimony did not agree. Some, for instance, on taking the stand, testified falsely by alleging, “We heard him declare, ‘I will destroy this temple made by human hands’, and ‘In three days I will construct another not made by humans hands.’” Even so, their testimony did not agree…

The high priest rose to his feet before the court and began to interrogate Jesus: “Have you no answer to what these men testify against you?” But Jesus remained silent; he made no reply. Once again the high priest interrogated him: “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?” Then Jesus answered: “I am; and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power and coming with the clouds of heaven.” At that the high priest tore his robes and said: “What further need do we have of witnesses? You have heard the blasphemy. What is your verdict?” They all concurred in the verdict “guilty“, with a sentence of death. Some of them began to spit on Jesus. They blindfolded him and hit him, saying, “Play the Prophet!“ While the officers manhandled him.

While Peter was down in the courtyard, one of the servant girls of the high priest came along. When she noticed Peter warming himself, she looked at him more closely and said, “You too were with Jesus of Nazareth.“ But he denied it: “I do not know what you are talking about! What are you getting at?” Then he went out into the gateway. [At that moment a cock crowed.] The servant girl, keeping an eye on him, started again to tell the bystanders, “This man is one of them.” Once again he denied it. A little later the bystanders said to Peter once more, “You are certainly one of them! You are a Galilean, are you not?” He began to curse, and to swear, “I do not even know the man you are talking about!” Just then a second cockcrow was heard and Peter recalled the prediction Jesus had made to him, “Before the cock crows twice you will deny me three times.” Peter broke down and began to cry.

As soon as it was daybreak the chief priest, with the elders and scribes (that is, the whole Sanhedrin), reached a decision. They bound Jesus, led him away, and handed him over to Pilate.

Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com

Jan. 30 The Three Holy Hierarchs and Great Archbishops: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom; The Holy Priest-Martyr Hippolytus of Rome

The three Holy Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom: All three of these saints have their own feast days. This celebration began in 1100 in the days of the Emperor Alexis Comnenus. A great quarrel arose in Constantinople as to which of these three was the greatest theologian. They appeared in a dream to Patriarch John and told him that they were equal before God, and each had his special gifts and talents. John chose Jan. 30 to commemorate all three of them together, and composed the office.


O teachers of the universe, equal to the apostles, pray to the Lord of all to grant peace to the world and abundant mercy to our souls. 


O Lord, You have received your priestly and inspired preachers, the crown of your teachers, into the enjoyment of your goodness and repose. You accepted their labors and death above any other sacrifice, for only You can glorify your saints. 


Hebrews 13: 7-16

Brothers and sisters: Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you; consider how their lives ended, and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teaching. It is good to have our hearts strengthened by the grace of God and not by foods which are useless to those who take them as a standard for living. We have an altar from which those who serve the tabernacle have no right to eat. The bodies of the animals whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priests as a sin offering are burned outside the camp. Therefore Jesus died outside the gate, to sanctify the people by his own blood. Let us go to him outside the camp, bearing insult which he bore. For here we have no lasting city; we are seeking one which is to come. Through him let us continually offer God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips which acknowledge his name. Do not neglect good deeds and generosity; God is pleased by sacrifices of that kind. 


Mathew 5: 14-19

The Lord said to his disciples: “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Men do not light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket. They set it on a stand where it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, your light must shine before men so that they may see goodness in your acts and give praise to your heavenly Father.

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets. I have come, not to abolish them, but to fulfill them. This much I assure you: until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter of the law, not the smallest part of a letter, shall be done away with until it all comes true. That is why whoever breaks the least significant of these commands and teaches others to do so shall be called least in the kingdom of God. Whoever fulfills and teaches these commands shall be great in the kingdom of God.“

Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com