Our venerable and divinely inspired father, Anthony the Great, was Egyptian by birth, who went into the desert during the reign of Constantine the Great, in the year 312. Living to the age of 105, he died in 356. He was a friend of St. Paul the Hermit and was one of the founders of […]
Author Archives: maryadmin
Jan. 16 The Veneration of the Precious Chains of the Holy and All-Praiseworthy Apostle Peter
Veneration of the Chains of the Holy Apostle Peter: In about the year 42 the apostle Peter was thrown into prison for preaching about Christ the Savior. In prison he was bound by two iron chains. The night before his trial, an angel of the Lord came to Peter, removed his chains, and let him […]
We are still in the season of Light! (until pre-Lent)
We are still in the season of Light! (until pre-Lent) (From byzimom.com🙂 O Joyful Light of the Holy Glory of the Father immortal, the heavenly, holy, Blessed One; O Jesus Christ. Now that we have reached the setting of the sun and see the evening light, we sing to God, +Father, Son and Holy Spirit. […]
Akathist to be Prayed During Wildfires
Akathist Hymn to the Burning Bush of the Most Holy Theotokos (by Daniil Sandu Tudor) Kontakion 1 Who is This, as white and pure as dawn? It is the Empress of prayer, it is prayer incarnate. Porphyrogenite Mistress and Lady of the morning, Betrothed of the Comforter, Renewal of Life, we run to Thee, parched and consumed […]
 Jan. 15 Our Venerable Fathers Paul of Thebes and John the Hut-Dweller
Our venerable father Paul of Thebes was a disciple of St. Anthony the Great. He is one of the earliest of the “desert fathers” and lived as a hermit in Theibaid in Egypt during the middle of the fourth century. Our venerable father John the hut-dweller lived in Constantinople during the fifth century. He left […]
Jan. 14 Our Venerable Fathers of Sinai and Raitho, killed by Arabs
There were two occasions when the monks and hermits of Sinai and Raitho were murdered by the barbarians. The first took place in 312 when forty Fathers were killed at Mt. Sinai, and thirty-nine were slain at Raitho the same day. The second massacre occurred nearly a hundred years later. Troparion God of our […]
Jan. 13 The Holy Martyrs Hermolaus and Stratonicus
The Emperor Licinius raised a great persecution of Christians. The holy martyr Hermolaus, a Christian and a deacon in the Church, was arrested and brought to trial. When Hermolaus was informed that he was being led away to be tortured, he greatly rejoiced. In vain did the emperor threaten him. Hermolaus openly confessed his faith […]
Jan. 12 The Holy Martyr Tatiana
The holy martyr Tatiana was a Roman whose parents were from the nobility. She was a Christian and a deaconess in the church. After the death of Emperor Heliogabalus, there reigned the Emperor Alexander, whose mother, Mammaea, was a Christian. Alexander himself was wavering and indecisive in his faith, for he kept statues of Christ, […]
Jan. 11 Our Venerable Father Theodosius, Founder of the Common Life
Our venerable father Theodosius, founder of the Common Life, lived during the fifth and sixth centuries, and was the founder of cenobitic monasticism. He was born in Cappadocia to pious parents. Endowed with a splendid voice, he zealously toiled at church readings and singing. Yearning for a solitary life, St. Theodosius settled in Palestine into […]
Jan. 10 Our Holy Father Gregory of Nyssa; The Venerable Dometian, Bishop of Melitene; Our Venerable Father Marcian
Our holy father Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, brother of St. Basil the Great, one of the great theologians of the Byzantine Church (c. 395) The venerable Dometian, Bishop of Melitene, who lived under Emperors Justinian the Lesser and Maurice. He was known for his remarkable intelligence, prudence, and spiritual zeal, and for his love of the […]