Sunday Bulletin 08/16/20

WEEKLY LITURGICAL SCHEDULE Sunday, August 16 – 11th Sunday after Pentecost  8:30 AM          Matins 9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy  Sunday, August 23 – 12th Sunday after Pentecost       8:30 AM          Matins 9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy  PRAYER REQUESTS Please remember the following people in your prayers: Estella Biedenbender,  Ken Bosak, Julie Carlin, Fletes Family: Alicia, […]

Sunday Bulletin 08/09/20

WEEKLY LITURGICAL SCHEDULE Sunday, August 8 – 10th Sunday after Pentecost        8:30 AM          Matins 9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy:  Friday, August 14       7:30pm            Vespers for the Dormition Saturday, August 15  – Dormition of the Theotokos   7:30am                        Matins for the Dormition 8:30am            Divine Liturgy for +Joseph Parrot, from Jerome Parrot 7:30 PM          Vespers […]