After the death of St. Cyril in Rome, our holy father Methodius returned to Moravian and labored there among the Slavs, preaching the Gospel and establishing the Christian faith there. Troparion Send your mercy from heaven, O Christ, to those who keep the feast of your pastor’s death. Through the intercession of your holy disciple […]
Tag Archives: byzantine
Apr. 2 Our Venerable Father Titus the Wonder-worker
From his youth, our venerable father Titus loved Christ the Lord and detested the vanities of the world. Because of this, he retreated from the world, entered a monastery and received the angelic habit. Without regret, he dedicated himself to the somber and narrow path of monasticism. Through great patience, he attained two basic virtues: […]
Mar. 31 Our Venerable Father Hypatius, Bishop of Gangra
Our venerable father Hypatius was born in Cilicia and was the bishop of Gangra. He was present at the First Ecumenical Council (Nicea, 325) and was renowned by all for his pious life and miracle-working. The Emperor Constantius ordered that a likeness of Hypatius be made during the saint’s lifetime. The emperor kept the likeness […]
Mar. 30 Our Venerable Father John Climacus, Author of “The Ladder”
Our venerable father John Climacus is the author of The Ladder of Divine Ascent. John came to Mount Sinai as a sixteen year old youth and remained there, first as a novice, later as a recluse, and finally as abbott of Sinai until his eightieth year, when he reposed, in about the year 649. After […]
Mar. 29 Our Venerable Father Mark, Bishop of Arethusa; the Deacon Cyril and his Companions
Our venerable hieromartyr Mark, Bishop of Arethusa, suffered for his faith in Christ under the emperor Julian the Apostate (361-363). By order of the emperor Constantine, St. Mark had once destroyed a pagan temple and built a Christian church. When Julian came to the throne, he persecuted Christians and tried to restore paganism. Some citizens […]
Mar. 28 Our Venerable Father Hilary the Younger; The Holy Stephen the Wonder-worker
Our venerable father Hilarion (Hilary) the New, Heguman of Pelekete Monastery, who from his youth devoted himself to the service of God and spent many years as a hermit. Because of his holy and blameless life he was ordained to the holy priesthood, and later he was made igumen of the Pelekete monastery, near the […]
Mar. 27 Our Holy Mother Matrona of Thessalonica
An orphan, our holy mother Matrona was a servant in the home of a Jewish man in Thessalonica in the mid-fourth century. The wife of her master continually mocked Matrona for her faith in Christ. She tried to persuade Matrona to deny Christ and attend the synagogue. But the meek Matrona went about her work […]
Mar. 26 Synaxis of the Holy Archangel Gabriel
The holy archangel Gabriel is the herald of the Incarnation of the Son of God. He is one of the seven archangels who stand before the throne of God. He appeared to Zacharias to announce the birth of the Forerunner. Gabriel said of himself: I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God (Luke […]
Mar. 25 The Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
The Annunciation of the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary: When, in the city of Nazareth, the angel of the Lord announced to Mary, “Behold, you will conceive and bear a son, and he will be called Son of the Most High.” Mary said, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to […]
Mar. 7 The Holy Martyrs and Bishops of Cherson
The Heiromartyrs Basil, Ephraim, Elpidius, Agathodorus, Aetherius, and Caption carried the Gospel of Christ into the North Black Sea region from the Danube to the Dniper, including Crimea. They were bishops of Cherson at different times during the fourth century, and they sealed their apostolic activity with martyrdom. Only Aetherius died in peace. Long before […]