The holy great martyr Theodore, a Roman commander in the army of emperor Licincius and the governor of the town of Heraclea, scorned his youth, his handsome appearance, his military rank, and the good grace of the emperor; he was martyred in the year 318. His miracle-working relics were translated from Euchaita to Constantinople and […]
Tag Archives: prophet
Jan. 7 Synaxis of the Holy, Glorious Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist John
Synaxis of the Holy, Glorious Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist John: A “synaxis” feast follows one of the great feasts, and highlights a major personage of yesterday’s celebration. We remember today the work of the Forerunner, John, who baptized Christ. Troparion The memory of the righteous is celebrated with praise, but for you, O Forerunner, the […]
Jan. 5 The Holy Martyrs Theopemptus and Theona; Our Venerable Mother Syncletica of Alexandria in Egypt; The Holy Prophet Micah
The Holy Martyrs Theopemptus and Theona, of Nicomedia in Bithynia, who met martyrdom in the persecution of the Emperor Diocletian (c. 350) Our Venerable Mother Syncletica of Alexandria in Egypt, virgin, who is to have led a solitary life that influenced many women of her day. (4th century) The Holy Prophet Micah, who in the […]
Jan. 3 The Holy Prophet Malachi; The Holy Martyr Gordius
The Holy Prophet Malachi, who after the return from the Babylonian Captivity announced the great day of the Lord and his coming to his temple, and that always and everywhere a pure offering should be made to his name. The Holy Martyr Gordius, praised in the writings of St. Basil the Great, was a centurion […]
Dec. 16 The Holy Prophet Haggai
The holy prophet Haggai was the 10th of the 12 minor prophets. He was of the Tribe of Levi and he prophesied during the times of the Persian emperor Darius Hystaspis (prior to 500 B.C.). Upon the return of the Jews from the Babylonian Captivity, he persuaded the people to build the Second Temple at […]
Dec. 3 The Holy Prophet Zephaniah
The holy prophet Zephaniah announced the destruction of the ungodly on the day of the wrath of the Lord and strengthened the host of poor and needy people in the hope of salvation. He was a native of Mount Sarabatha, from the tribe of Simeon. He lived and prophesied in the 7th century before Christ, […]
Dec. 2 The Holy Prophet Habakkuk
The holy prophet Habakkuk was the son of Asaphat from the tribe of Simeon. He prophesied six hundred years before Christ, during the time of King Manasseh, and foretold the destruction of Jerusalem. When Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, attacked Jerusalem, Habakkuk sought refuge in the land of the Ishmaelites. Habakkuk also prophesied the liberation of […]
Dec. 1 The Holy Prophet Nahum
The Holy Prophet Nahum was born of the tribe of Simeon in a place called Elkosh on the far side of the Jordan. He lived about seven hundred years before Christ and prophesied the destruction of Nineveh about two hundred years after the prophet Jonah. Because of Jonah”s preaching, the Ninevites had repented, and God […]
Nov. 19 The Holy Prophet Obadiah; The Holy Martyr Barlaam
The holy Prophet Obadiah is the fourth of the Twelve Minor Prophets, and he lived during the 9th century B.C. He gave food and shelter to all the prophets of the Lord who were being hunted because of the queen’s quarrel with the Prophet Elias. He was part of the 3 detachments of soldiers sent […]
Oct. 19 The Holy Prophet Joel; The Holy Martyr Varus
The holy prophet Joel announced the great day of the Lord and the mysterious pouring out of the Spirit on all flesh, which the divine majesty in Christ deemed fit to fulfill marvelously on the day of Pentecost. The holy martyr Varus was a soldier, who, under Maximianus the emperor, visited and refreshed six holy […]