Feb. 23 The Holy Priest Martyr Polycarp Bishop of Smyrna 

The holy priest-martyr Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, who was “fruitful in every good work” (Col. 1:10), was born in the first century, and lived in Smyrna in Asia Minor. He was orphaned at an early age, but at the direction of an angel, he was raised by the pious widow Kallista. After the death of […]

Feb. 22 The finding of the Venerable Relics of the Martyrs of Eugenius

During the persecution against Christians the relics of holy martyrs were usually buried by believers in hidden places. So at Constantinople, near the gates and tower in the Eugenius quarter, the bodies of several martyrs were found. Their names remain unknown by the Church. When miracles of healing began to occur at this spot, the […]

Feb. 21 Our Venerable Father Timothy of Symbola; Our Father among the Saints Eustathius, Archbishop of Great Antioch

Our venerable father Timothy of Symbola was of Italian descent. He became a monk at a young age and pursued asceticism at a monastery called “Symbola”, in Asia Minor near Mount Olympus. At that time Theoctistus was the archimandrite of the monastery. St. Timothy was a disciple of Theoctistus and also of St. Platon of […]

Feb. 20 Our Venerable Father Leo, Bishop of Catania

In the town of Catania below the volcanic Mount Ezra, lived our venerable father Leo, a good shepherd and compassionate teacher of the people. He had great concern for the sick and the poor. His zeal for the Faith was as great as his charity toward the less fortunate. A magician named Heliodorus appeared in […]

Sunday Bulletin 2/19/23

WEEKLY SCHEDULE Saturday, Feb. 18  –  All Holy and Ascetical Fathers and Mothers        5:00 PM          Santa Paula Outreach Divine Liturgy 6:30 PM          Reader Vespers Sunday, Feb. 19  – Cheesefare Sunday         8:30 AM          Matins 9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy 12:00 PM        Forgiveness Vespers Monday, Feb. 20  –  Leo, Bishop (First day […]

Feb. 18 Our Father among the Saints Leo, Pope of Rome

Our holy father Leo, Pope of Rome who was born in Etruria [Tuscany], first stood out as a diligent deacon of Rome. He was then elevated to the chair of Peter, where rightly and by his  merit he deserved to be called “the Great.” He nourished his flock by his excellent and prudent discourse. He […]

Feb. 17 The Holy Great Martyr Theodore the Recruit

The holy Great martyr Theodore the Recruit (Tyro) was a soldier in the city of Alasium of the Pontine district (a northeastern province of Asia Minor along the Black Sea), under command of a certain Brincus. They commanded him to offer sacrifice to idols. St. Theodore firmly confessed his faith in Christ the Savior in […]

Feb. 16 The Holy Martyrs the Presbyter Pamphilius, Porphyrius, and their Companions

The holy martyrs: the presbyter Pamphilius, Porphyry, and their companions, who received the crowns of martyrdom: Pamphilus the priest; Valentine, a deacon of Jerusalem; Paul, born in the city of Jamnia, who passed two years in prison; Porphyry, a servant of Pamphilus; Seleucus the Cappadocian, who was of high military rank; Theodulus, an old man […]

Feb. 15 The Holy Apostle Onesimus

The holy apostle Onesimus was one of the Seventy Apostles. He was a slave but transgressed against his master and fled to Rome. There he heard the Gospel from Apostle Paul and was baptized. Later, Onesimus was consecrated a bishop by the apostles themselves, and he accepted the episcopal throne at Ephesus at the death […]