May 26 The Holy Apostle Carpus

The holy apostle Carpus was one of the Seventy Apostles. He was a follower and companion of the Apostle Paul, by whom he was appointed Bishop of Varna in Thrace. He also preached the Gospel on Crete, where he received St. Dionysius the Areopagite in his home. St. Dionysius testifies that Carpus was a man […]

May 17 The Holy Apostle Andronicus and his Companions

The holy apostle Andronicus was one of the Seventy apostles. He and his companion Junias were kinsmen of St. Paul, as he mentions in Romans 16:17. St. Andronicus was Bishop of Pannonia but still he traveled preaching the gospel with Junias, bringing the word of God to pagans. Many pagans temples were closed and Christian […]

May 8 The Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

The holy apostle and evangelist John the Theologian, who, a son of Zebedee, with his brother James and Peter was a witness to the transfiguration and also the passion of the Lord. At the cross, he took Mary as his mother at the command of the dying Lord. In the Gospel and in his other […]

April 30 The Holy Apostle James, Brother of John the Theologian

The holy apostle James, son of Zebedee, was the brother of St. John the Theologian, and one of the Twelve Apostles. He and his brother, St. John, were called to be Apostles by our Lord Jesus Christ, Who called them the “Sons of Thunder” (Mark 3:17). It was this James, with John and Peter, who […]

April 28 The Holy Apostles Jason and Sosipater; The Holy Martyrs Dadas, Maximum and Quintillian

The holy apostles Jason and Sosipater were disciples of St. Paul during the reign of the emperor Nero. They are mentioned in Romans 16:21 by Paul, who calls them his kinsmen. Jason was the first bishop of Tarsus, and Sosipater the first bishop of Iconium.  The holy martyrs Dadas, Maximus, and Quintillian were, at Dorostrorus […]

April 25 The Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark

The Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark, also known as John Mark (Acts 12:12), was one of the Seventy Apostles, and also the nephew of St. Barnabas. He was born in Jerusalem. The house of his mother Mary adjoined the Garden of Gethsemane. After the Ascension of the Lord, the mouse of his mother Mary became […]

April 15 The Holy Martyrs Aristarchus, Pudens, and Trophimus

The holy apostles Aristarchus, Pudens, and Trophimus were members of the Seventy. Aristarchus was bishop of Apamea in Syria, and mentioned by Paul several times in his epistles (Acts 19:29l Col. 4:10; Philemon v.24). Paul calls him “my fellow-prisoner” and “my fellow-laborer.” Pudens was an important Roman citizen. Paul mentions him once (II Tim 4:21). […]

April 8 The Holy Apostles Herodion, Agabus, Rufus, and Companions

The holy apostles Herodion, Agabus, Rufus, Asyncritus, Phlegon, and Hermas were among the Seventy Apostles. St. Paul mentions them in his epistles. Herodion was a kinsman of Paul. He  helped the Apostle Peter in Rome, and was beheaded along with many other Christians the day that St. Peter was crucified. Agabus had a spirit of […]

Feb. 15 The Holy Apostle Onesimus

The holy apostle Onesimus was one of the Seventy Apostles. He was a slave but transgressed against his master and fled to Rome. There he heard the Gospel from Apostle Paul and was baptized. Later, Onesimus was consecrated a bishop by the apostles themselves, and he accepted the episcopal throne at Ephesus at the death […]

Feb. 14 Our Venerable Father Auxentius; The Passing of Our Venerable Father Constantine, called Cyril, the Apostle to the Slavs

Our venerable father Auxentius on Mount Skopa in Bithynia, priest and archimandrite, who argued the Chalcedonian faith with a strong voice in a prominent place as if established in a place of authority. The passing of our venerable father Constantine, whose monastic name was Cyril, the Apostle of the Slavs: This man from Thessalonica, along […]