Dec. 24 The Holy Great Martyr Eugenia

The holy great martyr Eugenia’s father was Eparch of All Egypt. Eugenia ministered to the Christians who had been forced to flee the city of Alexandria due to persecution, and was then baptized. She assumed men’s clothing and lived in a monastery. She was betrayed to the Eparch, who then found his daughter (who he thought was dead). He was converted to the Faith. They moved back to Rome, where she was beheaded on December 25, 262. 


Troparion – Eugenia

In you, O mother, the divine image was strictly preserved; taking up your cross, you followed Christ. You taught us by example how to spurn the flesh, for it passes away, and how to care for the soul, which is immortal. Therefore, O venerable Eugenia, your soul rejoices with the angels.


Kontakion – Prefestive

Today the Virgin is coming to the cave to give birth to the eternal Word in a manner beyond expression. Let the world dance when it hears the news; with the angels and shepherds glorify the eternal God who chose to appear as a newborn child.


Kontakion – Eugenia

You left the passing glory of the world to follow Christ, and you kept immaculate the brilliance of your soul, O God-wise martyr, all-praised Eugenia.


Readings for the Day


Galatians 3: 8-12

Brothers and sisters: Because Scripture saw in advance that God’s way of justifying the Gentiles would be through faith, it foretold this good news ro Abraham: “All nations shall be blessed in you.” Thus it is that all who believe are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith.

All  who depend on observance of the law, on the other hand, are under a curse. It is written, “Cursed is he who does not abide by everything written in the book of the law and carry it out.” It should be obvious that no one is justified in God’s sight by the law, for “the just man shall live by faith.” But the law does not depend on faith. Its terms are: “Whoever does these things shall live by them.”



Luke 13: 19-29

The Lord told this parable: “The reign of God is like a mustard seed which a man took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a large shrub and the birds of the sir nested in its branches.”

Jesus went on: “To what shall I compare the reign of God? It is like yeast which a woman took to knead into three measures of flour until the whole mass of dough began to rise.”

He went through cities and towns teaching– all the while making his way toward Jerusalem. Someone asked him, “Lord, are they few in number who are to be saved?” Jesus replied: “Try to come in through the narrow door. Many, I tell you, will try to enter and be unable. When once the master of the house has risen to lock the door and you stand outside knocking and saying, ‘Sir, open for us,’ he will say in reply, ‘I do not know where you come from.’ Then you will begin to say, ‘We ate and drank in your company. You taught in our streets.’ But he will answer, ‘I tell you, I do not know where you come from. Away from me, you evil-doers!’

“There will be wailing and grinding of teeth when you see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets safe in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves rejected. People will come from the east and the west, from the north and the south, and will take their place at the feast in the kingdom of God.”


Readings for the Vigil of Christmas


Hebrews 1: 1-12

In times past, God spoke in fragmentary and varied ways to our fathers through the prophets; in this, the final age, he has spoken to us through his Son, whom he has made heir to all things and through whom he first created the universe. This Son is the reflection of the Father’s glory, the exact representation of the Father’s being, and he sustains all things by his powerful word. When he had cleansed us from our sins, he took his seat at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven, as far superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs.

To which of the angels did God ever say, “You are my son; today I have begotten you”? Or again, “I will be his father, and he shall be my son”? And again, when he leads his first-born into the world, he says, “Let all the angels of God worship him.” Of the angels he says, “He makes his angels winds, and his ministers flaming fire”; but of the Son, “You throne, O God, stands forever and ever; a righteous scepter is the scepter of your kingdom. You have loved justice and hated wickedness, therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your fellow kings.” And, “Lord, of old you established the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you remain; all of them will grow old like a garment. You will roll them us like a cloak, like a garment they will be changed; but you are the same, and your years will have no end.”



Luke 2: 1-20

In those days Caesar Augustus published a decree ordering a census of the whole world. This first census took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria. Everyone went to register, each to his own town. And so Joseph went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to David’s town of Bethlehem–because he was of the house and lineage of David–to register with Mary, his espoused wife, who was with child.

While they were there the days of her confinement were completed. She gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there  was no room for them in the place where travelers lodged.

There were shepherds in that locality, living in the fields and keeping night watch by turns over their flocks. The angel of the Lord appeared to them as the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were very much afraid. The angel said to them: “You have nothing to fear! I come to proclaim good news to you– tidings of great joy to be shared by the whole people. This day in David’s city a savior has been born to you: in a manger you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes.” Suddenly, there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly hosts, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in high heavens, peace on earth to those on whom his favor rests.”

When the angels had returned to heaven, the shepherds said to one another: “Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this event which the Lord has made known to us.” They went in haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger; once they saw, they understood. All who heard of it were astonished at the report given them by the shepherds.

Mary treasured all these things and reflected on them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, in accord with what had been told them.

Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –


Dec. 23 The Holy Ten Martyrs of Crete

The Ten Holy Martyrs of Crete: Theodulus, Saturninus, Euporus, Gelasius, Eunician, Zoticus, Pompous, Agathopus, Basilides, and Evaristus suffered for Christ during the 3rd century under the emperor Decius (249-251). The governor of Crete fiercely persecuted the Church, and arrested anyone who believed in Christ. Once, ten Christians were brought before him from various cities of Crete, who at their trial steadfastly confessed their faith in Christ and refused to worship idols. For 30 days they were subjected to cruel tortures, and with the help of God they all persevered, glorying God. Before their death they prayed that the Lord would enlighten their torturers with the light of the true Faith. Since pain did not influence the saints, they were beheaded. 



We honor Crete of many wonders from which these precious flowers have shone forth, pearls of Christ and offspring of martyrs. Although these blessed only numbered ten, they overcame the idolatrous nation. Therefore, these brave souls were given crowns.



The noble struggle of the martyrs shines forth like the morning star and sheds brilliant light for us on the One who was born in a cave, to whom the Virgin has given birth without human seed. 



Hebrews 7: 18-25

Brothers and sisters: The former commandment [concerning the levitical priesthood and the law it serves] has been annulled because of its weakness and uselessness, for the law brought nothing to perfection. But a better hope has supervened, and through it we draw near to God. This has been confirmed by an oath. The priests of the old covenant became priests without an oath, unlike Jesus to whom God said: “The Lord has sworn, and he will not repent: ‘You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek.’” Thus has Jesus become the guarantee of a better covenant. Under the old covenant there were many priests because they were prevented by death from remaining in office; but Jesus, because he remains forever, has a priesthood which does not pass away. Therefore he is always able to save these who approach God through him, since he forever lives to make intercession for them. 



Mark 9: 33-41

At that time Jesus and his disciples returned to Capernaum and Jesus, once inside the house, began to ask them, “What were you discussing on the way home?” At this they fell silent, for on the way they had been arguing about who was most important. So he sat down and called the Twelve around him and said, “If anyone wishes to rank first, he must remain the last one of all and the servant of all.” Then he took a little child, stood him in their midst, and putting his arms around the child, said to them, “Whoever welcomes a child such as this for my sake welcomes me. And whoever welcomes me welcomes, not me, but him who sent me.”

John said to him, “Teacher, we saw a man using your name to expel demons and we tried to stop him because he was not of our company.” Jesus said in reply: “Do not try to stop him. No man who performs a miracle using my name can at the same time speak ill of me. Anyone who is not against us is with us. Any man who gives you a drink of water because you belong to Christ will not, I assure you, go without his reward.”  


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –


Dec. 22 The Holy Great Martyr Anastasia

The holy great martyr Anastasia was born into a senatorial family in Rome, and she was a Christian from a tender age. Forced by her father to marry a pagan landowner, she refused to have marital relations with him. For this, her husband has her tortured and imprisoned. When her husband drowned during a business trip, she began to openly minister to Christians and to all the poor who needed help. She was arrested again, starved to death, and finally bound to a wheel over and open fire and killed. (304)



How truthfully names are you for the Resurrection, O martyr of Christ. By enduring suffering you gained victory over the enemy for the sake of Christ your Bridegroom. Pray to Him to save our souls.



Those in temptations and afflictions hasten to your church, and receive honorable gifts of divine grace dwelling in you, O Anastasia, for you ever pour out healing on the world. 



Hebrews 7: 1-6

Brothers and sisters: This Melchizedek, king of Salem and priest of the Most High God, met Abraham returning from his defeat of the kings and blessed him. And Abraham apportioned to him one tenth of all his booty. His name means “king of justice”’ he was also king of Salem, that is, “king of peace.” Without father, mother or ancestry, without beginning of days or end of life, like the Son of God he remains a priest forever.

See the greatness of this man to whom Abraham the patriarch gave one tenth of his booty! The law provides that the priests of the tribe of Levi should receive tithes from the people, their brother Israelites, even though all of them are descendants of Abraham; but Melchizedek, who was not of their ancestry, received tithes of Abraham and blessed him who had received God’s promise. 



Mark 9: 9-13 

At that time Jesus and the disciples were coming down the mountain, Jesus strictly enjoined them not to tell anyone what they had seen, before the Son of Man had risen from the dead. They kept this word of his to themselves, though they continued to discuss what “rise from the dead” meant. Finally they put to him this question: “Why do the scribes claim that Elijah must come first?” Jesus told them: “Elijah will indeed come first and restore everything. Yet why does Scripture say of the Son of Man that he must suffer much and be despised? Let me assure you, Elijah has already come. They did entirely as they pleased with him, as Scriptures say of him.”



Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –


Dec. 21 The Holy Martyr Juliana of Nicomedia

The holy martyr Juliana was born to pagan parents, and was converted to the Faith at a young age. She refused to marry the man chosen for her by her parents because he was not a Christian. She was arrested, beaten, and then beheaded. With her many others were martyred  who saw her witness and were converted by it in the year 304.



Your lamb Juliana, O Jesus, cries out in a loud voice: I love You,  my Bridegroom; I seek You with painful longing; I am crucified with You; in Your baptism, I am buried with You; I suffer for You that I may reign with You; and I die for You that I may live with You. Receive me as a spotless sacrifice immolated with love for You. By her prayers, O merciful One, save our souls.



O virgin, made most pure with the goodness of virginity, and now, having been crowned with the martyr’s crown, you grant healing and salvation to those in need who approach your shrine for Christ pours forth divine grace and eternal life. 



Hebrews 5:11 – 6:8

Brothers and sisters: About the priesthood we have much to say, and it is difficult to explain, for you have become deaf. Although by this time you should be teaching others, you need to have someone teach you again the basic elements of the oracles of God; you need milk, not solid food. Everyone whose food is milk alone is ignorant of the word that sanctifies, for he is a child. Solid food is for the mature, for those whose faculties are trained by practice to distinguish good from evil.

Let us, then, go beyond the initial teaching about Christ and advance to maturity, not laying the foundation all over again: repentance from dead works, faith in God, instruction about baptisms and laying-on of hands, resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. And, God permitting, we shall advance!

For when men have once been enlightened and have tasted the heavenly gift and become sharers in the Holy Spirit, when they have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, it is impossible to make them repent again, since they are crucifying the Son of God for themselves and holding him up to contempt. Ground which drinks in the rain falling on it again and again, and brings forth vegetation useful to those whom it is cultivated, receives the blessing of God. But if it bears thorns and thistles, it is worthless; it is soon cursed, and finally burned. 


Mark 8: 30-34

At that time Jesus gave the disciples strict orders not to tell anyone about him. He began to teach them that the Son of Man had to suffer much, be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, but put to death, and ride three days later. He said these things quite openly. Peter then took Jesus aside to remonstrate him. At this Jesus turned around and, eyeing the disciple, reprimanded Peter. “Get out of my sight, you satan! You are not judging by God’s standards but by man’s!” Jesus summoned the crowd with his disciples and said to them: “If a man wishes to come after me, he must deny his very self, take up his cross, and follow in my steps.” 


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –

Dec. 20 The Holy Priest Martyr Ignatius the God-bearer

The holy martyr Ignatius the God-bearer was a bishop and a disciple of St. John the Apostle. He ruled the Church of Antioch second after St. Peter. He was condemned to the beasts under the Emperor Trajan, and was sent to Rome and there he was crowned in martyrdom in the year 107. On his trip, while under guard and experiencing their ferocity as if of leopards, he wrote seven letters to various Churches, by which he beseeched his brothers to serve God in unity with the bishops and not to keep him from being sacrificed as a victim for Christ.



You followed the apostles’ way of life and succeeded to their throne, you ascended to the vision of contemplation through your deeds, O God-bearer, facing savage beasts, fire, and sword for the sake of the Word of truth, and made the course of truth straight even at the price of your own blood. O priest-martyr Ignatius, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls. 



The light-bearing day of your radiant ascetic fight proclaims beforehand to all the One who was born in a cave. For thirsting lovingly to delight in Him, you hastened to be devoured by wild beasts. For this you were called God-bearer, O All-Wise Ignatius. 



Hebrews 4: 1-13

Brothers and sisters: While the promise of entrance into [God’s] rest still holds, we ought to be fearful of disobeying lest anyone of you be judged to have lost his chase of entering. We have indeed heard the good news, as they did. But the word which they heard did not profit them, for they did not receive it in faith. It is we who have believed who enter into that rest, just as God said: “Thus I swore in my anger, ‘They shall never enter into my rest.’” Yet God’s work was finished when he created the world, for in reference to the seventh day Scripture somewhere says, “And God rested from all his work on the seventh day”; and again, in the place we have referred to, God says, “They shall never enter into my rest.” Therefore, since it remains for some to enter, and those to whom it was first announced did not because of unbelief, God once more set a day, “today,” when long afterward he spoke through David the words we have quoted: “Today, if you should hear his voice, harden not your hearts.” Now if Joshua had led them into the palace of rest, God would not have spoken afterward of another day. Therefore a sabbath rest still remains for the people of God. And he who enters into God’s rest, rests from his own work as God did from his. Let us strive to enter into that rest, so that no one may fall, in imitation of the example of Israel’s unbelief.

Indeed, God’s word is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword. It penetrates and divides soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the reflections and thoughts of the heart. Nothing is concealed from him; all lies bare and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must render an account. 



Mark 11: 11-24

At that time Jesus entered Jerusalem and went into the temple precincts. He inspected everything there, but since it was already late in the afternoon, he went out to Bethany accompanied by the Twelve. The next day when they were leaving Bethany he felt hungry. Observing a fig tree some distance off, covered with foliage, he went over to see if he could find anything on it. When he reached it he found nothing but leaves; it was not the time for figs. Then addressing it he said, “Never again shall anyone eat of your fruit!” His disciples heard all this. 

When they reached Jerusalem he entered the temple precincts and began to drive out those who were engaged in buying and selling. He overturned the money-changers’ tables and the stall of the men selling doves; moreover, he would not permit anyone to carry things through the temple area. 

Then he began to teach them: “Does not Scripture have it, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples’? But you have turned it into a den of thieves.” The chief priests and the scribes heard of this and began to look for a way to destroy him. They were at the same time afraid of him because the whole crowd was under the spell of his teaching. When evening drew on, Jesus and his disciples went out of the city. Early next morning, as they were walking along, they saw the fig tree withered to its roots. Peter remembered and said to him, “Rabbi, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered up.” In reply Jesus told them: “Put your trust in God. I solemnly assure you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and has no inner doubts but believes that what he says will happen, shall have it done for him. I give you my word, if you are ready to believe that you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer, it shall be done for you.”


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –

Dec. 19 The Holy Martyr Boniface

The holy martyr Boniface was a servant to a wealthy and wicked woman in Rome, and was her paramour. His mistress decided that she wanted to have some relics of a Christian martyr in her house to use as an amulet to ward off evil, and dispatched Boniface to buy what she desired. In the city of Tarsus, Boniface witnessed the death of many for the sake of Christ, and was converted. He denounced himself to the authorities and said, “I too am a Christian.” He was then tortured and beheaded. Slaves took his body back to Rome, and an angel appeared to his former mistress, saying, “Take him who was once your servant, but who is now our brother—he is the guardian of your soul.” She repented and built a church where Boniface’s relics were buried. (290)



Your martyr Boniface, O Lord our God, in his struggle received an incorruptible crown from You. With Your strength, he brought down the tyrants and broke the cowardly valor of demons. Through his prayers, O Christ our God, save our souls.



O crown-bearer and most wise Boniface, you offered yourself as a willing, immaculate sacrifice to the One Who was born of a Virgin for our sake. 



Hebrews 3: 5-11, 17-19

Brothers and sisters: Moses “was faithful in God’s household” as a servant charged with the task of witnessing to what would be spoken; but Christ was faithful as the Son placed over God’s house. It is we who are that house, if we hold fast to our confidence, and the hope of which we boast.

Wherefore, as the Holy Spirit says: “Today, if you should hear his voice, harden, not your hearts, as at the revolt in the day of testing in the desert, when your father’s tested and tried me, and saw my works for forty years. Because of this I was angered with that generation, and I said, ‘They have always been of caring heart, and have never known my ways.’ Thus I swore in my anger, ‘They shall never enter into my rest.’”

With whom was God angry for forty years? Was it not those who had sent, whose corpses fell in the desert? To whom but to the disobedient did he swear that they would not enter into his rest? We see, moreover, that it was their unbelief that kept them from entering.



Mark 10: 46-52

At that time Jesus was leaving Jericho with his disciples and a large crowd, there was a blind beggar Bartimaeus sitting by the roadside. On hearing that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to call out, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me!” Many people were scolding him to make him keep quiet, but he shouted all the louder, “Son of David, have pity on me!” Then Jesus stopped and said, “Call him over.” So they called the blind man over, telling him as they did so, “You have nothing to fear from him! Get up! He is calling you!” He threw aside his cloak, jumped up and came to Jesus. Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” “Rabboni,” the blind man said, “I want to see.” Jesus said in reply, “Be on your way! Your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and started to follow Jesus up the road. 



Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –


Dec. 18  The Holy Martyr Sebastian and his Companions

The holy martyr Sebastian was born in Italy and brought up in the city of Milan where he intended to be a soldier. The emperor Diocletian made him captain of the imperial guard. During this time, Sebastian professed the Faith and was greatly persecuted for it. After many of his converts were martyred, the emperor called Sebastian and rebuked him for his betrayal. Sebastian replied, “I always pray to my Christ for your health and for the peace of the Roman Empire.” The emperor ordered him stripped and shot with arrows. Since this did not kill him, he was beaten to death with staves in the year 287.



Your martyrs, O Lord our God, in their struggles received incorruptible crowns from You. With Your strength, they brought down the tyrants and broke the cowardly valor of demons. Through their prayers, O Christ our God, save our souls.



O Sebastian, by the shedding of your blood you were clothed in martyrdom, being arrayed in a robe of precious purple. Therefore, you took up your abode with Christ in the kingdom without end on high, and with those who suffered with you, you received the crown of glory. O wise Sebastian, as you sing with them, always remember us. 



Hebrews 11: 9-10, 17-23, 32-40

Brothers and sisters: By faith Abraham sojourned in the promised land as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, heroes of the same promise; for he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose designer and maker is God.

By faith Abraham, when put to the test, offered up Isaac; he who had received the promises was ready to sacrifice his only son, of whom it was said, “Through Isaac shall your descendants be called.” He reasoned that God was able to raise from the dead, and so he received Isaac back as a symbol. By faith Isaac invoked Jacob and Esau blessings that were still to be. 

By faith Jacob, when dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, and worshiped God, leaning on the head of his staff. By faith, Joseph, near the end of his life, spoke of the Exodus of the Israelites, and gave instructions about his burial. By faith Moses’ parents hid him for three months after his birth, thereby disregarding the king’s edict, because they saw that he was a beautiful child.

What more shall I recount? I have no time to tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets, who by faith conquered kingdoms, did what was just, obtained the promises; they broke the jaws of lions, put out raging fires, escaped the devouring sword; though weak they were made powerful, became strong in battle, and turned back foreign invaders. Women received back their dead through resurrection. Others were tortured and would not receive deliverance, in order to obtain a better resurrection. Still others endured mockery, scourging, even in chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, sawed in two, put to death at sword’s point; they went about garbed in the skins of sheep or goats, needy, afflicted, tormented. The world was not worthy of them. They wandered about in deserts and on mountains, they dwelt in caves and in holes of the earth. Yet despite the fact that all of these were approved because of their faith, they did not obtain what had been promised. God had made a better plan, a plan which included us. Without us, they were not to be made perfect. 



Matthew 1: 1-25

A family record of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham. Abraham was the father of Isaac, Isaac the father of Jacob, Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers. Judah was the father of Perez and Zerah, whose mother was Tamar. Perez was the father of Hezron, Hezron the father of Ram. Ram was the father of Amminadab, Amminadab the father of Nahshon, Nahshon the father of Salmon. Salmon was the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab, Boaz was the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth. Obed was the father of Jesse, Jesse the father of King David. David the father of Solomon, whose mother had been the wife of Uriah. Solomon was the father of Rehoboam, Rehoboam the father of Abijah, Abijah the father of Asa. Asa was the father of Jehoshaphat, Jehoshaphat the father of Joram, Joram the father of Uzziah. Uzziah was the father of Jotham, Jotham the father of Ahaz, Ahaz the father of Hezekiah. Hezekiah was the father of Manasseh, Manasseh the father of Amos, Amos the father of Josiah. Josiah became the father of Jechoniah and his brothers at the time of the Babylonian exile. After the Babylonian exile Jechoniah was the father of Shealtiel, Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel. Zerubbabel was the father of Abiud, Abiud the father of Eliakim, Eliakim the father of Azor. Azor was the father of Zadok, Zadok the father of Achim, Achim the father of Eliud. Eliud was the father of Eleazar, Eleazar the father of Matthan, Matthan the father of Jacob. Jacob was the father of Joseph the husband of Mary. It was of her that Jesus who is called the Messiah was born. Thus the total number of generations is: from Abraham to David, fourteen generations; from David to the Babylonian captivity, fourteen generations; from the Babylonian captivity to the Messiah, fourteen generations.

Now this is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about. When his mother Mary was engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found with child through the power of the Holy Spirit. Joseph her husband, an upright man unwilling to expose her to the law, decided to divorce her quietly. Such was his intention when suddenly the angel of the Lord appeared in a dream and said to him: “Joseph, son of David, have no fear about taking Mary as your wife. It is by the Holy Spirit that she has conceived this child. She is to have a son and you are to name him Jesus because he will save his people from their sins.” All this happened to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: “The virgin shall be with child and give birth to a son, and they shall call him Emmanuel,” a name which means, “God is with us.” When Joseph awoke and received Mary into his home as his wife. He had no relations with her at any time before she bore a son, whom he named Jesus. 


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –

Sunday Bulletin 12/18/22


Saturday, Dec. 17  –  Daniel, Great Prophet       

4:15 PM          Santa Paula Outreach Vespers

5:00 PM          Santa Paula Outreach Divine Liturgy

6:30 PM          Reader Vespers

Sunday, Dec. 18  –  Sunday before Christmas, Sunday of the Holy Ancestors          

8:30 AM          Matins

9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy

12:00 PM        Cantor Class

Monday, Dec. 19  –  Boniface, Martyr        

8:30 AM          Morning Prayer

6:30 PM          Akathist* for those suffering Addictions&Mental Illness

Wednesday, Dec. 21  –  Juliana, Martyr   

8:30 AM          Morning Prayer

5:45 PM          Santa Paula Outreach Reader Vespers  

6:30 PM          Emmanuel Moleben

7:30 PM          Firepit Social

Friday, Dec. 23  –  Ten Holy Martyrs of Crete           

12:05 PM        Santa Paula Outreach Royal Hours

Saturday, Dec. 24  –  Vigil of Christmas       

5:00 PM          Santa Paula Outreach Vespers-Divine Liturgy

6:30 PM          Reader Christmas Vespers

7:30 PM          Santa Paula Outreach Christmas Compline

Sunday, Dec. 25  –  Christmas- The Nativity of Our Lord          

8:30 AM          Matins

9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy 

*Add first names to this prayer service by emailing


St. Mary’s: Sundays 8:45 AM or by appointment

Santa Paula: Saturdays 4:15 PM or by appointment


(Please resubmit or submit names to

The Carlin Family, Michael Hefferon, Shirley Kunze, Michael Mina, Peter Mina, Fr, John Mina, Mila Mina, Lana Zimmerman, Patrick Zimmerman, Shannon O’Neill, All the sick and suffering of St. Mary’s


Collection: $1,738.00; Candles: $49.00; Online: $130.00; Santa Paula: $771.00; Christmas: $100.00; Property Rental: $7,300.00; Retired Religious Fund: $525.00; Insurance Payment: $33,536.98

Total: $44,149.98 / Attendance- PSM: 84; VCO: 64  


Mark Your Calendar: Upcoming Feasts


12/26:  6:30 PM          Divine Liturgy (Synaxis of the Theotokos)

12/27:  8:30 AM          Divine Liturgy (Proto-Martyr Stephen)

01/05:  6:00 PM          Vespers-Divine Liturgy with Great Blessing of Water for Theophany


Like a tourist experiencing the skyscrapers in a big city for the first time, when someone walks into a Byzantine temple, they tend first to look up. By doing so, they first see Christ Pontocrator, the All-mighty who is “holy” and “other”. The eyes of the observer then descend to see the Platytera, where we realize that the All-Mighty God becomes one of us in the womb of the Theotokos. The final stage of this condescension is represented in the icon of Christ on the Iconostasis (screen between the Holy Place and the Nave). This is the icon of Christ the Teacher. The icon is completely accessible and has the book of the Gospels open to share the good news. Having an icon of Christ that is inaccessible (Pontocrator) and one that is completely accessible (Teacher) reveals the paradox of Christ’s greatness and chosen lowliness together, and why we experience him as both distant from us in His holiness, yet close enough to dwell in our hearts and inviting us into His Glory.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Sunday, December 18th, Carolina Chirdon will be giving a tour of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) Atrium.  CGS is our new catechism program starting soon. We are still in need of some items required for the program. Here is a link to the Wishlist Carolina put together: CGS Wishlist  Thank you for your continuing generosity and support of our parish!

“They shall call his name Emmanuel,” which means, “God is with us.” The presence of God is seen through the salvation foretold in the Old Covenant, and is revealed through the Birth of Our Lord Jesus, Emmanuel. Our own lives can manifest the presence of God when we live according to our vocations. Are you being called to show God’s presence as a priest, deacon, subdeacon monk or nun? Contact the Vocations Office at 206-329-9219 or email:

Dec. 17 The Holy Prophet Daniel and the Three Holy Children: Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael

The holy prophet Daniel and the 3 Holy Children: Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael: all four of these young men were members of the tribe of Judah, deported to Babylon after the fall of Jerusalem. Daniel is counted as one of the 4 major prophets along with Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekial. The Holy Youths Ananais (“God is gracious”), Azarias (“whom God helps”), and Mishael (“Who is what God is?”) were companions of the holy prophet Daniel. They were chosen to serve in the king’s palace with Daniel (Daniel 1:6) and were all from the tribe of Judah. They gave Ananias the Chaldean name Shadrach (“royal”), Azarias the Chaldean name Abednego (“servant of Nego”), and Misael the Chaldean name Meshach (“guest”). They were thrown into a fiery furnace when they refused to worship the golden idol set up by King Nebuchadnezzar, but the angel of the Lord preserved them (Daniel 3:25).



Great are the accomplishments of faith: the three holy youths rejoiced in the streams of fire as if in refreshing waters; and Daniel the prophet shepherded lions like sheep. Through their prayers, O Christ our God, save our souls.


Kontakion – Daniel

Your pure heart was enlightened by the Holy Spirit so that it could become an instrument of prophecy; you perceived distant events as if they were present. When you were thrown into the pit, you stopped the lions’ mouths. Therefore, we honor you, O blessed and glorious prophet Daniel.


Kontakion – Holy Children

You did not worship a man-made image, O thrice-blessed youths. You armed yourselves with uncreated divinity. You were glorified in the trial by fire. Withstanding the flames, you stood and called out: Hasten, O compassionate God, and hurry to help us in Your mercy. For You can do whatever You will.



Ephesians 1: 16-23

Brothers and sisters: I have never stopped thanking God for you and recommending you in my prayers. May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, grant you a spirit of wisdom and insight to know him clearly. May he enlighten your innermost vision that you may know the great hope to which he has called you, the wealth of his glorious heritage to be distributed among the members of the church, and the immeasurable scope of his power in us who believe. It is like the strength he showed in raising Christ from the dead and seating him at his right hand in heaven, high above every principality, power, virtue, and domination, and every name that can be given in this age or in the age to come. He has put all things under Christ’s feet and has made him, this exalted, head of the church, which is his body: the fullness of him who fills the universe in all its parts. 



Matthew 24: 34-37, 42-44

The Lord said to his disciples: “I assure you, the present generation will not pass away until all this (stress) takes place. The heavens and the earth will pass away but my words will not pass. As for the exact day or hour, no one knows it, neither the angels in heaven not the Son, but the Father only. The coming of the Son of Man will repeat what happened in the time of Noah. 

Stay awake, therefore! You cannot know the day your Lord is coming. Be sure of this: if the owner of the house knew when the thief was coming he would keep a watchful eye and not allow his house to be broken into. You ,ust be prepared in the same way. The Son of Man is coming at the time you least expect.”



Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –


Dec. 16 The Holy Prophet Haggai

The holy prophet Haggai was the 10th of the 12 minor prophets. He was of the Tribe of Levi and he prophesied during the times of the Persian emperor Darius Hystaspis (prior to 500 B.C.). Upon the return of the Jews from the Babylonian Captivity, he persuaded the people to build the Second Temple at Jerusalem, and he proclaimed that the Messiah would appear in this Temple in the last times. It is believed that Haggai was buried with the priests at Jerusalem, since he was descended from Aaron. 



Your eyes were opened to pure spiritual reality that is all from God which you prophesied and understood, O all-praised prophet, guide of peaceful repentance. Therefore we celebrate your holy memory, and we pray you, to intercede especially for prayers to God, O Haggai.



Your mind was enlightened with the fire of the Spirit; you proclaimed the mysteries of God, O prophet. You revealed what was to come, pointing to the mysteries of what was to happen. Pray Christ God to have mercy on us. 



Titus 1:15 – 2:10

Titus, my son: To the clean all things are clean, but to those defiled unbelievers nothing is clean. Their very minds and consciences are tainted. They claim to “know God,” but by their actions they deny that he exists. They are disgusting – intractable and thoroughly incapable of any decent action.

As for yourself, let your speech be consistent with sound doctrine. Tell the older men that they must be temperate, serious-minded, and self-controlled; likewise sound in the faith, loving and steadfast. Similarly, the older women must behave in ways that befit those who belong to God. They must not be slanderous gossips or slaves to drink. By their good example they must teach the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be sensible, chaste, busy at home, kindly, submissive to their husbands. Thus the word of God will not fall into disrepute. Tell the young men to keep themselves completely under control – nor may you yourself fail to set them good example. Your teaching must have the integrity of serious, sound words to which no one can take exception.  If it does, no opponent will be able to find anything bad to say about us, and hostility will yield to shame.

Slaves are to be submissive to their masters. They should try to please them in every way, not contradicting them nor stealing from them, but expressing a constant fidelity by their conduct, so as to adorn in every way possible the doctrine of God our Savior. 



Mark 8: 1-10

At that time another large crowd assembled, and they were without anything to eat. He called the disciples over to him and said: “My heart is moved with pity for the crowd. By now they have been with me for three days and have nothing to eat. If I send them home hungry, they will collapse on the way. Some of them have come a great distance.” His disciples replied, “How can anyone give these people sufficient bread in this deserted spot?” Still he asked them, “How many loaves do you have?” “Seven,” they replied. Then he directed the crowd to take their places on the ground. Taking the seven loaves he gave thanks, broke them, and gave them to his disciples to distribute, and they handed them out to the crowd. They also had a few small fish; aksing a blessing on the fish, he told them to distribute these also. The people in the crowd ate until they had their fill; then they gathered up seven wicker baskets of leftovers. Those who had eaten numbered about four thousand. He dismissed them and got into the boat with his disciples to go to the neighborhood of Dalmanutha.



Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –