The holy prophet Joel announced the great day of the Lord and the mysterious pouring out of the Spirit on all flesh, which the divine majesty in Christ deemed fit to fulfill marvelously on the day of Pentecost. The holy martyr Varus was a soldier, who, under Maximianus the emperor, visited and refreshed six holy […]
Tag Archives: martyr
Oct. 17 The Holy Prophet Hosea; The Holy Venerable Martyr Andrew of Crete
The holy prophet Hosea, who not only by his words but also by his manner of life showed the unfaithful people of Israel that the Lord was an ever-faithful Spouse, moved by limitless mercy. The holy venerable martyr Andrew of Crete was a priest who defended the cult of the holy icons with great vigor […]
Oct. 16 The Holy Martyr Longinus the Centurion
The holy martyr Longinus the Centurion, a Roman soldier, served in Judea under the command of the governor, Pontius Pilate. When our Savior Jesus Christ was crucified, it was the detachment of soldiers under the command of Longinus which stood watch on Golgotha, at the very foot of the holy Cross. Longinus and his soldiers […]
Oct. 6 The Holy and Glorious Apostle Thomas
The holy and glorious apostle Thomas was a fisherman in Galilee, who, after hearing the words of the Lord, became his disciple. Thomas did not believe the other disciples when they announced the resurrection of Jesus. When Jesus himself showed his pierced side, Thomas exclaimed, “My Lord and my God.” According to Church Tradition, the […]
Oct. 5 The Holy Martyr Charitina
The holy martyr Charitina was a young girl who was brought before a governor of the emperor Diocletian in the year 304. She boldly testified, “It is true that I am a Christian, and a lie that I delude others. O lead those in error to the way of truth, bringing them to my Christ.” […]
Oct. 4 The Holy Martyr Hierotheus, Bishop of Athens; Our Venerable Father Francis of Assisi
The holy martyr Hierotheus was a friend of St. Dionysius (Denis) the Areopagite. Hierotheus was converted by the Apostle Paul shortly after his friend. Paul later made him bishop of Athens. Tradition tells us that Hierotheus assembled in Jerusalem with the Apostles for the Dormition of the Theotokos. He was martyred in Athens. Our venerable […]
Sept. 28 Our Venerable Father and Confessor Chariton; Holy Wenceslaus, Prince of the Czechs; The Holy Prophet Baruch
Our venerable father and confessor Chariton was abbot in the Old Lavra near Bethlehem in Palestine during the 4th century. He was diligent in prayer and fasting, and founded many lavras in the desert before his falling asleep in the Lord in 362. The holy martyr Wenceslaus, prince of the Czechs, was the leader of […]
Sept. 24 The Holy Martyr, First Among Women, and Equal to the Apostles, Thecla
The holy martyr Thecla, first among women and equal to the Apostles, was converted to the faith by the preaching of the Apostle Paul when he came to Iconium with Barnabas. Thecla became a follower of Paul, and went with him to Antioch. She settled in a solitary place near Seleucia, and was martyred in […]
Sept. 16 The Holy Great-Martyr Euphemia the All-Praiseworthy
The holy great-martyr Euphemia was raised by her devout Christian parents. Her father, Philophronus, was a senator. UNder the emperor Diocletian, when the Proconsul Priscus held a feast and offered sacrifice to Ares in Chalcedon, forty-nine Christians avoided this sacrificial offering and hid themselves. However, they were discovered and brought before Priscus. Among them was […]
Sept. 15 The Holy Great Martyr Nicetas
The holy great martyr Nicetas the Goth was a disciple of Theophilus, Bishop of the Goths, who participated in the First Ecumenical Council [Nicaea 325]. When the Gothic prince Athenarik began to torture Christians, St. Nicetas stood before the prince and denounced him for his paganism and inhumanity. Subsequently harshly tortured, Nicetas confessed his faith […]