The holy martyrs Onesiphorus and Porphyrius of Ephesus suffered during the persecution of Christians by emperor Diocletian (284-305). They beat them and burned them. After this, they tied the saints to wild horses, which dragged them over stones, after which the martyrs died. Believers gathered the remains of the saints and reverently buried them. Our […]
Tag Archives: martyrs
Nov. 7 The Holy 33 Martyrs at Melitene; Our Venerable Father Lazarus the Wonderworker
The holy thirty-three martyrs at Melitene: Heiron was a devout Christian who cared diligently for his blind mother, Stratonica. He was forcibly impressed into the army, where he refused to worship idols. He was brought before the local governor with thirty-two other Christians in the year 298. They went to their death singing the psalm, […]
Nov. 5 The Holy Martyrs Galaction and Episteme
The holy martyrs Galaction and Episteme were husband and wife who joined nearby monasteries immediately after their marriage. They did not see each other for many years, until the persecution of Christians which brought them both to court and saw them die on the same day in the year 253. Troparion Your martyrs, O […]
Nov. 4 Our Venerable Father Joannicus the Great; The Holy Martyr Nicander, Bishop of Myra; The Priest Hermas
Our venerable father Joannicus the Great left the military after more than twenty years in arms to live as a monk and pursue solitary life in different forests of Mt. Olympus. He was accustomed to end his prayer with these words: “God my hope, Christ my refuge, Holy Spirit my protector. He fell asleep in […]
Mar. 29 Our Venerable Father Mark, Bishop of Arethusa; the Deacon Cyril and his Companions
Our venerable hieromartyr Mark, Bishop of Arethusa, suffered for his faith in Christ under the emperor Julian the Apostate (361-363). By order of the emperor Constantine, St. Mark had once destroyed a pagan temple and built a Christian church. When Julian came to the throne, he persecuted Christians and tried to restore paganism. Some citizens […]
Mar. 7 The Holy Martyrs and Bishops of Cherson
The Heiromartyrs Basil, Ephraim, Elpidius, Agathodorus, Aetherius, and Caption carried the Gospel of Christ into the North Black Sea region from the Danube to the Dniper, including Crimea. They were bishops of Cherson at different times during the fourth century, and they sealed their apostolic activity with martyrdom. Only Aetherius died in peace. Long before […]
Mar. 6 The Forty-Two Martyrs of Ammorium
During a ninth-century war between the Byzantine Emperor Theophilus and the Saracens, the Saracens managed to besiege the city of Ammoria. As a result of treason by the military commander Baditses, Ammoria fell and forty-two of its generals were taken captive and sent off to Syria. During the seven years of their imprisonment, their captors […]
Mar. 3 The Holy Martyr Eutropius and his Companions
The Holy martyrs Eutropius, Cleonicus and Basiliscus suffered in the city of Pontine Amasea (Asia Minor) in about the year 308. The brothers Eutropius and Cleonicus, and Basiliscus the nephew of the Great Martyr Theodore the Recruit, were comrades. After the martyric death of St. Theodore, they wound up in prison and by their preaching […]
Feb. 16 The Holy Martyrs the Presbyter Pamphilius, Porphyrius, and their Companions
The holy martyrs: the presbyter Pamphilius, Porphyry, and their companions, who received the crowns of martyrdom: Pamphilus the priest; Valentine, a deacon of Jerusalem; Paul, born in the city of Jamnia, who passed two years in prison; Porphyry, a servant of Pamphilus; Seleucus the Cappadocian, who was of high military rank; Theodulus, an old man […]
Jan. 5 The Holy Martyrs Theopemptus and Theona; Our Venerable Mother Syncletica of Alexandria in Egypt; The Holy Prophet Micah
The Holy Martyrs Theopemptus and Theona, of Nicomedia in Bithynia, who met martyrdom in the persecution of the Emperor Diocletian (c. 350) Our Venerable Mother Syncletica of Alexandria in Egypt, virgin, who is to have led a solitary life that influenced many women of her day. (4th century) The Holy Prophet Micah, who in the […]