Sunday Bulletin 5/28/23

WEEKLY SCHEDULE Saturday, May 27  –  5th All Souls Saturday     9:30 AM          5th All Souls Saturday Divine Liturgy 5:00 PM          Santa Paula Outreach Divine Liturgy Sunday, May 28  –  Pentecost Sunday           8:30 AM          Matins 9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy Monday, May 29  –  Pentecost Monday       8:30 AM          Morning Prayer […]

May 27 The Holy Priest-Martyr Therapontus

The Hieromartyr Therapontus, Bishop of Sardi, suffered for Christ in the third century. In fulfilling his priestly service, St. Therapontus enlightened many of the pagan Greeks with the light of the Christian Faith and baptized them. For this, he was brought before the governor Julian and put on trial where he fearlessly declared himself a […]

May 26 The Holy Apostle Carpus

The holy apostle Carpus was one of the Seventy Apostles. He was a follower and companion of the Apostle Paul, by whom he was appointed Bishop of Varna in Thrace. He also preached the Gospel on Crete, where he received St. Dionysius the Areopagite in his home. St. Dionysius testifies that Carpus was a man […]

May 25 The Third Finding of the Head of Forerunner and Baptist of Our Lord, John

The third discovery of the Venerable Head of the Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John happened around the year 850. The head of St. John the Forerunner was first found on the Mount of Olives where it had been hidden by Joanna, wife of Chusa, after the saint’s beheading; and found the second time in […]

May 24 Our Venerable Father Simeon of the Wondrous Mountain

Our venerable father Simeon, of the Wondrous Mountain in Syria, was a priest and anchorite in the 6th century. He lived in conversation with Christ and the angels atop a column for forty–five years and was granted power over the demons and the powers of nature. He is also known as St. Simeon Stylites the […]

May 23 Our Holy Father and Confessor Michael, Bishop of Synnada

Our holy father Michael the Confessor was a monk in a monastery on the coast of the Black Sea before the Patriarch Tarasius (784-806) consecrated him as Bishop of the city of Synnada. He was present at the Seventh Ecumenical Council at Nicea in 787. St. Michael bravely and openly opposed the iconoclast heresy of […]

May 22 The Holy Martyr Basiliscus

The holy martyr Basiliscus was a soldier and a cousin of St. Theodore the Recruit. Through his preaching and example, St. Basiliscus brought many to the Faith. He suffered greatly for the sake of Christ. His two brothers suffered with him and were crucified before he was sent to Prison in Comana where he met […]

May 21 The Holy Emperor Constantine and His Mother Helen, Equal to the Apostles

The holy Emperor Constantine reigned in ancient Rome and in Byzantium (which became New Rome), and was the first Christian emperor and champion of the Faith. Though he was not baptized until on his deathbed, he considered himself a Christian, and called the First Ecumenical Council at Nicea in 325 to settle the Arian heresy.  […]

Sunday Bulletin 5/21/23

WEEKLY SCHEDULE Saturday, May 20  – Thaleleus and Others, Martyrs   3:30 PM          Santa Paula Outreach Akathist*                                                                           5:00 PM          Santa Paula Outreach Divine Liturgy 6:30 PM          Reader Vespers Sunday, May 21  –  Sunday of the Fathers of the 1st Ecumenical Council         8:30 AM          Matins 9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy Monday, May 22  –  Basiliscucs, […]

May 20 The Holy Martyr Thaleleus

The holy martyr Thaleleus at Agea in Cilicia. Born in Lebanon in the third century, St. Thaleleus was an eighteen-year-old fair haired young man, training to be a physician. He courageously confessed Christ as God. After several attempts to execute the martyr, he was finally beheaded. The relics of the holy martyr Thalelaeus are in […]