Dec. 4 The Holy Great Martyr Barbara; Our Venerable Father John of Damascus

The holy great martyr Barbara was raised by her pagan father who shut her away from the world because of her great beauty. Barbara came to realize that the soulless idols her father worshiped could not be responsible for the inexpressible beauty of the world outside her window. She decided to live her life as […]

Sunday Bulletin 12/04/22

WEEKLY SCHEDULE Saturday, Dec. 3  –  Zephaniah, Prophet      4:15 PM          Outreach Vespers in Santa Paula 5:00 PM          Outreach Divine Liturgy in Santa Paula 6:30 PM          Reader Vespers Sunday, Dec. 4  –  26th Sunday after Pentecost         8:30 AM          Matins 9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy Monday, Dec. 5  –  Sabbas, Venerable       […]

Dec. 3 The Holy Prophet Zephaniah

The holy prophet Zephaniah announced the destruction of the ungodly on the day of the wrath of the Lord and strengthened the host of poor and needy people in the hope of salvation. He was a native of Mount Sarabatha, from the tribe of Simeon. He lived and prophesied in the 7th century before Christ, […]

Dec. 2 The Holy Prophet Habakkuk

The holy prophet Habakkuk was the son of Asaphat from the tribe of Simeon. He prophesied six hundred years before Christ, during the time of King Manasseh, and foretold the destruction of Jerusalem. When Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, attacked Jerusalem, Habakkuk sought refuge in the land of the Ishmaelites. Habakkuk also prophesied the liberation of […]

Nov. 30 The Holy and Glorious Apostle Andrew, the First-Called

The holy and glorious apostle Andrew, the first-Called. Born in Bethsaida, he was the brother of Simon Peter and a fisherman with him. He was called first from the disciples of John the Baptist at the Jordan by the Lord Jesus. Andrew followed him and even brought his brother to the Lord. After Pentecost it […]

Nov. 29 The Holy Martyr Paramon; The Holy Martyr Philemon; Our Venerable Father Acacius

The holy martyr Paramon was martyred in Bithynia in Asia Minor along with 370 other Christians during the persecution of the governor Aquilinus in the year 250. The holy martyr Philemon was martyred at Ancyra in Galatia. It is said that in the persecution of Aurlian the emperor Philemon was taken to the fire. Then […]

Nov. 28 The Holy Venerable Martyr Stephen The Younger; The Holy Martyr Irenarchus

The holy venerable martyr Stephen the Younger was a monk and martyr, who, under Constantine Copronymus, was tortured by various punishments for the cult of sacred images and confirmed the Catholic truth by his shed blood. (767) The holy martyr Irenarchus was a torturer in Sebaste in Armenia. He was converted to Christ by the […]

Nov. 27 The Holy Martyr James the Persian; Our Venerable Father Palladius

The holy martyr James was a noble at the Persian court at the end of the 4th century. He offered sacrifice to idols despite his baptism. His mother and wife reproached him, begging him to repent. Moved by their plea, James repented bitterly and returned to Christ. The king sentenced him to death by being […]

Sunday Bulletin 11/27/22

WEEKLY SCHEDULE Saturday, Nov. 26  –  Alypius the Stylite, Venerable     4:15 PM          Outreach Vespers in Santa Paula 5:00 PM          Outreach Divine Liturgy in Santa Paula Sunday, Nov. 27  –  25th Sunday after Pentecost      8:30 AM          Matins 9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy Monday, Nov. 28  –  Stephen, Venerable Martyr     8:30 AM          Morning Prayer […]