April 24 The Holy Martyr Sabbas the General 

The holy martyr Sabbas Stratelates came from a Gothic tribe. For his bravery, he attained the high rank of military commander, or “stratelates,” and he served under the Roman emperor Aurelian (270-275). From his youth, Sabbas was a Christian and he fervently followed the commands of Christ. He helped the needy, and visited Christians in […]

April 22 Our Venerable Father Theodore the Sykeot

Our venerable father Theodore the Sykeote was born in the mid-sixth century in the village of Sykeon, not far from the city of Anastasiopolis. When his mother, Maria, conceived the saint, she had a vision of a bright star overshadowing her womb. A clairvoyant elder, whom she consulted, explained that this was the grace of […]

April 21 The Holy Bishop Martyr Januarius and His Companions; The Holy Martyr Theodore of Perga

The holy bishop martyr Januarius and his companions Proculus, Sonius and Faustus (deacons), Desiderius (lector), Eutyches, and Akutionus were martyred in the reigns of Maximian and Galerius the emperors, by the persecutor Timothy. Januarius was bishop of Benevento in Italy. To this day, many wonders are worked at the tomb of this saint.  The holy […]

April 20 Our Venerable Father Theodore the Hair-shirt Wearer

Our venerable father Theodore Trichinas was born in Constantinople to wealthy and pious parents. From childhood, St. Theodore was inclined toward monasticism, so he left his home, family, and former life in order to enter a monastery in Thrace. There he began his arduous ascetic struggles. He dressed in a hair-shirt, from which he derived […]

April 19 Our Venerable Father John of the Ancient Caves

Our venerable father John of the Ancient Caves is so called because he lived in the Lavra of St. Chariton during the eighth century. This was called the “Old,” or ancient cave, since it was one of the oldest of the Palestinian monasteries. The Lavra was situated not far from Bethlehem, near the Dead Sea. […]

April 18 Our Venerable Father John, Disciple of the Holy Gregory the Decapolite

Our venerable father John was born at the end of the eighth century. At a young age he became a disciple of St. Gregory of Decapolis and accepted the monastic tonsure from him at the monastery in Thessalonica. Under the guidance of this experienced teacher, St. John attained great spiritual perfection. When the emperor Leo […]

April 17 Our Venerable Father Simeon of Persia; The Venerable Acacius, Bishop of Melitene

Our venerable father Simeon of Saba in Persia, bishop of Seleucis and Ctesiphon, who, by the order of Sapor II, king of the Persians, was arrested and loaded with chains when he refused to adore the sun. Instead, he bore testimony to our Lord Jesus Christ with a bold and most steadfast voice. First he […]

April 15 The Holy Martyrs Aristarchus, Pudens, and Trophimus

The holy apostles Aristarchus, Pudens, and Trophimus were members of the Seventy. Aristarchus was bishop of Apamea in Syria, and mentioned by Paul several times in his epistles (Acts 19:29l Col. 4:10; Philemon v.24). Paul calls him “my fellow-prisoner” and “my fellow-laborer.” Pudens was an important Roman citizen. Paul mentions him once (II Tim 4:21). […]

April 14 Our Holy Father and Confessor Martin, Pope of Rome; The Holy New Martyrs Anthony, John, and Eustathius

Our holy father and confessor Martin, pope of Rome, who condemned the heresy of the Monothlites at the Lateran Synod (693). By the order of the emperor Constans II, an assault was made on the Lateran basilica to capture Martin. He was removed from his See and taken to Constantinople, where he lay in a […]

April 13 The Holy Priest Martyr Artemon and his Companions

The Hieromartyr Artemon was born of Christian parents in Laodicea, Syria in the first half of the third century. From his youth, he dedicated himself to the service of the Church. The saint served the Church as a Reader for sixteen years. For his zeal in Church services, Artemon was ordained a deacon by Bishop […]