May 11 The Holy Cyril and Methodius, Equal to the Apostle, Teachers of the Slavs

Our holy fathers Cyril and Methodius, Apostles to the Slavs, were brothers born in Thessalonica in the first half of the ninth century. Since Methodius had been a soldier among the Slavs in Macedonia, he was considered an excellent candidate for carrying the Gospel to the Khazars. After the invention of the first Slavonic alphabet […]

May 9 Translation of the Relics to Bari of our Holy Father Nicholas; The Holy Prophet Isaiah

Translation of the relics of our holy Father Nicholas from Myra to Bari in the reign of Alexis Commenus, emperor of New Rome in the year 1087. The body of the saint was taken to Italy after a Muslim attack on Lycia aiming to destroy the saint’s relics failed. Fearing another attempt would be successful, […]

May 8 The Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

The holy apostle and evangelist John the Theologian, who, a son of Zebedee, with his brother James and Peter was a witness to the transfiguration and also the passion of the Lord. At the cross, he took Mary as his mother at the command of the dying Lord. In the Gospel and in his other […]

May 7 The Commemoration of the Apparition of the Holy Cross over Jerusalem

The Precious Cross appeared in the sky over Jerusalem on the morning of May 7 in the year 351 during the reign of the Emperor Constantius, who was a supporter of the Arian Heresy at the time. The luminous Cross stretched from Golgotha to the Mount of Olives (about five and half miles), and was […]

Sunday Bulletin 5/7/23

CHRIST IS RISEN ! – INDEED HE IS RISEN ! Christos Voskrese! Voistinu Voskrese! WEEKLY SCHEDULE Saturday, May 6  –  Job, Venerable       5:00 PM          Santa Paula Outreach Divine Liturgy 6:30 PM          Reader Vespers Sunday, May 7  –  Sunday of the Samaritan Woman 8:30 AM          Matins 9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy Monday, May 8  –  […]

May 6 The Holy and Just Job the Long-suffering

The righteous Job (whose name means “persecuted”), God’s faithful servant, was the perfect image of every virtue. The son of Zarah and Bossorha (Job 42), Job was a fifth-generation descendant of Abraham. He was a truthful, righteous, patient, and pious man who abstained from every evil thing. Job was very rich and blessed by God […]

May 3 The Falling Asleep of our Venerable Father Theodosius the Great

Our venerable father Theodosius the Great founded the first cenobitic monastery in Palestine during the fifth century. He left his monastery to champion Orthodoxy when a heresy arose under the Emperor Anastasius. He traveled to Jerusalem and in the church, he stood at the high place and cried out for all to hear: “Whoever does […]