The holy martyr Andrew Stratelates was a military commander in the Roman army during the reign of the emperor Maximian (284-305). They loved him in the Roman army because of his bravery, invincibility, and sense of fairness. When a large Persian army invaded the Syrian territories, the governor entrusted St. Andrew with the command of […]
Tag Archives: prayer
Aug. 18 The Holy Martyrs Florus and Laurus
The martyrs Florus and Laurus were brothers by birth not only in flesh but in spirit. They lived in the 2nd century in Byzantium, and afterwards they settled in Illyria [now Yugoslavia]. By occupation they were stone masons. The prefect of Illyria, Likaion, sent the brothers to a nearby district for work on the construction […]
Aug. 17 The Holy Martyr Myron
The holy martyr Myron was a priest in the town of Achaia. He was of wealthy and prominent origin, yet was kind and meek by nature- a lover of both God and man. During the reign of Emperor Decius, on the Feast of the Nativity of Christ, pagans charged into the church, dragged Myron out […]
Aug. 16 The Translation of the Icon of our Lord not made by human hands; The Holy Martyr Diomedes
The Translation of the Icon of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ, the icon “not made by human hands,” from Edessa to Constantinople in 944: Tradition related that Abgar, prince of the city of Edessa, suffered from leprosy. Having heard of Jesus the healer in Palestine, he sent a portrait painter named Ananias with […]
Aug. 15 The Dormition of the Theotokos
The Dormition of the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary: Tradition relates that the Mother of God died in Jerusalem, after a visit with all of Christ’s apostles. They carried her coffin to the Garden of Gethsemane where it was placed into a tomb. The apostle Thomas came late and asked that the tomb be […]
Aug. 14 The Holy Prophet Micah; Translation of the Relics of Our Father Theodosius, Hegumen of the Monastery of the Caves; Prefestive day of the Dormition of the Theotokos
The holy prophet Micah was of the tribe of Judah and from the village of Morasth. He was a contemporary of the prophets Isaiah, Amos, and Hosea. He denounced the vices of the people, foretold the fall of Samaria, and was a seer of the coming Messiah. He named Bethlehem as the birthplace of the […]
Aug. 6 The Transfiguration of Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ
The Transformation of Our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ in which Jesus Christ, beloved and only-begotten Son of the eternal Father, manifested his glory in the presence of the holy Apostles Peter, James, and John, with the Law and the prophets bearing witness in the persons of Moses and Elijah. This was done so […]
Aug. 5 The Holy Martyr Eusignius; Prefestive Day of the Transfiguration
The holy martyr Eusignius was a soldier under emperors Maximian, Constantine, and Constantine’s sons. Having spent sixty years in military service, he withdrew and went home to Antioch, where he lived a life of good works, prayer, and fasting. In the year 362, during the time of the emperor Julian the Apostate, he was arrested […]
Aug. 4 The Holy Seven Children of Ephesus; The Holy Venerable Martyr Eudoxia
The holy seven children of Ephesus: During the persecution of the emperor Decius, seven young soldiers refused to sacrifice to idols. Tradition says that their names were: Maximilian, Iamblichus, Martinian, John, Dionysius, Exacustodianus, and Antoninus. They concealed themselves in a cave outside of Ephesus, and the emperor sealed them into that cave to kill them […]
Aug. 3 Our Venerable Fathers Isaac, Dalmatus, and Faustus; The Holy Myrrh-bearer Salome
Our venerable fathers Isaac, Dalmatus, and Faustus: Dalmatus was an officer in the Roman army who abandoned all and entered the monastery where Isaac was abbot. His only son, Faustus, entered with him. Dalmatus followed Isaac as heguman of the monastery, and took part in the Third Ecumenical Council (431), battling against the Nestorian heresy. […]