Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!
Christos Voskrese! Voistinnu Voskrese!
Dearest Proto-Cathedral and Ventura Country Byzantine Community Parishioners,
Father Nathan and his family (and Sister Natalia) have all tested negative for COVID multiple times this past week. I (Father Michael) will be self quarantining into this coming week, but Father Nathan will be covering all scheduled liturgies. You are encouraged to come to the Divine Liturgy this weekend, but you have a dispensation if you are vulnerable and want to wait another week.
Thank you for your prayers.
(There will not be a physical bulletin this week due to the office being closed b/c of Father Michael’s positive COVID test)
Blessed Sunday of the Samaritan Woman (Photina)!
Eparchial Appeal 2021
We are in the midst of this year’s Eparchial Appeal. Fund’s donated to this appeal will support the various ministries that the Bishop and the Eparchy of Phoenix carry out for the Glory of God and the upbuilding of the Church. We need about $325.00 from each family to reach our goal. Please give more if you can as some cannot give that amount. Details should have been sent to you by the Eparchy, but if you haven’t received anything you can contribute anyway by writing “Eparchial Appel” on the memo line of a check to the parish, or donate online at
Thank you for your generosity!!
Thank you to those who have contributed:
Anonymous, Clemens, Herrera, Horey M, Michyna, Mina, Mowery, Father O’Loughlin, O’Neill, Patzwahl, Sumandra NS, Theisen, Zimmerman PM and Zimmerman WJ.
Day Pilgrimage with Father Nathan Symeon
Please Join us for a pilgrimage to St. Buenaventura Mission for 7:30 Mass this Friday (May 7). The address is 211 E Main St, Ventura, CA 93001. For more information on the Mission see Home – San Buenaventura Mission
After Mass, we will tour the property, and in the following make a trip to the Bonaventura Pier (very close to the mission) for some fun time on the beach. The address is 750 Harbor Blvd, Ventura, CA 93001.
This week’s blog (
Saint Photina
The Church has given the woman in today’s Gospel passage the name “Photina”. Her name is based on the word “light” because she is both enlightened herself, and directs the whole town back to Christ who is the Light of Life.
What does it mean that she is enlightened? First, remember we are in the Paschal season, so the neophytes (newly baptized) called the “Newly Enlightened” are discovering the many fruits of what it means to have:
-died to the old self to live for Christ – Colossians 3:3
-put off the old man and put on the new – Ephesians 4:22
-been called to offer mercy, not fruitless sacrifice – Matthew 9:13/ Hosea 6:6
-guided to embrace a neediness before God, sorrow for injustice, humility, yearning for God’s Way, forgiveness, abhorrence of selfish violence, courage in God’s Will, and a willingness to be a beacon of Truth in a world that exalts power and control – Matthew 5
The Samaritan Woman, before encountering Christ, was living a life of discontent, pleasure-seeking and shame. After Christ, she has rest, contentment, healing and confidence. Her previous life was one of the darkness of deception. She was deceived to believe that she could find happiness in the goods of this world, engage in false worship, and run away from suffering. When Christ enlightened her (Christ giving her “living Water” points to baptism) she has discovered the one relationship that will fulfill her neediness, knows how to interact with the Divine, and has the confidence to become fearless before evil. She is no longer deceived, but rather has found the Truth and is changing her life as a result.
She then enlightens the whole town by refusing to hoard the Gift she has received, but rather knows that that Gift is only amplified when it continues to be given, and so becomes a witness to the healing power of God.
Saturday, May 1 –
5:00pm Ventura County Divine Liturgy
Sunday, May 2 – Sunday of the Samaritan Woman
8:30 AM Matins
9:30 AM Divine Liturgy
Tuesday, May 4 – Holy Martyr Pelagia
7:30 AM Morning Prayer
4:00 PM Evening Prayer
Wednesday, May 5 – Great-Martyr Irene
7:30 AM Morning Prayer
4:00 PM Evening Prayer
6:30 PM Divine Liturgy +Gerald Sumandra from Paul Sumandra
7:30 PM Firepit Social
Thursday, May 6 – Venerable Job
7:30 AM Morning Prayer
8:30 AM Photina Walk
4:00 PM Evening Prayer
Friday, May 7
7:30 AM Pilgrimage Mass in Ventura (See above)
Saturday, May 8
5:00 PM Ventura County Divine Liturgy
6:30 PM Vespers
Sunday, May 9 – Sunday of the Many Born Blind
8:30 AM Matins
9:30 AM Divine Liturgy
The Mystery of Penance (Confession) is available after any liturgy (including Morning Prayer, Vespers etc.) and during the first portion of Divine Liturgy on Sunday.
God With Us Online is hosting a free Webinar I Believe: a study of the Creed of the Church Wednesdays 8-9:30 pm April 14 – June 16. Register online. Flyers are on the bulletin boards.
Recurring Announcements
Daily Readings Now Available on Our Website
Go to to find the daily Epistle, Gospel and a short biography of the saint of the day for our Byzantine Calendar.
No-Pressure Byzantine Book Club- This Quarter (April-June, 2021): “Community of Grace: An Orthodox Christian Year in Alaska” by Mary Alice Cook
We will pick a new book every three months and read it together as a parish. You will likely see the book mentioned in bulletin posts and homilies. Discussion about the book will take place on the parish website. Feel free to purchase the book yourself, or find it in our giftshop. You can contribute to the discussion at
Dispensation: Due to the ongoing COVID pandemic, our parish has once again received a dispensation from Sunday obligation for at least the next few weeks. Please continue to come if you are able, and trust in our prayers for your health and peace if you are not.
Sunday Potlucks!
As we continue to adapt to this season of the pandemic, instead of our usual post-liturgy socials, we will be holding a potluck every Sunday, after the 9:30am Divine Liturgy. Serving gloves, hand sanitizer and paper utensils will be available. Please bring something to share and be free to serve and receive as you feel comfortable.
Weekly Ventura County Divine Liturgy
If you have friends or family living in Ventura County, let them know that we will be celebrating a Divine Liturgy every Saturday evening at 5pm at the Saint Mary Magdalene Chapel (2532 Ventura Blvd, Camarillo, CA 93010). Father Michael and Fr. Nathan will alternate celebrating this Divine Liturgy, then will hear confessions and host visitors Sunday morning in Sherman Oaks.
Adult Education: Join us this and every Sunday for adult education classes using “Christ Our Pascha” as a guide, but discussing any and all topics related to our church. We meet in person or over Zoom every Sunday at 11:45am. Here are the basics, and you can find more information at the bottom of this email.
Zoom link:
God Bless and I’ll see you soon,
Father Michael
Appendix Info.
Livestreamed liturgies:
How to view live-streams liturgies:
For now, we use Facebook. If you are on Facebook our parish page is called:
“Byzantine Catholic Proto-Cathedral of St. Mary” or you can search for “@protocathedralso”.
If you are not on Facebook, you can go to and watch online. It will try to get you to log into Facebook, but if you click “not now” it will let you watch the livestream with a less annoying prompt banner at the bottom of the page.
Online Tithing
Without everyone gathered on Sundays, we need to make sure that we still offer Christ our “treasure” as well as our time and talent. Feel free to send in your normal tithe check to 5329 Sepulveda Blvd. Sherman Oaks, CA 91411. Or, we just set up a great new way to tithe online using your credit card or bank account information. You can also do a one-time donation or set up weekly donations!! I’m very excited about this and hope that it will facilitate more prayerful and consistent support for the parish. You will receive a receipt and statement immediately after donating. The software takes a very small percentage of the donation, but its worth it for the ease of the system. If you are making a large donation though, please use a check to make sure that the whole donation goes to the church. Please give me and the advisory board feedback after you try the system. It is very important that we continue to give a percentage of what Our Lord has given us, and continue to support the structure and ministry of the parish. This software was recommended by Bishop Robert Barron’s fundraising staff and is used by many non-profits.
You can donate using your computer at:
Online Adult Education (We are also meeting in-person)
Join us for a class online Sundays at 11:45am. Here’s how:
-Either: 1) Download the Zoom app on your phone, tablet or computer ( or 2) just use your internet browser.
-Either way, follow the info. below to join.
-You can read the Catechism online at
Father Michael O’Loughlin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Proto-Cathedral Sunday Morning Adult Education
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 879 2562 2519
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