Nov. 01 The Holy Unmercenary Wonder-workers Cosmas and Damian

The holy wonder-workers and Unmercenary Physicians Cosmas and Damian and their mother, St. Theodota, were natives of Asia Minor (some sources say Mesopotamia). Their pagan father died while they were still quite small children. Their mother raised them in Christian piety. Through her own example, and by reading holy books to them, St. Theodota preserved her children in purity of life according to the commands of the Lord, and Cosmas and Damian grew up into righteous and virtuous men. Trained and skilled as physicians, they received from the Holy Spirit the gift of healing people’s illnesses of body and soul by the power of prayer. They even treated animals. With fervent love for both God and neighbor, they never took payment for their services. They strictly observed the command of our Lord Jesus Christ, “Freely have you received, freely give.”(Mt. 10:8). The fame of Saints Cosmas and Damian spread throughout the surrounding region, and people called them unmercenary physicians. 



Holy unmercenary healers and wonderworkers, Cosmas and Damian, treat us in our weakness; freely you received, so freely give to us.


O most glorious physicians and wonderworkers who have received the grace of healing, you grant health to those in need. By your visitation, defeat our shameless enemies and by your miracles heal the world. 



Colossians 2:20 – 3:3

    Brothers and sisters: If with Christ you have died to cosmic forces, why should you be bound by rules that say, “Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!” as though you were still living a life bounded by this world? Such prescriptions deal with things that perish in their use. They are based on merely human precepts and doctrines. While these make a certain show of wisdom in their affected piety, humility, and bodily austerity, their chief effect is that they indulge men’s pride.

    Since you have been raised up in company with Christ, set your heart on what pertains to higher realms where Christ is seated at God’s right hand. Be intent on things above rather than on things of earth. After all, you have died! Your life is hidden now with Christ in God. 



Luke 11: 34-41

    The Lord said, “The eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyesight is sound, your whole body is lighted up, but when your eyesight is bad, your body is in darkness. Take care, then, that your light is not darkness. If your whole body is lighted up and partly in darkness, it will be as fully illumined as when a lamp shines brightly for you.”

    As he was speaking, a Pharisee invited him to dine at his house. Jesus entered and reclined at table. Seeing this, the Pharisee was surprised that Jesus had not first performed the ablutions prescribed before eating. The Lord said to him: “You Pharisees! You cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but within you are filled with rapaciousness and evil. Fools! Did not he who made the outside make the inside too? But if you give what you have as alms, all will be wiped clean for you.”


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –


Oct. 31 The Holy Apostles Stachys, Amplius, and their Companions; The Holy Martyr Epimachus

The holy apostles Stachys, Amplius, and their companions were members of the Seventy Apostles. Stachys was the helper of St. Andrew the First Called, who made him bishop of Byzantium. Amplius and Urban were also fellow-workers with St. Andrew, and were made bishops of Lydda and Macedonia, respectively. Narcissus was made Bishop of Athens by the Apostle Philip, and Apelles was made Bishop of Heraklion in Trachius. 

The holy martyr Epimachus of Alexandria was a native of Egypt. For a long time he lived in seclusion on Mt. Pelusium. During a persecution against Christians in Alexandria (about the year 250), St. Epimachus in his fervent zeal came into the city, destroyed pagan idols, and fearlessly confessed Christ. For this the saint was put to torture. Among the people watching the torture was a woman who was blind in one eye. A drop of blood from the martyr healed her infirmity. After fierce torture, the saint was beheaded by the sword. 



O holy apostles, intercede with the merciful God that He may grant our souls forgiveness of sins.


Troparion – Martyr

O Lord our God, Your holy martyr Epimachus has deserved the crown of immortality on account of his good fight. Armed with Your strength, he has vanquished his persecutors and crushed Satan’s dreadful might. Through his supplications, O Christ our God, save our souls.



Let us properly praise the pure vessels of the All-Holy Spirit, and glorious rays of the sun, the wise apostles Amplius, Urban, Aristobulus, Apelles, Narcissus, and Stachys, who the grace of our God has joined together.


Kontakion – Martyr

You were an inspired pillar and a witness to the truth. You conquered the bodiless foe through bodily torment and received the crown from Christ. Thus, O blessed one, we cry out to you: pray unceasingly, O glorious one, to grant us great mercy. 



Colossians 2: 13-21

    Brothers and sisters: Even when you were dead in sin and your flesh was uncircumcised, God gave you new life in company with Christ. He pardoned all our sins. He canceled the bond that stood against us with all its claims, snatching it up and nailing it to the cross. Thus did God disarm the principalities and powers. He made a public show of them and, leading them off captive, triumphed in the person of Christ. 

    No one is free, therefore, to pass judgment on you in terms of what you eat or drink or what you do on yearly or monthly feasts, or on the sabbath. All these were but a shadow of things to come; the reality is the body of Christ. Let no one rob you of your prize by insisting on servility in the workshop of angels. Such a one takes his stand on his own experience; he is inflated with empty pride by his human reflections when he should be in close touch with the head. The whole body, mutually supported and upheld by joints and sinews, achieves a growth from this source which comes from God.

    If with Christ you have died to cosmic forces, why should you be bound by rules that say, “Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!” as though you were still living a life bounded by this world?



Luke 11: 29-33

    At that time while the crowds pressed around him, Jesus began to speak to them in these words: “This is an evil age. It seeks a sign. But no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah. Just as Jonah was a sign for the Ninevites, so will the Son of Man be a sign for the present age. The queen of the South will rise at the judgment along with the men of this generation, and she will condemn them. She came from the farthest corner of the world to listen to the wisdom of Solomon, but you have a great Solomon here. At the judgment, the citizens of Nineveh will rise along with the present generation, and they will condemn it. For at the preaching of Jonah they reformed, but you have a greater than Jonah here. One who lights a lamp does not put it in the cellar or under a bushel basket, but rather on a lampstand, so that they who come in may see the light.”


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –


The Beauty of Your House (reverence i)

(Part one in a series of posts encouraging reverence of the Holy things)

At the end of the Divine Liturgy, during the Ambon Prayer, the priest asks God to “sanctify those who love the beauty of your house…”.  This reference comes from Psalm 25:8 (26:8 in most bibles) which says “Lord, I love the beauty of your house, the place where your glory dwells”.  This psalm is also referenced when a priest washes his hands after vesting and right before he begins the preparation rites for the Divine Liturgy.  Thus at the very beginning of the Divine Liturgy, and near the end, we are reminded of the sacred space that is our temple, the dwelling place of God.  I would encourage everyone to call our church building the “Temple” because in the Greek it is called a “Naos” which means “house” whereas “Ecclesia”, translated “church” means “gathering”.  So we are the “church”, gathered in the “house” of God.  This is of course not a hard and fast rule, but I think it’s helpful to acknowledge the sacredness and glory of our beautiful temple.  

Oct. 30 The Holy Martyrs Zenobius and Zenobia

The holy martyr Zenobius was a priest who, in the severity of the persecution under the emperor Diocletian, urged others to martyrdom and himself was crowned with martyrdom. Zenobia, his sister, voluntarily joined Zenobius in his martyrdom in the year 285.



Your martyrs, O Lord our God, in their struggles received incorruptible crowns from You. With Your strength, they brought down the tyrants and broke the cowardly valor of demons. Through their prayers, O Christ our God, save our souls. 



Let us honor with inspired hymns the two martyrs for truth and preachers of true devotion, Zenobius and wise Zenobia, brother and sister who lived and suffered together, and together received the incorruptible crown of martyrdom.



Galatians 2: 16-20

    Brothers and sisters: Knowing that a man is not justified by legal observance but by faith in Jesus Christ, we too have believed in him in order to be justified by faith in Christ, not by observance of the law; for by works of the law no one will be justified. But if, in seeking to be justified in Christ, we are shown to be sinners, does that mean that Christ is encouraging sin? Unthinkable! If, however, I were to build up the very things I had demolished, I should then indeed be a transgressor. It was through the law that I died to the law, to live for God. I have been crucified with Christ, and the life I live now is not my own; Christ is living in me. I still live my human life, but it is a life of faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. 



Luke 8: 26-39

    At that time when Jesus and his disciples came to the land of the Gerasenes which is opposite Galilee, they were met by a man from the town who was possessed by demons. For a long time he had not worn any clothes; he did not live in a house, but among the tombstones. On seeing Jesus he began to shriek; then the man fell at the feet of Jesus and exclaimed at the top of his voice, “Jesus, Son of God Most High, why do you meddle with me? Do not torment me, I beg you.” By now Jesus was ordering the unclean spirit to come out of the man. This spirit had taken hold of him many a time. The man used to be tied with chains and fetters, but he would break his bonds and the demon would drive him into places of solitude. “What is your name?” Jesus demanded. “Legion,” he answered, because the demons who had entered him were many. They pleaded with Jesus not to order them back to the abyss. It happened that a large herd of swine was feeding nearby on the hillside, and the demons asked Jesus to permit them to enter the swine. This he granted. The demons then came out of the man and entered the swine, and the herd charged down the bluff into the lake, where they drowned. 

    When the swineherds saw what had happened, they took to their heels and brought the news to the town and country roundabout. The people went out to see for themselves what had happened. Coming on Jesus, they found the man from whom the devils had departed sitting at the feet of Jesus dressed and in his full senses; this sight terrified them. They were told by witnesses how the possessed man had been cured. Shortly afterward, the entire population of Gerasene territory asked Jesus to leave their neighborhood, for a great fear had seized them; so he got into the boat and went back across the lake. 

    The man from whom the devils had departed asked to come with Jesus, but Jesus sent him away with the words, “Go back home and recount all that God has done for you.” The man went all through the town making public what Jesus had done for him. 


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –


Sunday Bulletin 10/30/22


Saturday, Oct. 29 – Anastasia, Venerable Martyr        

5:00 PM          Outreach Divine Liturgy in Santa Paula

Sunday, Oct. 30 – 21st Sunday after Pentecost        

8:30 AM          Matins

9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy

Monday, Oct. 31 – Bl. Theodore Romža       

8:30 AM          Morning Prayer

6:00 PM          Akathist for those suffering from Addictions & Mental Illness

6:30 PM          Divine Liturgy Those struggling w/ addiction & mental health issues

Wednesday, Nov. 2 – Akindynos and Others, Martyrs    

8:30 AM          Morning Prayer

9:30 AM          Photina Walk

6:30 PM          Divine Liturgy +WTC 9/11/01 from Rick White

7:30 PM          Firepit Social

Saturday, Nov. 5 – Galaction and Episteme, Martyrs       

5:00 PM          Outreach Divine Liturgy in Santa Paula

6:30 PM          Reader Vespers

Sunday, Nov. 6 – 22nd Sunday after Pentecost          

8:30 AM          Matins

9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy

*Add first names to this prayer service by emailing


St. Mary’s: Sundays 8:45 AM or by appointment

Santa Paula: Saturdays 4:15 PM or by appointment


(Please resubmit or submit names to

The Carlin Family, Michael Hefferon, Shirley Kunze, Michael Mina, Peter Mina, Fr, John Mina, Mila Mina, Lana Zimmerman, Patrick Zimmerman, Fern Bonowicz, All the sick and suffering of St. Mary’s


Collection: $885.00; Candles: $70.25; Online: $30.00; Santa Paula: $536.00

Total: $1,460.25/ Attendance- PSM: 54 VCO: 55

“Return to your house and proclaim what great things God has done for you.” Our healing Lord brings redemption and breaks the chains of sin, demonic possession and anything else that may be in our way to grow in holiness. Do you have a story of salvation that can be shared with the world by responding to it by the monastic or ordained life? To learn more about this, contact the Vocations Office at 206-329-9219 or email:

 The Beauty of Your House

At the end of the Divine Liturgy, during the Ambon Prayer, the priest asks God to “sanctify those who love the beauty of your house…”.  This reference comes from Psalm 25:8 (26:8 in most bibles) which says “Lord, I love the beauty of your house, the place where your glory dwells”.  This psalm is also referenced when a priest washes his hands after vesting and right before he begins the preparation rites for the Divine Liturgy.  Thus at the very beginning of the Divine Liturgy, and near the end, we are reminded of the sacred space that is our temple, the dwelling place of God.  I would encourage everyone to call our church building the “Temple” because in the Greek it is called a “Naos” which means “house” whereas “Ecclesia”, translated “church” means “gathering”.  So we are the “church”, gathered in the “house” of God.  This is of course not a hard and fast rule, but I think it’s helpful to acknowledge the sacredness and glory of our beautiful temple.  

Oct. 29 The Holy Venerable Martyr Anastasia; Our Venerable Father Abraham the Hermit

The holy venerable martyr Anastasia was born in Rome to wealthy parents, but she was left as an orphan at the age of three. She was taken to a women’s monastery to live, under the guidance of Hegumena Sophia. When she was seventeen, the pagan governor summoned her to defend herself, which she did with great eloquence. She was stripped, tortured, and finally mutilated by the guards. This was during the persecution of the emperor Decius (249-251). 

Our venerable father Abraham the hermit married under pressure from his parents, but then he fled into the desert to live as a hermit. For fifty years he did so, faithfully keeping to the ascetic life which had called him. He died at the age of seventy in 360 at Edessa in Osrhoene in Mesopotamia. St. Ephraem the deacon recorded the deeds of this remarkable man. 


Troparion – Anastasia

Your lamb Anastasia, O Jesus, cries out in a loud voice: I love you, my Bridegroom; I seek You with painful longing; I am crucified with You; in Your baptism, I am buried with You; I suffer for You that I may reign with You; and I die for You that I may live with You. Receive me as a spotless sacrifice immolated with love for You. by her prayers, O merciful One, save our souls.


Troparion – Abraham

In you, O father, the divine image was strictly preserved; taking up your cross, you followed Christ. You taught us by example how to spurn the flesh, for it passes away, and how to care for the soul, which is immortal. Therefore, O venerable Abraham, your soul rejoices with the angels. 


Kontakion – Anastasia

O venerable Anastasia, you were purified by the waters of virginity and washed by the blood of your martyrdom. Wherefore you grant healing to those who suffer from sickness, and salvation to those who come to you with love, for it is Christ who bestows upon you this power, Christ ever-generous with His grace.


Kontakion – Abraham

In the body, you were like an angel on earth; and by your asceticism, you were like a tree well-planted: you grew in beauty, being watered with self-renunciation. Father Abraham, you exorcised the devil by your tears; wherefore you resembled a vessel of the Holy Spirit. 



2 Corinthians 3: 12-18

    Brothers and sisters: Our hope being [the glory that endures], we act with full confidence. We are not like Moses, who used to hide his face with a veil so that the Israelites could not see the final fading of that glory. Their minds, or course, were dulled. To this very day, when the old covenant is read the veil remains unlifted; it is only in Christ that it is taken away. Even now, when Moses is read a veil covers their understanding. “But whenever one turns to the Lord, the veil will be removed.” The Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. All of us, gazing on the Lord’s glory with unveiled faces, are being transformed from glory to glory into his very image by the Lord who is the Spirit. 



Luke 8: 16-21

    The Lord said, “No one lights a lamp and puts it under a bushel basket or under a bed; he puts it on a lampstand so that whoever comes in can see it. There is nothing hidden that will not be exposed, nothing concealed that will not be known and brought to light. Take heed, therefore, how you hear: to the man who has, more will be given; and he who has not, will lose even the little he thinks he has.”

    His mother and brothers came to be with him, but they could not reach him because of the crowd. He was told, “Your mother and your brothers are standing outside and they wish to see you.” He told them in reply, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act upon it.”


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –


Oct. 28 The Holy Martyrs Terence and Neonila; Our Holy Father Stephen the Sabbaite, Composer of Canons; The Holy Martyr Paraskevia of Iconium

The holy martyrs Terence and Neolina were husband and wife from Syria, who were martyred with their seven children for their witness to Christ.

Our holy father Stephen the Sabbaite was the author of many beautiful canons. He lived in the community of St. Sabbas the Sanctified, near Jerusalem. He later became bishop, and died peacefully in 807.

The holy martyr Paraskevia of Iconium lived during the persecution of Diocletian. Paraskevia took a vow of celibacy and lived her life doing good works for the poor and needy in the name of Christ. She was arrested and taken before the governor. He had her tortured, flogged, and then beheaded in the 4th century. 


Troparion – Martyrs

Your martyrs, O Lord our God, in their struggle received incorruptible crowns from You. With Your strength, they brought down the tyrants and broke the cowardly valor of demons. Through their prayers, O Christ our God, save our souls. 


Troparion – Stephen

Guide of Orthodoxy, mirror of piety snf exemplary behavior, bright star of the universe and adornment of monks, you enlightened us all by your teachings. O wise Stephen, inspired by God and lyre of the Holy Spirit, intercede with Christ God that He may save our souls.


Troparion – Paraskevia

Wise and all-praised martyress of Christ Paraskevia, you received masculine strength and rejected feminine infirmity, conquering the devil and shaming the torturer, crying out and saying: O come cut my body with the sword and burn it with fire, for rejoicing I go to my Groom Christ. Through these prayers, O Christ God, save our souls. 


Kontakion – Martyrs

The honorable memorial of the martyrdom of Terence and his wife comes again today, filling us with joy as we gather to celebrate the feast. These two have received grace from the Holy Spirit to cure ills and heal our souls. 


Kontakion – Stephen

You planted a garden of virtues and watered it with your tears of repentance. Since you have found the Tree of Life, O all-glorious one , by your intercession save your flock from perdition and deliver from affliction those who honor you. O wise Stephen, we have chosen you in faith and love as our great intercessor. 


Kontakion – Paraskevia

You were offered the all holy and blameless torture, for a payment to the most pure, immortal Groom Christ, you gladdened a place in the angelic choir and you conquered the demonic snares. For this reason we honor you through faith, O Much-suffering Martyress Paraskevia.


Readings for the saint


2 Corinthians 6: 1-10

    Brothers and sisters: As your fellow workers we beg you not to receive the grace from God in vain. For he says, “In an acceptable time I have heard you; on a day of salvation I have helped you.” Now is the acceptable time! Now is the day of salvation! We avoid giving anyone offense, so that our ministry may not be blamed. On the contrary, in all that we do we strive to present ourselves as ministers of God, acting with patient endurance amid trials, difficulties, distresses, beatings, imprisonments, and riots; as men familiar with hard work, sleepless nights, and fastings; conducting ourselves with innocence, knowledge, and patience, in the Holy Spirit, in sincere love as men with the message of truth and the power of God; wielding the weapons of righteousness with right hand and left, whether honored or dishonored; spoken of well or ill. We are called imposters, yet we are truthful; nobodies who in fact are well known; dead, yet here we are alive; punished, but not put to death; sorrowful, though we are always rejoicing; poor, yet we enrich many. We seem to have nothing, yet everything is ours!



Luke 7: 36-50

    At that time there was a certain Pharisee who invited Jesus to dine with him. Jesus went to the Pharisee’s home and reclined to eat. A woman known in the town to be a sinner learned that he was dining in the Pharisee’s home. She brought in a vase of perfumed oil and stood behind him at his feet, weeping so that her tears fell upon his feet. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissing them and perfuming them with the oil. When his host, the Pharisee, saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet he would know who and what sort of woman this is that touched him–that she is a sinner.” In answer to his thoughts, Jesus said to him, “Simon, I have something to propose to you.” “Teacher,” he said, “speak.”

    Jesus said, “Two men owed money to a certain money-lender; one owed a total of five hundred coins, the other fifty. Since neither was able to repay, he wrote off both debts. Which of them was more grateful to him?” Simon answered, “He, I presume, to whom he remitted the larger sum.” Jesus said to him, “You are right.”

    Turning then to the woman, Jesus said to Simon: “You see this woman? I came to your home and you provided me with no water for my feet. She has washed my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You gave me no kiss, but she has not ceased kissing my feet since I entered. You did not anoint my feet with perfume. I tell you, that is why her many sins are forgiven–because of her great love. Little is forgiven the one whose love is small.”

    Jesus said to her then, “Your sins are forgiven”; at which his fellow guests began to ask among themselves, “Who is this that he even forgives sins?” Meanwhile Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has been your salvation. Now go in peace.”


Readings for the day


Colossians 2: 1-7

    Brothers and sisters: I want you to know how hard I am struggling for you and for the Laodiceans and the many others who have never seen me in the flesh. I wish their hearts to be strengthened and themselves to be closely united in love, enriched with full assurance by their knowledge of the mystery of God – namely Christ – in whom every treasure of wisdom and knowledge is hidden.

    I tell you all this so that no one may delude you with specious arguments. I may be absent in body but I am with you in spirit, happy to see good order among you and the firmness of your faith in Christ. Continue, therefore, to live in Christ Jesus the Lord, in the spirit in which you received him. Be rooted in him and built up in him, growing ever stronger in faith, as you were taught, and overflowing with gratitude. 



Luke 11: 23-26

    The Lord said, “He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters. When an unclean spirit has gone out of a man, it wanders through arid wastes searching for a resting-place; failing to find one, it says, ‘I will go back to where I came from.’ It then returns, to find the house swept and tidied. Next it goes out and returns with seven other spirits far worse than itself, who enter in and dwell there. The result is that the last state of the man is worse than the first.”


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –


Oct. 27 The Holy Martyr Nestor; The Holy Martyr Capitolina and her servant Erotheides

The holy martyr Nestor learned of Christianity from St. Demetrius the Great Martyr. Nestor was moved to defend Christians being tortured in the arena of Salonica, and defeated the brute gladiator who was killing the innocents. The emperor Maximian ordered Nestor to be beheaded in the year 306.

Capitolina was a noble and wealthy lady who divided all of her property among the poor, and freed her slaves. When she was arrested as a Christian and appeared before the magistrate, she confessed her faith in Christ. He ordered her to be thrown into prison, and she was beheaded the next day. Eroteis, who was Capitolina’s servant, picked up some stones and threw them at the magistrate. Outraged, he commanded his guards to beat her mercilessly with sticks. By the grace of Christ Eroteis remained unharmed. Then he ordered them to behead her with a sword. In this manner, both of these Saints, the lady and her servant, died by the sword, thereby winning imperishable crowns of glory from Christ in the year 304.    



You took up the power of the Divine Cross from the great Demetrius, O glorious one, and you set out against the giant. His awesome strength did not save him, for he was brought down by you. You were put to death for this, O martyr, but entered into the presence of Christ. O Nestor, pray for peace and mercy for us all.



Because you fought the good fight, you now inherited immortal glory; through the prayers of Demetrius the martyr, you became a perfect soldier of the Master. Therefore, O wise Nestor, do not cease to intercede together with Demetrius for us all.



Colossians 1: 24-29

    Brothers and sisters: Even now I find my joy in the suffering I endure for you. In my own flesh I fill up what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ for the sake of his body, the church. I became a minister of this church through the commission God gave me to preach among you his word in its fullness, that mystery hidden from the ages and generations past but now revealed to his holy ones. God has willed to make known to them the glory beyond price which this mystery brings to the Gentiles – the mystery of Christ in you, your hope of glory. This is the Christ we proclaim while we admonish all men to teach them in the full measure of wisdom, hoping to make every man complete in Christ. For this I work and struggle, impelled by that energy of his which is so powerful a force within me. 



Luke 11: 14-23

    At that time Jesus was casting out a devil which was mute, and when the devil was cast out the dumb man spoke. The crowds were amazed at this. Some of them said, “It is by Beelzebul, the prince of devils, that he casts out devils.” Others, to test him, were demanding of him a sign from heaven.

    Because Jesus knew their thoughts, he said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid to waste. Any house torn by dissension falls. If Satan is divided against himself, how can his kingdom last? – since you say it is by Beelzebul that I cast out devils. If I cast out devils by Beelzebul, by whom do your people cast them out? In such case, let them act as your judges. But if it is by the finger of God that I cast out devils, then the reign of God is upon you.

    “When a strong man fully armed guards his courtyard, his possessions go undisturbed, But when someone stronger than he comes and overpowers him, such a one carries off the arms on which he was relying and divides the spoils. He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.”



Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –


Oct. 26 The Holy and Glorious Great-Martyr Demetrius, Myroblyte and Wonderworker; Commemoration of the Great and Fearful Earthquake at Constantinople

The holy and great martyr Demetrius was born in Salonica of devout parents, and was a much-longed-for only child. Because of this he received an excellent education. Like his father, Demetrius became a soldier in the Roman army. The emperor Maximian appointed him to persecute Christians in Salonica, but Demetrius confessed his faith and preached Christ. He was cruelly martyred for his witness to the Lord. Since the 7th century a miraculous flow of fragrant myrrh has been found beneath the burial place of St. Demetrius, so he is called “the Myrrh-gusher” or Myroblyte. 

The Commemoration of the great and fearful earthquake in Constantinople, 740: In the time of the emperor Leo the Armenian, there was a terrifying and long-lasting earthquake in Constantinople. The people felt that it was punishment for their sins, and entreated the most holy Mother of God and St. Demetrius to intercede for them. 



O Passion-bearer, the world has seen you as a defender of those imperiled and a conqueror of the nations. In cutting down the arrogance of Lyaeus, you bolstered Nestor by your courage. Therefore, O holy Demetrius, pray to Christ our God to grant us great mercy.


Troparion – Earthquake

O Christ our God, who look upon the earth, and it quakes: deliver us from the dreadful menace of earthquakes, and send down upon us Your rich mercies through the intercession of the Theotokos and save us.



With streams of your blood, O Demetrius, the God, who gives you invincible might, has dyed the Church in purple, and keeps your city unharmed, for you are its foundation. 


Readings for the saint


2nd Timothy 2: 1-10

    Timothy, my son: You must be strong in the grace which is ours in Christ Jesus. The things which you have heard from me through many witnesses you must hand on to trustworthy men who will be able to teach others. Bear hardship along with me as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier becomes entangled in the affairs of civilian life; he avoids this in order to please his commanding officer. Similarly, if one takes part in an athletic contest, he cannot receive the winner’s crown unless he has kept the rules. The hardworking farmer is the one who should have the first share of the crop. Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will make my meaning fully clear. 

    Remember that Jesus Christ, a descendant of David, was raised from the dead. This is the gospel I preach; in preaching it I suffer as a criminal, even to the point of being thrown into chains–but there is no chaining the word of God! Therefore I bear with all of this for the sake of those whom God has chosen, in order that they may obtain the salvation to be found in Christ Jesus and with it eternal glory. 



John 15:27 – 16:2

    The Lord said to his disciples: “The command I give you is this, that you love one another. If you find that the world hates you, know that it has hated me before you. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own; the reason it hated you is that you do not belong to the world. But I chose you out of the world. Remember what I told you: no slave is greater than his master. They will harry you as they harried me. They will respect your words as much as they respected mine. All this they will do to you because of my name, for they know nothing of him who sent me. If I had not come to them and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; now, however, their sin cannot be excused.

    “To hate me is to hate my Father. Had I not performed such works among them as no one has ever done before, they would not be guilty of sin; bit as it is, they have seen, and they go on hating me and my Father. However, this only fulfills the text in their law: ‘They hated me without cause.’ When the Paraclete comes, the Spirit of truth who comes from the Father – and whom I myself will send from the Father – he will bear witness on my behalf. You must bear witness as well, for you have been with me from the beginning.

    “I have told all this to keep your faith from being shaken. Not only will they expel you from synagogues; a time will come when anyone who puts you to death will claim to be serving God!”


Readings for the day


Colossians 1: 18-23

    Brothers and sisters: It is [Christ] who is head of the body, the church; he who is the beginning, the first-born of the dead, so that primacy may be his in everything. It pleased God to make absolute fullness reside in him and, by means of him, to reconcile everything in his person, both on earth and in the heavens, making peace through the blood of his cross.

    You yourselves were once alienated from him; you nourished hostility in your hearts because of your evil deeds. But now Christ has achieved reconciliation for you in his mortal body by dying, so as to present you to God holy, free of reproach and blame. But you must hold fast to faith, be firmly grounded and steadfast in it, unshaken in the hope promised you by the gospel you have heard. It is the gospel which has been announced to every creature under heaven, and I, Paul, am its servant. 



Luke 11: 9-13

    The Lord said to his disciples: “Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.’ For whoever asks, receives, whoever seeks, finds; whoever knocks, is admitted. What father among you will give his son a snake if he asks for a fish, or hand him a scorpion if he asks for an egg? If you, with all your sins, know how to give your children good things, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.”



Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –


Oct. 25 The Holy Martyrs and Notaries Marcian and Martyrius

The martyrs Marcian and Martyrius, Notaries of Constantinople, served in a Constantinople cathedral. Marcian was a reader and Martyrius a subdeacon. They both performed in the capacity of notaries, i.e. secretaries, for Patriarch Paul the Confessor. Arian heretics expelled and secretly executed the righteous Patriarch Paul. His throne was given to the heretic Macedonius. The heretics attempted to entice Saints Marcian and Martyrius over to their side by flattery. They offered them gold and promised to consecrate them as archbishops, but all the efforts of the Arians were in vain. Then the impious threatened to slander them before the emperor, and sought to intimidate them with torture and death. But the saints steadfastly confessed Orthodoxy, as handed down by the Fathers of the Church. Marcian and Martyrius were sentenced to death and received their martyrs’ crowns in 355. 



Two martyrs worthy of each other, Macian and Martyrius, have crushed the wickedness of Arius. Obeying Paul, teacher of truth, they taught that the Son is consubstantial with the Father and the Spirit. Thus, they died beneath the sword and were united to Christ. They intercede before Him for the salvation of our souls.



Since childhood you have been good champions, O wise Marcian and Martyrius. You vanquished the heretic Arius and preserved the true faith by following in Paul’s footsteps; therefore you deserved to be with him in eternal life. O Defenders of the Holy Trinity. 



Colossians 1: 1-2, 7-11

    Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, to the holy ones at Colossae, faithful brothers in Christ. May God our Father give you grace and peace.

    You comprehended God’s gracious intention through the instructions of Epaphras, our dear fellow slave, who represents us as a faithful minister of Christ. He it was who told us of your love in the Spirit.

    Ever since we heard this we have been praying for you unceasingly and asking that you may attain full knowledge of his will through perfect wisdom and spiritual insight. Then you will lead a life worthy of the Lord and pleasing to him in every way. You will multiply good works of every sort and grow in the knowledge of God. By the might of his glory you will be endowed with the strength needed to stand fast, even to endure joyfully whatever may come. 



Luke 11: 1-10

    At that time Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he had finished, one of his disciples asked him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.” Jesus said to them, “When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins for we too forgive all who do us wrong; and subject us not to the trial.”

    Jesus said to them: “If one of you knows someone who comes to him in the middle of the night and says to him, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves, for a friend of mine has come in from a journey and I have nothing to offer him’; and he from inside should reply, ‘Leave me alone. The door is shut now and my children and I are in bed. I cannot get up to look after your needs’ – I tell you, even though he does not get up and take care of the man because of friendship, he will do so because of his persistence, and give him as much as he needs. So I say to you, ‘Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.’ For whoever asks, receives, whoever seeks, finds; whoever knocks, is admitted.”



Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –