Saturday, Oct. 8 – Pelagia, Venerable
5:00 PM Outreach Divine Liturgy in Santa Paula
Sunday, Oct. 9 – 18th Sunday after Pentecost
8:30 AM Matins
9:30 AM Divine Liturgy
Monday, Oct. 10 – Eulampius & Eulampia, Martyrs
6:30 PM Prayer Service* for healing of Addictions and Mental illness
Wednesday, Oct. 12 – Probus and Others, Martyrs
6:30 PM Reader Vespers
7:30 PM Firepit Social
Saturday, Oct. 15 – Euthymius, Venerable
5:00 PM Outreach Divine Liturgy in Santa Paula
6:30 PM Reader Vespers
Sunday, Oct. 16 – Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council
8:30 AM Matins
9:30 AM Divine Liturgy
*Add first names to this prayer service by emailing niemirick@gmail.com
(Please resubmit or submit names to admin@ByzantineLA.com)
The Carlin Family, Michael Hefferon, Shirley Kunze, Michael Mina, Peter Mina, Fr, John Mina, Mila Mina, Lana Zimmerman, Patrick Zimmerman, All the sick and suffering of St. Mary’s
Collection: $4,405.00; Candles: $46.25; Online: $330.00; Santa Paula: $155.00; Bishop’s Appeal: $1,075.00; Special Gift: $220.00; Church Improvements: $375; Holydays: $170.00; Parish Socials: $100.00; Special Envelope: $1,000.00
Total: $7,876.25/ Attendance- PSM: 100
Eparchial Appeal
Thank you to everyone who donated to this year’s eparchial appeal! We raised more than our $25,544.72 goal, and will receive 10% of our total back as a rebate!
Thank you again to those who contributed: Anonymous, Bates, J. Blessum, S. Blessum, Carlin, Chirdon, Clemens, Cook, Crans, Davies, Golya, Haas, Healy, Herrera, Hillz, Jimenez, Jordan, Kieselhorst, Koman, Koman-Keogh, Leparulo, Martini, Matthews, Michnya, Mina, Niemi, Fr. O’Loughlin, O’Neill, Onufrak, Parrot, Patzwahl, Petach, Reichert, C. Roche, Seabright, Skocypec, M. Sumandra, Summe, Tabak, Theisen, Wiggins, Wiltz, A. Wrzesinski, J. Wrzesinski, P. Zimmerman, and W. Zimmerman
St. Mary’s Heritage
We have many new members, and we want to introduce everyone to some of the parishioners who came before us. This will be an ongoing project telling the stories of those who laid the foundation, and then built upon it, of the St. Mary’s we know today. We will kick off this project by featuring Nancy Sumandra. If you have any stories or experiences of Nancy, please email Father Michael. He will have them compiled and will share a parish memoir of Nancy in a Sunday bulletin and online. Please submit all stories by October 9. Thank you!
Parish Family Day
What a memorable family day last Sunday! Matins and Divine Liturgy were beautiful and we were able to share this great gift with so many guests. Plenty of food shared, a pig on a spit, beer/wine tasting and mini craft brews from local breweries, a wonderful string quartet, great conversation, and even an attempted snake feeding (except that Georgia got stage fright). Thank you to all of you, you spent so much money, time, and energy allowing us to celebrate our feast and share our faith with our guests. May our Lord grant the parishioners of Saint Mary’s many, many happy and blessed years! – Father Michael
“God has visited his people!” When Jesus shows his compassion by raising the dead, the people around him experience the presence of God in their midst. As the Body of Christ, we can all do so when we show love, compassion and holiness in our lives. God is seeking to build his Church with men and women who serve him as priests, deacons, subdeacons, monks and nuns to continue to visit His people. If he may be calling you, contact the Vocations Office at 206-329-9219 or email: vocations@ephx.org