Nov. 26 Our Venerable Father Alypius the Stylite; The Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of the Holy Great Martyr George in Kiev

Our venerable father Alypius the Stylite was a deacon who died near the age of one hundred in the year 640 at Hadrianopolis in Paphlagonia.  The Consecration of the Church of the Great Martyr George at Kiev: Beginning with the holy Prince Vladimir (July 15), it was the pious custom of Russian princes to build […]

Nov. 25 Our Holy Fathers and Martyrs Clement, Pope of Rome and Peter, Bishop of Alexandria

Our holy father Clement ruled the Church of Rome third after the blessed Peter the Apostle. He wrote an outstanding letter to the Corinthians to strengthen the peace and concord among themselves. The burial of his body on this day in Rome is honored, his relics having been restored to the Eternal City by Saints […]

Nov. 24 The Great Martyr Catherine; The Holy Great Martyr Mercury

The holy great martyr Catherine was an Alexandrian and a martyr, filled with sharpness of mind and wisdom no less than with strength of soul. Her body is honored in pious veneration in a famous coenobium on Mt. Sinai. (310) The holy great martyr Mercury was an Armenian soldier in the army of the emperor Decius. […]

Nov. 23 Our Fathers among the saints, Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium and Gregory, Bishop of Agrigento

Our holy father Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium, was the cousin of St. Gregory the Theologian and close friend of St. Basil the Great. St. Amphilochius lived in the wilderness as a strict ascetic for 40 years until the Lord summoned him in a vision, telling him to go to Iconium to replace the bishop who […]

Nov. 22 The Holy Apostle Philemon and his Companions; The Holy Martyrs Cecilia, Valerian, Tiburtius, and Maximus

The Holy Apostles of the Seventy Philemon and his wife Apphia lived in the city of Colossa in Phrygia. After they were baptized by the holy Apostle Paul, they converted their house into a house of prayer, where all those who believed in Christ gathered and attended services. They devoted themselves to serving the sick […]

Nov. 21 Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple

According to Holy Tradition, the parents of the Virgin Mary, Saints Joachim and Anna, praying for an end to their childlessness, vowed that if a child were born to them, they would dedicate it to the service of God. When the Most Holy Virgin reached the age of three, the holy parents decided to fulfill […]

Nov. 20 Our Father Gregory the Decapolite; Our Father among the saints, Proclus, Archbishop of Constantinople; Pre-festive Day of the Entrance in the temple of the most holy Theotokos

Our venerable father Gregory the Decapolite first professed the monastic life and then the life of an anchorite. Then he made a journey and settled for a long time in Thessalonica. Finally he returned his soul to God in Constantinople where he fought vigorously in defense of the holy Images during the 9th century.  Our […]

Sunday Bulletin 11/10/22

WEEKLY SCHEDULE Saturday, Nov. 19  –  Obadiah, Prophet      5:00 PM          Outreach Divine Liturgy in Santa Paula 6:30 PM          Reader Vespers Sunday, Nov. 20  –  24th Sunday after Pentecost        8:30 AM          Matins 9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy Monday, Nov. 21  –  Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple (Solemn Holyday)      […]