July 26 The Holy Priest-Martyr Hermolaus and His Companions; The Holy Venerable Martyr Paraskevia; Our Venerable Father Moses the Carpathian of the Monastery of the Caves 

The holy priest-martyr Hermolaus was a priest in Nicomedia in the time of the Emperor Maximian, and was with the 20,000 martyrs condemned to be burned in their church. He and two other priests escaped. They were caught, tortured, and martyred. 

The holy venerable Paraskevia was born in Rome, to Christian parents. She preached Christ even as a small child. When her parents died, she gave away all her goods to the poor and received the monastic habit. She was denounced by the emperor Anoninus Pius and beheaded in the 2nd century.

Our venerable father Moses the Carpathian of the Monastery of the Caves was in the service of St. Boris, and after the saint’s death in 1015, Moses fled to Kiev. He was later taken captive by the Polish king when he invaded Kiev. Moses was bought by a widow who wanted him for her husband. Moses refused as he wished to become a monk, and endured 100 lashes everyday until the widows death. He fled back to Kiev to the Monastery of the Caves where pursued asceticism for 10 years; he died in about the year 1043 and was buried in the Near Caves. 


Troparion – Martyrs

Your martyrs, O Lord our God, in their struggle received incorruptible crowns from You. With Your strength, they brought down the tyrants and broke the cowardly valor of demons. Through their prayers, O Christ our God, save our souls. 


Troparion – Venerable Woman

Your promised pledge is like a marriage, for you promised your fidelity to the one faith, and you inherited life, O Paraskevia, the martyr named for Christ. From your heritage you bestow health, and you pray for the salvation of our souls. 


Troparion – Venerable Father   

We praise you with sacred hymns of another Joseph, O Most Honored Moses, great lover of purity and chastity, equal of the angels. We earnestly pray to you: Entreat Christ our God to heal all our passions and to grant us great mercy. 


Kontakion – Priest-Martyrs

Living like a good pastor, you received a martyr’s crown. You scattered the sacrifices before the idols and proved yourself a good shepherd of your flock. You were an honest teacher for Panteleimon, O wise saint. We venerate you on this account, O father Hermolaus, and cry out: Deliver us from misfortune through your prayers. 


Kontakion – Venerable Woman

Come you faithful, let us praise Paraskevia the martyr. She shines with miracles in the world, dispelling the mist of lies, and she gives bountiful grace to those who sing: Rejoice, O long-suffering martyr.



1st Corinthians 10: 5-12

    Brothers and sisters: We know that God was not pleased with most of [our fathers], for “they were struck down in the desert.”

    These things happened as an example to keep us from wicked desires such as theirs. Do not become idolators, as some of them did. Scripture says, “The people sat down to eat and drink, and arose to take their pleasure.” let us not indulge in lewdness as some of them did, so that in one day twenty-three thousand perished. Let us not test the Lord as some of them did, only to be destroyed by snakes. Nor are you to grumble as some of them did, to be killed by the destroying angel. The things that happened to them serve as an example. They have been written as a warning to us, upon whom the end of the ages has come. For all these reasons, let anyone who thinks he is standing upright watch out lest he fall!



Matthew 16: 6-12

    The Lord said to his disciples: “Be on the lookout against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” They could think only, “This is because we have brought no bread.” Jesus knew their thoughts and said, “Why do you suppose it is because you have no bread? How weak your faith is! Do you still not understand? Do you not remember the five loaves among the five thousand and how many baskets-full you picked up? Or the seven loaves among the four thousand and how many hampers-full you retrieved? Why is it you do not see that I was not speaking about bread at all but warning you against the yeast of the Pharisees?” They finally realized he was not issuing a warning against yeast used for bread but against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees. 

July 25 The Dormition of the Holy Anna, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos; The Memory of the Holy Women Olympiada and Euphraxia; Commemoration of the Fifth Ecumenical Council


The Holy Anna was the daughter of the priest Matthan and his wife Mary. She was of the tribe of Levi and the lineage of Aaron. According to Tradition, she died peacefully in Jerusalem at age 79, before the Annunciation to the Most Holy Theotokos. During the reign of Saint Justinian the Emperor (527-565), a church was built in her honor at Deutera. Emperor Justinian II (685-695; 705-711) restored her church, since St. Anna had appeared to his pregnant wife. It was at this time that her body and maphorion (veil) were transferred to Constantinople.

Memory of the Holy Women Olympiada and Euphraxia at Nicomedia in Bithynia: Olympiada was a widow who, bereft of her husband while still young, passed the remainder of her life most piously in Constantinople among women devoted to God. She was a deaconess, first in the time of Patriarch Nectraius, and then under John Chrysostom. She assisted the poor and was also very faithful to St. John Chrysostom in his exile. Euphraxia went with her mother to Egypt, traveling around the monasteries and giving alms. She received a monastic habit and entered into deep ascetic discipline. 

The Fifth Ecumenical Council was held in Constantinople in the time of the Emperor Justinian the Great in the year 553. All the Monophysite heresies were condemned at this council, as were the works of Origen (against the resurrection of the dead).



O holy Anna, you are filled with the wisdom of God, and you gave birth to the most pure Mother, the one who gave birth to Life. Therefore, you have been carried up in glory on this day to the blessedness of heaven, to the abode of those who exalt with joy. And now you pray, O ever-blessed one, for the forgiveness of sins for all those who honor you with all their heart.



Let us celebrate the memory of Christ’s ancestors, and fervently ask for their help so that, delivered from all affliction, we may cry out: O God, who glorified them according to your good will, remain always with us.


Readings for the Feast of the Holy Anna


Galatians 4: 22-31

    Brothers and sisters: Abraham had two sons, one by the slave girl, the other by his freeborn wife. The son of the slave girl had been begotten in the course of nature, but the son of the free woman was the fruit of the promise. All this is an allegory: the two women stand for the two covenants. One is from Mount Sinai, and brought forth children to slavery: this is Hagar. The mountain Sinai [Hagar] is in Arabia and corresponds to the Jerusalem of our time, which is likewise in slavery with her children. But the Jerusalem on high is freeborn, and it is she who is our mother. That is why Scripture says: “Rejoice, you barren one who bear no children; break into song, you stranger to the pains of childbirth! For many are the children of the wife deserted-far more that of her who has a husband!” You, my brothers and sisters, are children of the promise, as Issac was. But just as in those days sons born in nature’s course persecuted the one whose birth was in the realm of the spirit, so do we find it now. What does Scripture say on the point? “Cast out slave girls and son together; for the slave girl’s son shall never be an heir on equal terms with the son” of the one born free. Therefore, my brothers and sisters, we are not children of a slave girl but of a mother who is free. 



Luke 8: 16-21

    The Lord said to his disciples: “Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you. For whoever asks, receives; whoever seeks, finds’ whoever knocks, is admitted. What father among you will give his son a snake if he asks for a fish, or hand him a scorpion if he asks for an egg? If you, with all your sins, know how to give your children good things, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who seek him.”


Readings for the day


1 Corinthians 9: 13-18

    Brothers and sisters: Do you not realize that those who work in the temple are supported by the temple, and those who minister at the altar share the offerings of the altar? Likewise the Lord himself ordered that those who preach the gospel should live by the gospel. 

    As for me, I have not used any of these rights, nor do I write this now to see to it that anything should be done for me. I would rather die than let anyone rob me of my boast! Yet preaching the gospel is not the subject of a boast; I am under compulsion and have no choice. I am ruined if I do not preach it! If I do it willingly, I have my recompense; if unwillingly, I am nonetheless entrusted with a charge. And this recompense of mine? It is simply this, that when preaching I offer the gospel free of charge and do not make full use of the authority the gospel gives me. 



Matthew 16: 1-6

    At that time the Pharisees and Sadducees came along, and as a test asked Jesus to show them some sign in the sky. He gave them this reply: “In the evening you say, ‘Red sky at night, the day will be bright’; but in the morning, ‘Sky red and gloomy, the day will be stormy.’ If you know how to interpret the look of the sky, can you not read the signs of the times? An evil, faithless age is eager for a sign, but no sign will be given it except that of Jonah.” With that he left them abruptly.

    The disciples discovered when they arrived at the other side of the lake that they had forgotten to bring any bread along. Jesus said to them, “Be on lookout against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com


July 24 The Holy Martyr Christine; The Holy Martyrs Boris and Gleb

The holy great martyr Christine lived during the 3rd century. She was born into a rich family, and her father was governor of Tyre. By the age of 11 the girl was exceptionally beautiful, and many wanted to marry her. Christine’s father, however, envisioned that his daughter should become a pagan priestess. One time Christine was visited by an angel who instructed her in the true faith in Christ, the Savior of the world. The angel called her a bride of Christ and told her about her future suffering. After many methods of torment, the local governor Julian gave orders to throw her into a red-hot furnace and lock her in it. After five days they opened the furnace and found the martyr alive and unharmed. Seeing the miracle take place, many believed in Christ the Savior, and the torturers executed St. Christine with a sword. 

The holy martyrs Boris and Gleb, baptized Roman and David, who were princes of Rus’ and sons of St. Vladimir the Great. They preferred to suffer death at the hands of their brother Svyatopolk than resist him through violence. Boris obtained the palm of martyrdom on the river Alta near Pereslavl and Gleb a short time later near Smolensk in the year 1015. 



Righteous martyrs for the gospel and sharers in the passion, you did not oppose the violence of the enemy. Although your brother tried to kill your bodies, he still could not touch your souls. Let the evil lover of power groan unhappily. You are filled with joy among the angels standing before the Holy Trinity. Please pray for your homeland and its conversion and for the salvation of its people. 



Today the memory of your suffering gleams, O noble martyrs; it compels us to praise Christ our God. Rushing to gather around your holy relics, we seek gifts of health by your prayers. You are heavenly healers, O holy ones.



Romans 15: 1-7

Brothers and sisters: We who are strong in faith should be patient with the scruples of those whose faith is weak; we must not be selfish. Each should please his neighbor so as to do him good by building up his spirit. Thus, in accord with Scripture, Christ did not please himself: “The reproaches they uttered against you fell on me.” Everything written before our time was written for our instruction, that we might derive hope from the lessons of patience and the words of encouragement in the Scriptures. May God, the source of all patience and encouragement, enable you to live in perfect harmony with one another according to the spirit of Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and voice you may glorify God, the Father of our lord Jesus Christ. Accept one another, then, as Christ accepted you, for the glory of God. 


Romans 8: 28-39

Brothers and sisters: We know that God makes all things work together for the good of those who have called according to his decree. Those whom he foreknew he predestined to share in the image of his Son, that the Son might be the first-born of many brothers. Those he predestined he likewise called; those he called he also justified; and those he justified he in turn glorified. What shall we say after that? If God is for us, who can be against us? Is it possible that he who did not spare his own Son but handed him over for the sake of us all will not grant us all things besides? Who shall bring a charge against God’s chosen ones? God, who justifies? Who shall condemn them? Christ Jesus, who dies or rather was raised up, who is at the right hand of God and who intercedes for us? 

Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Trial, or distress, or persecution, or hunger, or nakedness, or danger, or the sword? As Scripture says: “For your sake we are being slain all the day long; we are looked upon as sheep to be slaughtered.” Yet in all this we are more than conquerors because of him who has loved us. For I am certain that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither present nor the future, nor powers, neither height nor depth nor any other creature, will be able to separate us from the love of God that comes to us in Christ Jesus, our Lord. 



Matthew 9: 27-35

At that time Jesus moved on from there, two blind men came after him crying out, “Son of David, have pity on us!” When he got to the house, the blind men caught up with him. Jesus said to them, “Are you confident I can do this?” “Yes, Lord,” they told him. At that he touched their eyes and said, “Because of your faith it shall be done to you”; and they recovered their sight. Then Jesus warned them sternly, “See to it that no one knows of this.” But they went off and spread the word of him through the whole area. 

As they were leaving, suddenly some people brought him a mute who was possessed by a demon. Once the demon was expelled the mute began to speak, to the great surprise of the crowds. “Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel!” they exclaimed. But the Pharisees were saying, “He casts out demons through the prince of demons.”

Jesus continued his tour of all the towns and villages.  He taught in their synagogues, he proclaimed the good news of God’s reign, and he cured every sickness and disease. 


John 15:17- 16:2

The Lord said to his disciples: “The command I give you is this, that you love one another. If you find that the world hates you, know that it has hated me before you. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own; the reason it hated you is that you do not belong to the world. But I chose you out of the world. Remember what I told you: no slave is greater than his master. They will harry you as they harried me. They will respect your words as much as they respected mine. All this they will do to you because of my name, for they know nothing of him who sent me. If I had not come to them and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; now, however, their sin cannot be excused.

“To hate me is to hate my Father. Had I not performed such works among them as no one has ever done before, they would not be guilty of sin; bit as it is, they have seen, and they go on hating me and my Father. However, this only fulfills the text in their law: ‘They hated me without cause.’ When the Paraclete comes, the Spirit of truth who comes from the Father – and whom I myself will send from the Father – he will bear witness on my behalf. You must bear witness as well, for you have been with me from the beginning.

“I have told all this to keep your faith from being shaken. Not only will they expel you from synagogues; a time will come when anyone who puts you to death will claim to be serving God!”


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com


Great Martyr Panteleimon – Feast day July 27 

Panteleimon’s Christian mother passed away when he was just a child.  His pagan father sent him to study the medical sciences.  He became such a skilled physician that he was invited to become the doctor to the royals in Nicomedia.  His curiosity for Truth, Goodness and Beauty was not satiated by his studies though and he was led to meet and hear the wisdom of the monastics.  After raising a snake-bitten boy from the dead through the intercession of Christ, he was baptized.  He lived his live using both his human skills as a physician and his access to the miraculous as a Christian to heal all who came to him without cost.  His faith, and the jealousy of the other physicians in the region caused the emperor to torture and finally kill him.  His relics continue to heal many who approach them in faith.  He is the patron of soldiers and healers.   

Sunday Bulletin 07/24/2022

Weekly Schedule
Saturday, July 23:     5:00 PM         Outreach Divine Liturgy in Santa Paula
Sunday, July 24:       8:30 AM          Matins
                                 9:30 AM         Divine Liturgy
Monday, July 25       8:30 AM          Morning Prayer
                               4:00 PM          Evening Prayer
Wed., July 27           8:30 AM         Morning Prayer
                                9:30 AM         Photina Prayer Walk
                                 6:30 PM         Divine Liturgy.  Feast of Panteleimon
                                                         +Joseph Parrot.  From Jerome Parrot
                                 7:45 PM          Firepit Social
Saturday, July 30    5:00 PM            Outreach Divine Liturgy in Santa Paula
                               6:30 PM           Vespers
Sunday, July 31       8:30 AM            Matins
                               9:30 AM            Divine Liturgy

Great Martyr Panteleimon – Feast day July 27 

Panteleimon’s Christian mother passed away when he was just a child.  His pagan father sent him to study the medical sciences.  He became such a skilled physician that he was invited to become the doctor to the royals in Nicomedia.  His curiosity for Truth, Goodness and Beauty was not satiated by his studies though and he was led to meet and hear the wisdom of the monastics.  After raising a snake-bitten boy from the dead through the intercession of Christ, he was baptized.  He lived his live using both his human skills as a physician and his access to the miraculous as a Christian to heal all who came to him without cost.  His faith, and the jealousy of the other physicians in the region caused the emperor to torture and finally kill him.  His relics continue to heal many who approach them in faith.  He is the patron of soldiers and healers.   



Vocations Reflection

“According to your faith let it be done to you!” Jesus met the blind men who cried to him for mercy, and he brought them healing. The Church continues this ministry of healing. Are you being called to take part in this ministry in a special way? Discerning a life of healing in monasticism or holy orders could be your calling. To learn more, contact the Vocations Office at 206-329-9219 or email: vocations@ephx.org  

Mark Your Calendars:
7/24 (Today):  Parishioner Rick Nieme will give a talk on substance abuse at 12pm.

-Cantor Training:  If you would like to learn how to read the Epistle or help cantor the Divine Liturgy, join Father Michael, Steve Petach and Matt Wiggins for a kick-off reader/cantor class.  We will meet after all of our usual post-liturgy events on Sunday, August 21. 

In the meantime, we highly recommend you go through the free online cantor classes hosted by the Metropolitan Cantor Institute.  You can find more information in the “Classes for Everyone” section of this page:  https://mci.archpitt.org/classes/index.html 

Ask Father Michael if you have any questions, and please let him know if you are going through these recommended classes. 

-Altar Server Training (Date Changed) 

Any boy or man who would be interested in serving at the altar, or is already doing so, join us for an upcoming server training.  We will meet after the usual post-liturgy events on Sunday, September 4th.  

Eparchial Appeal Update

The Annual Eparchial Appeal is underway! You can use the instructions you received from the bishop, or you can visit our parish’s donation page here:  https://ephx.org/st-marys-eparchial-appeal/  We are working to support our Eparchy as a community, so please prayerfully discern what you can give, and I know we will meet and exceed our goal (we get a large percentage back) if we have full participation. Thank you for your generosity!  
-Donations are being accepted through Sept. 30. So far, we have raised $9,910.00 of our $25,544.72 goal.   We need to raise $15,634.72 to meet our goal.
-Thank you to those who have contributed: Bates, Chirdon, Clemens, Cook, Crans, Golya, Herrera, Jimenez, Kieselhorst, Koman-Keogh, Michnya, Mina, Fr. O’Loughlin, O’Neill Onufrak, Patzwahl, Reichert, Summe, Theisen, Wiggins, P. Zimmerman, and W. Zimmerman


Safe Environment
The Eparchy of Phoenix, within all its parishes, institutions and programs, is committed to assuring a safe environment in ministry for its children and vulnerable adults that conforms to the USCCB Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.
For additional information regarding the eparchial Safe Environment Program or to report any incidents or concerns, please contact:
Subdeacon Paul Kilroy, Safe Environment Program Coordinator                                                          Cell: (702) 498-5972 — Office: (602) 861-9778 ext. 203 —    Email: sbdcnkilroy@ephx.org
Deacon. Michael Hanafin, Victim Assistance Coordinator                                                                       Cell: (480) 387-5182 — Email: vac@ephx.org

July 23 The Holy Martyrs Trophimus and Theophilus and their companions; The Holy Martyrs Appolinaris and Vitalis, Bishops of Ravenna

The holy martyrs Trophimus, Theophilus, and thirteen martyrs with them, suffered during the persecution against Christians under the emperor Diocletian (284-305). Brought to trial, they bravely confessed themselves Christians and refused to offer sacrifice to idols. After many fierce tortures, they broke the legs of the holy martyrs and threw them into a fire. Strengthened by the Lord, they came out of the fire completely unharmed, and they glorified Christ all the more. Unable to break the will of the holy confessors, the torturers beheaded them. 

The holy martyrs Appolinaris and Vitalis were bishops of Ravenna in the 1st century. While spreading the unsearchable riches of Christ among the nations, Appolinaris was a good pastor who went before his flock (cf John 10:4). It is said that he was decorated with the glorious honor of martyrdom at the church of Classis near Ravenna in Flaminia. He is said to have been the first bishop of Ravenna. On this day, it is said, commanded by God a famous basilica be built by Vitalis, bishop of Ravenna in Flaminia, in that city. Because of his undaunted faith, tenaciously held, he has been honored from time immemorial with the holy martyrs Valeria, Gervasius, Protasius, and Ursicinus. 



O martyrs, you entered the tribunal of the unbelievers like true soldiers on a grave mission. You suffered many torments for the sake of the faith, professing Christ with fortitude. Intercede with Christ for what we need. 



You embraced all your suffering with heroic stance, and you were arrayed with glory, O blessed saint. You turned a wolf into a lamb by divine grace and inspired him to join you in martyrdom. For this we praise you, O glorious Trophimus. 



Romans 12: 1-3

Brothers and sisters, I beg you through the mercy of God to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so that you may judge what is God’s will, what is good, pleasing and perfect.

Thus, in virtue of the favor given to me, I warn each of you not to think more highly of himself than he ought. Let him estimate himself soberly, in keeping with the measure of faith that God has apportioned him. 



Matthew 10:37 – 11:1

The Lord said: “whoever loves father or mother, son or daughter, more than me is not worthy of me. He who will not take up his cross and come after me is not worthy of me. He who seeks only himself brings himself to ruin, whereas he who brings himself to nought for me discovers who he is.

“He who welcomes you welcomes me, and he who welcomes me welcomes him who sent me. He who welcomes a prophet because he bears the name of prophet receives a prophet’s reward; he who welcomes a holy man because he is known to be holy receives a holy man’s reward. And I promise you that whoever gives a cup of cold water to one of these lowly ones because he is a disciple will not want for his reward.”

When Jesus had finished instructing his twelve disciples, he left that locality to teach and preach in their towns. 


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com


July 22 The Holy Myrrh-bearer Mary Magdalene, Equal to the Apostles; Translation of the Relics of the Holy Bishop Martyr Phocas


The holy myrrh-bearer Mary Magdalene, equal to the apostles, who, freed by the Lord of seven demons and made a disciple, followed him even to Mount Calvary. At the break of dawn on the first Pascha, she was found worthy to see the Savior risen again from the dead and to bear the news of his resurrection to the other disciples.

The holy bishop-martyr Phocas was bishop of Sinope, a city on the Black Sea. His relics were taken from Sinope to Vienne in France in the 13th century, and today is the feast of the translation.


Troparion – Mary Magdalene

You followed Christ who was born of a virgin for us, keeping his laws and observing his decrees, O Mary. In return we observe your holy memory that our sins might be forgiven through your prayers. 


Troparion – Priest-Martyr

O holy priest-martyr Phocas, you lent yourself to the apostles’ way of life and succeeded them on their throne. Inspired by God, you found the way to contemplation through the practice of virtue. Therefore, you became a perfect teacher of truth, fighting for the faith unto the shedding of your blood. Intercede with Christ our God that He may save our souls.


Kontakion – Mary Magdalene

You stood before the cross with the others, O glorious Mary, and you cried as you suffered there with the Theotokos. You opened your mouth in praise, saying: How strange this is that He who upholds all creation has deigned to suffer. Glory to your power!


Kontakion – Priest-Martyr

As a pastor who offered sacrifice, you bore witness to Christ with justice. Strengthened by angels, you yearned for death. At last you offered yourself as a sacrifice to Him who abides among those who sing to you. Stay with us, O father, and never leave us. 



1 Corinthians 7:35 – 8:7

Brothers and sisters: I am going into this [advice] for your own good. I have no desire to place restrictions on you, but I want to promote what is good, what will help you devote yourselves entirely to the Lord. 

If anyone thinks he is behaving dishonorably toward his virgin because a certain critical moment has come and it seems that something should be done, let him do as he wishes. He commits no sin if there is a marriage. The man, however, who stands firm in his resolve, who while without constraint and free to carry out his will, makes up his mind to keep his virgin, also acts rightly. To sum up: the man who marries his virgin acts fittingly; the one who does not, will do better.

A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. If her husband dies she is free to marry, but on one condition, that it be in the Lord. She will be happier, though, in my opinion, if she stays unmarried. I am persuaded that in this I have the Spirit of God. 

Now about meats that have been offered to idols. Of course we all “know” about that. But whereas “knowledge” inflates, love upbuilds. If a man thinks he knows something, that means he has never really known it as he ought. But if anyone loves God, that man is known by him. So then, about this matter of eating meats that have been offered to idols: we know that an idol is really nothing, and that there is no God but one. Even though there are so-called gods in the heavens and on the earth – there are, to be sure, many such “gods” and “lords” – for us there is one God, the Father, from whom all things come and for whom we live; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom everything was made and through whom we live. 

Not all, of course, possess this “knowledge.” Because some were so recently devoted to idols, they eat meat, fully aware that it has been sacrificed, and because their conscience is weak, it is defiled by the eating.



Matthew  15: 29-31

At that time Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee. He went up onto the mountainside and sat down there. Large crowds of people came to him bringing with them cripples, the deformed, the blind, the mute, and many others besides. They laid them at his feet and he cured them. The result was great astonishment in the crowds as they beheld the mute speaking, the deformed made sound, cripples walking about, and the blind seeing. They glorified the God of Israel. 


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com


July 21 Our Venerable Father Simeon, Fool for Christ, and his Fellow Ascetic John; the Holy Prophet Ezekiel

Our venerable father Simeon, fool for Christ, and his fellow ascetic John: Simeon, called Salus [i.e., of the sea; he lived for 29 years next to the Dead Sea], at Emesa in Syria. Moved by the divine Spirit, Simeon desired to be considered a Fool for Christ and ignoble among people. Likewise the commemoration of St. John, hermit, who for almost thirty years was a companion to St. Simeon in his holy wandering and in a hermitage at the Dead Sea in the late 6th century. 

The holy prophet Ezekiel was a son of the priest Buzi. At the time of the exile in the land of the Chaldeans, he was notable for his vision of the glory of the Lord. As an examiner placed before the house of Israel, he reproved the unfaithfulness of the Chosen People. He foresaw that the holy city of Jerusalem would be overthrown into ruins and the people deported. He himself was in the midst of the captives; he nourished their hope and prophesied to them that the dry bones would return to life.


Troparion – Venerable Fathers

O God of our ancestors, You always deal with us according to your everlasting compassion, take not your mercy away from us; but through the prayers of our ancestors, guide our lives along the ways of peace.


Troparion – Prophet

O prophet of God Ezekiel, through the gift of the Spirit you saw the sealed door of the Word’s entrance. Beg Him to open the doors of his mercy to us and save the souls of those who honor your memory.


Kontakion – Venerable Fathers

Let us praise with love and faith the angelic Simeon. Acting like an angel in the flesh, he glows with virtue. Let us remember John along with him, since they pray together unceasingly to the Lord for us. 


Kontakion – Prophet

You were a prophet of God, O wonderful Ezekiel. You predicted the Lord’s coming in the flesh, and the Creator has come like a lamb. The Son of God has been revealed to the ages. 



1 Corinthians 7: 24-35

Brothers and sisters, each of you should continue before God in the condition of life that was his when he was called. With respect to virgins, I have not received any commandments from the Lord, but I give my opinion as one who is trustworthy, thanks to the Lord’s mercy. It is this: In the present time of stress it seems good to me for a person to continue as he is. Are you bound to a wife? Then do not seek your freedom. Are you free of a wife? If so, do not go in search of one. Should you marry, however, you will not be committing sin. Neither does a virgin commit a sin if she marries. But such people will have trials in this life, and these I should like to spare you. 

I tell you, brothers and sisters, the time is short. From now on those with wives should live as though they had none; those who weep should live as though they were not weeping, and those who rejoice as though they were not rejoicing; buyers should conduct themselves as though they owned nothing, and those who make use of the world as though they were not using it, for the world as we know it is passing away.

I should like you to be free of all worries. The unmarried man is busy with the Lord’s affairs, concerned with pleasing the Lord; but the married man is busy with this world’s demands and occupied with pleasing his wife. This means he is divided. The virgin – indeed, any unmarried woman – is concerned with things of the Lord, in pursuit of holiness in body and spirit. The married woman, on the other hand, has the cares of this world to absorb her and ic concerned with pleasing her husband. I am going into this with you for your own good. I have no desire to place restrictions on you, but I do want to promote what is good, what will help you to devote yourselves entirely to the Lord. 



Matthew 15: 12-21

At that time the disciples approached Jesus and said, “Do you realize the Pharisees were scandalized when they heard your pronouncement?” Jesus replied, “Every planting not put down by my heavenly Father will be uprooted. Let them go their way; they are blind leaders of the blind. If one blind man leads another, both will end in a pit.”

Then Peter spoke up to say, “Explain the parable to us.” Jesus asked, “Are you, too, still incapable of understanding? Do you not see that everything that enters the mouth passes into the stomach and is discharged into the latrine, but what comes out of the mouth originates in the mind? It is things like these that make a man impure. From the mind stem evil designs–murder, adulterous conduct, fornication, stealing, false witness, blasphemy. These are the things that make men impure. As for eating with unwashed hands – that makes no man impure.”

Then Jesus left that place and withdrew to the district of Tyre and Sidon.


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com


July 20 Feast of the Holy and Glorious Prophet Elijah

The holy and glorious prophet Elijah the Tishbite was a prophet of the Lord in the days of Ahab, the king of Israel and defended the rights of the one God against the unfaithful people with such a strength of spirit that he prefigured not only John the Baptist but even Christ himself. Written prophecies do not remain, but his memory is faithfully kept, especially on Mount Carmel. 



An angel in the flesh, the foundation of the prophets, and the second forerunner of Christ, the glorious Elijah from on high sent grace to Elisha to cure sickness and cleanse lepers. He likewise overflows with healing for those who honor him.



Prophet and seer of the mighty deeds of our God, renowned Elijah, you stopped the rain clouds by a word. Intercede for us with the only One who loves mankind.



James 5: 10-20

Brothers and sisters, as your models in suffering hardships and in patience take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. Those who have endured we call blessed. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and have seen what the Lord, who is compassionate and merciful, did in the end.

Above all else, my brothers and sisters, you must not swear an oath, any oath at all, either “by heaven” or “by earth.” Rather, let it be “yes” if you mean yes and “no” if you mean no. In this way you will not incur condemnation.

If anyone among you is suffering hardship, he must pray. If a person is in good spirits, he should sing a hymn of praise. Is there anyone sick among you? He should ask for the presbyters of the church. They in turn are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the Name [of the Lord]. This prayer uttered in faith will reclaim the one who is ill, and the Lord will restore him to health. If he has committed any sins, forgiveness will be his. Hence, declare your sins to one another, and pray for one another, that you may find healing.

The fervent petition of a holy man is powerful indeed. Elijah was only a man like us, yet he prayed earnestly that it would not rain and no rain fell on the land for three years and six months. When he prayed again, the sky burst forth with rain and the land produced its crop.

My brothers and sisters, the case may arise among you of someone straying from the truth, and of another bringing him back. Remember this: the person who brings a sinner back from his way will save his soul from death and cancel a multitude of sins. 



Luke 4: 22-30

At that time the people were asking, “Is not this Joseph’s son?” Jesus said to them, “You will doubtless quote me the proverb, ‘Physician, heal yourself,’ and say, ‘Do here in your own country the things we have heard you have done in Capernaum.’ But in fact,” Jesus went on, “no prophet gains acceptance in his native place. Indeed, let me remind you, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah when the heavens remained closed for three and a half years and a great famine spread over the land. It was to none of these that Elijah was sent, but to a widow of Zaraphath near Sidon. Recall, too, the many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet; yet not one was cured except Naaman the Syrian.”

At these words the whole audience in the synagogue was filled with indignation. They rose up and expelled him from the town, leading him to the brow of the hill on which it was built and intending to hurl him over the edge. But he went straight through their midst and walked away. 


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com


July 19 Our Venerable Mother Macrina, Sister of Basil the Great; Our Venerable Father Dios

Our venerable mother Macrina was sister of St. Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, and Peter of Sebaste. She was learned in Sacred Scripture and led a solitary life. She provided a wonderful example of those possessing the desire for God, who had forsaken the vanity of the world. 

Our venerable father Dios was called the Wonderworker and was an archimandrite in the 5th century. He left his home in Antioch and was ordained in Constantinople and founded a monastery under the Rule of the Akoemeti (i.e., the “Unsleeping”).



You saw your bridegroom die and were struck by the vanity of this world and its fleeting life. Taking purpose in your life, you were betrothed to the Immortal One. You drew his love with fasting and humility. Now your spirit rejoices with the angels, O venerable Macrina.



You loved the good God with all your heart, O Macrina. You shouldered your cross and sincerely followed Him. You found the total remission of your sins in Him.



1 Corinthians 6:20 – 7:12

Brothers and sisters: Glorify God in your body. Now for the matters you wrote about. A man is better for having no relations with a woman. But to avoid immorality, every man should have his own wife and every woman her own husband. The husband should fulfill his conjugal obligations toward his wife, the wife hers toward her husband. A wife does not belong to herself but to her husband; equally, a husband does not belong to himself but to his wife. Do not deprive one another, unless perhaps by mutual consent for a time, to devote yourselves to prayer. Then return to one another, that Satan may not tempt you through your lack of self-control. I say this by way of concession, not as a command. Given my preference, I should like you to be as I am. Still, each one has his own gift from God, one this and another that. 

To those not married and to widows I have this to say: It would be well if they remain as they are, even as I do  myself; but if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. It is better to marry than to be on fire. To those now married, however, I give this command (though it is not mine; it is the Lord’s): a wife must not separate from her husband. If she does separate, she must either remain single or become reconciled to him again. Similarly, a husband must not divorce his wife. 

As for the other matters, although I know of nothing the Lord has said, I say: If any brother has a wife who is an unbeliever but is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her. 



Matthew 14: 1-13

On one occasion Herod the tetrarch, having heard of Jesus’ reputation, exclaimed to his courtiers, “This man is John the Baptizer –  it is he in person, raised from the dead; that is why such miraculous powers are at work in him!” Recall that Herod had had John arrested, out in chains, and imprisoned on account of Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip. That was because John had told him, “It is not right for you to live with her.” Herod wanted to kill John but was afraid of the people, who regarded him as a prophet. Then on Herod’s birthday the daughter of Herodias performed a dance before the court which delighted Herod so much that he swore he would grant her anything she asked for. Prompted by her mother she said, “Bring me the head of John the Baptizer on a platter.” The king immediately had his misgivings, but because of his oath and the guests who were present he gave the order to have John beheaded in prison. John’s head was brought in on a platter and given to the girl, who took it to her mother. Later his disciples presented themselves to carry his body away and bury it. Afterward, they came and informed Jesus.

When Jesus heard this, he withdrew by boat from there to a deserted place by himself. The crowds heard of it and followed him on foot from the towns. 


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com