The holy great martyr Procopius was born Neanius, raised by his pagan mother, and worked in service of the emperor Diocletian. He was sent to Alexandria to persecute the Church of God. On his way there he had a vision, similar to that of Saul on his voyage to Damascus, and the Lord Jesus appeared […]
Author Archives: maryadmin
Heaven or Earth
Vladimir the Great (feast July 15) was a seeker. He was raised a pagan but was not content worshipping man-made idols. As the prince of Kiev (modern Ukraine) at the turn of the 11th Century, he sent delegates to inform him of the various world religions. He intended to discern which was the true faith […]
July 07 Our Venerable Fathers Thomas of Maleum and Acacius, Mentioned in the Ladder
St. Thomas was a 10th century general famed for courage and wealth. He was a huge man, a source of fear for his enemies. He came to know Christ, and left his worldly life behind to go into the desert. When people heard of this, they came to him, and St. Thomas cured their diseases. […]
July 06 Our Venerable Father Sisoes the Great
Our venerable father Sisoes the Great was a 5th century hermit in Egypt and was very remarkable in the exercise of the monastic life. Many of his “words” are recorded in the Apophthegmata Patrum (Sayings of the Desert Fathers). A brother once told him that he could not hold the wise sayings in his head […]
July 05 Our Venerable Father Athanasius of Mt. Athos
Our venerable father Athanasius of Mt. Athos, hegumen, humble and peaceful, who founded the cenobitic way of living in the Great Lavra. Despite many trials, he was father to many monks who followed his ascetic model. He lived during the end of the 10th century. Troparion The angels in heaven marveled at your life […]
July 04 Our Holy Father Andrew of Jerusalem & Our Venerable Mother Martha, Mother of St. Simeon of the Wondrous Mountain
Our holy father Andrew of Jerusalem, archbishop of Crete, whose passing over is remembered this day at Erissus on the island of Lesbos. He was bishop of Gortyna, and sang –a singular art– praises to God by his prayers, hymns, and songs. He exalted the Virgin Mother of God, immaculate, and assumed into heaven. Our […]
July 03 The Holy Martyr Hyacinth
St. Hyacinth, a native of Caesarea in Cappadocia, was raised in a Christian family. The emperor Trajan made the boy his chamberlain, unaware that he was a secret Christian. One day, while the emperor and his entourage were offering sacrifices to idols, the young Hyacinth remained at the palace, shut himself up in a small […]
Sunday Bulletin 07/03/22
WEEKLY SCHEDULE Saturday, July 2 5:00 PM Outreach Divine Liturgy in Santa Paula 6:30 PM Vespers Sunday, July 3 – 4th Sunday after Pentecost 8:30 AM Matins 9:30 AM Divine Liturgy Monday, July 4 – Andrew of Jerusalem, Priest-martyr 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 4:00 PM Evening Prayer Wednesday, July 6 […]
July 02 The Deposition of the Venerable Robes of our most holy Lady, the Theotokos at Blachernae Constantinople
During the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Leo the Great (457-474), the brothers Galbius and Candidus, associates of the emperor, set out from Constantinople to Palestine to venerate the holy places. In a small settlement near Nazareth they stayed in the home of a certain old Jewish woman. In her house they noticed a room […]
July 01 The Holy Unmercenary Healers and Wonderworkers Cosmas and Damian of Rome
The holy martyrs, wonderworkers, and unmercenary healers Cosmas and Damian were brothers born in Rome, and physicians by profession. They led strict chaste lives and were granted by God the gift to heal the sick. By their generosity and exceptional kindness, the brothers converted many to Christ. Their spiritual influence attracted the attention of the […]