St. Metrophanes, Patriarch of Constantinople, was a contemporary of St. Constantine the Great (306-337). His father, Dometius, was a brother of the Roman emperor Probus (276-282). Seeing the falseness of the pagan religion, Dometius came to believe in Christ. During a time of terrible persecution of Christians in Rome, St. Dometius set off to Byzantium […]
Author Archives: maryadmin
June 3 The Holy Martyr Lucillian and his Companions
St. Lucillian was a pagan priest during the reign of the Roman emperor Aurelian (270-275). In his old age he was persuaded to see the falseness of the pagan religion, and with all his heart he turned to the faith in Christ the Savior and was baptized. Under the influence of his preachings, many pagans […]
June 2 Our Father Among the Saints Nicephorus the Confessor
Our venerable father Nicephorus was a dignitary at the court of the Empress Irene (797-802). After embracing monasticism, he became widely known for his piety. He assumed the Patriarchal Throne of Constantinople in 806. He was a zealous defender of the holy icons. In 815, the iconoclast Emperor Leo (813-820) exiled him to Prokonnis, where […]
June 1 The Holy Martyr Justin the Philosopher and his Companions
The holy martyr Justin was a philosopher who followed purely the true wisdom he had recognized in the truth of Christ. He instructed by his character, taught the truth of the faith and fought by his writings. When he presented his Apology for the Christian religion to the emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (161-180) in Rome […]
May 31 The Holy Apostle Hermes & The Holy Martyr Hermeas
The holy apostle Hermes, bishop of Philipi, was a disciple of St. Paul. He endured much grief from the pagans for preaching the Gospel, but he died in peace. According to tradition, he composed the istructive book “The Shepherd,” based on revelations from angels. The holy martyr Hermeas, suffered during the persecution under the emperor […]
May 30 Our Venerable Father Isaac
St. Isaac lived during the fourth century, received monastic tonsure and pursued ascetic labors in the desert. During the reign of the emperor Valens (364-378), a zealous adherent of the Arian heresy, there was a persecution of the Orthodox, and churches were closed and destroyed. Hearing of the persecution, St. Isaac left the wilderness and […]
May 29 The Holy Venerable Theodosia
The holy virgin martyr Theodosia lived during the third and fourth centuries during a time of great Christian persecutions. At seventeen years of age, St. Theodosia visited some condemned Christian prisoners on Pascha to ask them to remember her when they appeared before the Lord. Soldiers grabbed her as she bowed before the prisoners and […]
Sunday Bulletin 05/29/22
WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sunday, May 29 – Sunday of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council 8:30 AM Matins 9:30 AM Divine Liturgy Tuesday, May 31 – Hermans, Apostle & Hermeas, Martyr 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 4:00 PM Evening Prayer Saturday, June 04 – 5th All Souls Saturday […]
May 28 Our Venerable Father Nicetas, Bishop of Chalcedon
St. Nicetas, Bishop of Chalcedon, lived during the second half of the eighth century. He distinguished himself by his charity. He always helped the poor, lodged travelers in his home, cared for orphans and widows, and interceded for those who had been wronged. During the reign of the iconoclast emperor Leo the Armenian (813-820), St. […]
May 27 The Holy Priest-Martyr Therapontus
The Hieromartyr Therapontus , Bishop of Sardi, suffered for Christ in the third century. In fulfilling his priestly service, St. Therapontus enlightened many of the pagan Greeks with the light of the Christian Faith and baptized them. For this, he was brought before the governor Julian and put on trial where he fearlessly declared himself […]