Sunday Bulletin 07/03/22


Saturday, July 2          

5:00 PM          Outreach Divine Liturgy in Santa Paula 

6:30 PM          Vespers 

Sunday, July 3 – 4th Sunday after Pentecost             

8:30 AM          Matins 

9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy 

Monday, July 4 – Andrew of Jerusalem, Priest-martyr            

8:30 AM          Morning Prayer 

4:00 PM          Evening Prayer 

Wednesday, July 6 – Sisoes, Venerable      

8:30 AM          Morning Prayer 

4:00 PM          Evening Prayer 

 6:30 PM          Divine Liturgy for +Kelly Gibbons from Marie O. 

Saturday, July 09 – Pancatrius, Martyr        

5:00 PM          VC Outreach Divine Liturgy 

Sunday, July 10 – 5th Sunday after Pentecost          

8:30 AM          Matins  

9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy   




(This list will be updated on August 7.  Please resubmit or submit names to 

Please remember the following people in your prayers: Estella Biedenbender,  Ken Bosak, Fletes Family: Alicia, Frankie, Layla, Lupita & Veronica, Victoria Flores, Larry Goodwin, Holly Garlow,  Michelle Grana, Virginia Harrington, Jeanne Hart, Michael Hefferon, Nicole Hefferon, Rob Hooper, Chris Johnson, Mary-Jo Koman-Keogh, Patricia Kurczak,  Irene Lehman, Elizabeth & John Mallas, Dylan Mancia, Toni Martin, Marg Mauro, Juan Gabriel Martinez, Pedro Medina, Mina family: Mila, Diana, Rev. John & Mike,  Shannon O’Neill, Denise Painter, Austin Pearce, Tanya Petach, Casandra Porch, Nicholas, Rodriguez Diane Romano, Paul Saucedo, Kathleen Savko, Robert Stamer, Leanne Steuer, Mary Washko, Dina & Matthew Wiggins,  Carmen Zambrano, Lana ZimmermanPatrick Zimmerman, Fr. Chris Zugger and all those who serve in the Armed Forces 



Collection: $1,145.00; Candles: $41.50; Haas Memorial: $30,000.00; Charity: $220.00; Santa Paula Outreach: $1,158.00 

Total: $32,564.50 / Attendance- PSM: 51 


Legacy Council 

It is very important to me that I continue learning about the history of St. Mary’s, and listen to the thoughts of those who have been part of this parish for longer than I have.  If you have been coming to St. Mary’s regularly for more than 10 years, please join me for a listening session at 12pm on Sunday, July 10th.  Thanks in advance!  Love, Father Michael 


Father Nathan and Family 

Want to keep in touch with Father Nathan, Ali and the girls? 

Father Nathan will keep his Eparchial email address: 

You can also write them at their new address: 

Adams Family 

5240 El Parque 

Las Vegas, NV 89146 


Mark Your Calendar 

7/10 Legacy Council (see above) 

7/20  Feast of Elijah.  Divine Liturgy and blessing of vehicles on 7/20 at 6:30pm 

7/24  Parishioner Rick Nieme will give a talk on substance abuse at 12pm. 


“Let it be done for you as you have believed.” Jesus brought healing to the centurion’s servant when he sought healing. When we have faith and live it out, our Church can continue to share the love and healing of God to the world. A vocation to holy orders or the monastic life brings that to the Church in a special way. To learn more, contact the Vocations Office at 206-329-9219 or email:  


Eparchial Appeal Update 

The Annual Eparchial Appeal is underway! You can use the instructions you received from the bishop, or you can visit our parish’s donation page here:  We are working to support our Eparchy as a community, so please prayerfully discern what you can give, and I know we will meet and exceed our goal (we get a large percentage back) if we have full participation. Thank you for your generosity!   

Donations are being accepted through Sept. 30. So far, we have raised $9,165.00 of our $25,544.72 goal.   We need to raise $16,379.72 to meet our goal. 

Thank you to those who have contributed: Bates, Chirdon, Clemens, Cook, Crans, Golya, Herrera, Koman-Keogh, Michnya, Mina, Fr. O’Loughlin, Onufrak, Patzwahl, Summe, Theisen, Wiggins, P. Zimmerman, and W. Zimmerman 

July 02 The Deposition of the Venerable Robes of our most holy Lady, the Theotokos at Blachernae Constantinople 

During the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Leo the Great (457-474), the brothers Galbius and Candidus, associates of the emperor, set out from Constantinople to Palestine to venerate the holy places. In a small settlement near Nazareth they stayed in the home of a certain old Jewish woman. In her house they noticed a room where many lamps were lit, incense burned, and sick people were gathered. When they asked her what the room contained, the woman did not want to give an answer for a long time. After persistent requests, she said that she had a very precious sacred item: the Robe of the Mother of God, which performed many miracles and healings. Before her Dormition the Most Holy Virgin bequeathed one of her garments to a pious Jewish maiden, an ancestor of the old woman, instructing her to leave it to another virgin after her death. Thus, the Robe of the Mother of God was preserved in this family from generation to generation. The jeweled chest, containing the sacred Robe, was transferred to Constantinople. On June 2, 458 St. Gennadius, Patriarch of Constantinople, transferred the sacred Robe into the Blachernae church with appropriate solemnity, placing it within a new reliquary.



Ever-virgin Mother of God and protection of the human race, you gave the robe and cincture of your most pure body to your city as a powerful protection. These garments remained incorrupt because of your virginal childbirth. For in you, both time and nature have been renewed. Therefore, we pray that you grant peace to the universe and great mercy to our souls. 



As a mantle of immortality you have given to the faithful the garment that covered your most pure body, O Virgin whom God himself has blessed and divine protection of the human race. With love we celebrate the feast of the deposition of your mantle, and we sing with faith: Rejoice, O Virgin, for you are the pride of Christians. 


Readings for the feast


Hebrews 9: 1-7

Brothers and sisters: The first covenant had regulations for worship and an earthly sanctuary. For a tabernacle was constructed, the outer one, in which were the lampstand, the table, and the showbread; this was called the holy place. Behind the second veil was the tabernacle called the holy of holies, in which were the golden altar of incense and the ark of the covenant entirely covered with gold. In the ark were the golden jar containing manna, the rod of Aaron which had blossomed, and the tablets of the covenant. Above the ark were the cherubim of glory overshadowing the place of expiation. We cannot speak not of each of these in detail. These were the arrangements for worship. In performing their service the priests used to go into the outer tabernacle constantly, but only the high priest went into the inner one, and that but once a year, with the blood which he offered for himself and for the sins of the people. 



Luke 10: 38-42, 11: 27-28

At that time Jesus entered a village where a woman named Martha welcomed him to her home. She had a sister named Mary, who seated herself at the Lord’s feet and listened to his words. Martha, who was busy with all the details of hospitality, came to Jesus and said, “Lord, are you not concerned that my sister has left me to do the household tasks all alone? Tell her to help me.”

The Lord in reply said to her: “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and upset about many things; one thing only is required. Mary has chosen the better portion and she shall not be deprived of it.”

While he was saying this a woman from the crowd called out, “Blest is the womb that bore you and the breasts that nursed you!” Jesus replied, “Rather, blest are they who hear the word of God and keep it.”


Readings for the day


Romans 6: 11-17

Brothers and sisters: You must consider yourself dead to sin but alive for God in Christ Jesus. Do not, therefore, let sin rule your mortal body and make you obey its lusts; no more shall you offer the members of your body to sin as weapons for evil. Rather, offer yourselves to God as men who have come back from the dead to life, and your bodies to God as weapons for justice. Sin will no longer have power over you; you are now under grace, not under the law. 

What does all this lead to? Just because we are not under the law but under grace, are we free to sin? By no means! You must realize that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are the slaves of the one you obey, whether yours is the slavery of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to justice. Thanks be to God, though once you were slaves of sin, you sincerely obeyed that rule of teaching which was imparted to you. 



Matthew 8: 14-23

At that time Jesus entered Peter’s house and found Peter’s mother-in-law in bed with a fever. He took her by the hand and the fever left her. She got up at once and began to wait on him. As evening drew on, they brought him many who were possessed. He expelled the spirits by a simple command and cured all who were afflicted thereby fulfilling what had been said through Isaiah the prophet: “It was our infirmities he bore, our sufferings he endured.”

Seeing the people crowd around him, Jesus gave orders to cross to the other shore. A scribe approached him and said, “Teacher, wherever you go I will come after you.” Jesus said to him, “The foxes have lairs, the birds in the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” Another, a disciple to him, “Lord, let me go and bury my father first.” But Jesus told him, “Follow me, and let the dead bury their dead.” Jesus got into the boat and his disciples followed him. 


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –



July 01 The Holy Unmercenary Healers and Wonderworkers Cosmas and Damian of Rome

The holy martyrs, wonderworkers, and unmercenary healers Cosmas and Damian were brothers born in Rome, and physicians by profession. They led strict chaste lives and were granted by God the gift to heal the sick. By their generosity and exceptional kindness, the brothers converted many to Christ. Their spiritual influence attracted the attention of the Roman authorities, and soldiers sought out the brothers to arrest them. Local Christians convinced the brothers to go into hiding to prevent their capture. Other Christians were arrested in their place which caused Cosmas and Damian to surrender themselves to the soldiers on the condition the others who had been arrested because of them be released. They confessed in front of the emperor Carnius (283-284), who became blind through the power of the saints’ prayers. All present were converted, even Carnius, who begged the saints to heal him. The martyrs met their end at the hands of their former teacher who grew jealous as the fame of his former pupils grew as word of their holy acts spread. 



Today the people sing to God on high because He gave us doctors who practiced without fee. Let us sing to the holy Cosmas and glorious Damian: Since you have been given the grace to cure so freely, distribute it freely among those who venerate you.



Receiving the grace to heal from the source of miracles, you generously used it for those who called on you. Visit us in our spiritual and physical needs, holy doctors Cosmas and Damian, and seek mercy from Christ our God for us. 



Romans 11: 25-36

Brothers and sisters: I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery lest you be conceited: blindness has come upon part of Israel until the full number of Gentiles enter in, and then all Israel will be saved. As Scripture says: “Out of Zion will come the deliverer who shall remove all impiety from Jacob; and this is the covenant I will make with them when I take away their sins.” In respect to the gospel, the Jews are enemies of God for your sake; in respect to the election, they are beloved by him because of the patriarchs. God’s gift and his call are irrevocable. 

Just as you were once disobedient to God and now have received mercy through their disobedience, so they have become disobedient – since God wished to show you mercy – that they too may receive mercy. God has imprisoned all in disobedience that he might have mercy on all.

How deep are the riches and the wisdom and the knowledge of God! How inscrutable his judgments, how unsearchable his ways! For, [Scripture says:] who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor? Who has given him anything so as to deserve return? For from him and through him and for him all things are. To him be glory forever. Amen. 



Matthew 12: 1-8

Once on the sabbath Jesus walked through the standing grain. His disciples felt hungry, so they began to pull off the heads of grain and eat them. When the Pharisees spied this, they protested: “See here! Your disciples are doing what is not permitted on the sabbath.” Jesus replied: “Have you not read what David did when he and his men were hungry, how he entered God’s house and ate the holy bread, a thing forbidden to him and his men to anyone other than priests? Have you not read in the law how the priests on temple duty can break the sabbath rest without incurring guilt? I assure you, there is something greater than the temple here. If you understood the meaning of the text, ‘It is mercy I desire and not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned these innocent men. The Son of Man is indeed Lord of the sabbath.”


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –


June 30 Synaxis of the Holy and Glorious Twelve Apostles

The synaxis of the glorious and all-praiseworthy Twelve Apostles of Christ appears to be an ancient Feast. The church honors each of the Twelve Apostles on separate dates throughout the year, and has established general commemoration for all of them on the day after the commemoration of the glorious and and first-ranked among the apostles Peter and Paul. The holy God-crowned Emperor Constantine the Great built a church in Constantinople in honor of the Twelve Apostles. There are instructions for this Feast which date from the fourth century.



Your preaching has spread over the whole earth, because you have received the Spirit in flaming tongues. You burned down the lies of idolatry, and you have caught the straying people with the net of faith. The heavens declare your glory for this, and the firmament proclaims your works. We join them in a song to your memory: Through the prayers of your twelve apostles, save us, O God.



Christ our Rock has exalted the foundation stone of faith, the chosen twelve from the disciples and Paul. As we observe their memory with faith, let us praise the One who glorifies them. 


Readings for the Feast


1st Corinthians 4: 9-16

  Brothers and sisters: As I see it, God has put us apostles at the end of the line, like men doomed to die in the arena. We have become like a spectacle to the universe, to angels and men alike. We are fools on Christ’s account. Ah, but in Christ you are wise! We are the weak ones, you the strong! They honor you, while they sneer at us! Up to this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, poorly clad, roughly treated, wandering about homeless. We work hard at manual labor. When we are insulted we respond with a blessing. Persecution comes our way; we bear it patiently. We are slandered, and we try conciliation. We have become the world’s refuse, the scum of all; that is the present state of affairs. 

I am writing you this way not to shame you but to admonish you as my beloved children. Granted you have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you have only one father. It was I who begot you in Christ Jesus through my preachings of the gospel. I beg you, be imitators of me. 



Mark 3: 13-19

At that time Jesus went up the mountain and summoned the men he himself had decided on, who came to join him. He named twelve as his companions whom he would send to preach the good news; they were likewise to have authority to expel demons. He appointed the Twelve as follows: Simon to whom he gave the name Peter; James and John the sons of Zebedee (he gave these two names Boanerges, or “sons of thunder”); Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus; Thaddaeus, Simon of the Zealot party, and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him. 


Readings for the day


Romans 11: 13-24

Brothers and sisters: I say this now to you Gentiles: Inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I glory in my ministry, trying to rouse my fellow Jews to envy and save some of them. For if their rejection has meant reconciliation for the world, what will their acceptance mean? Nothing less than life from the dead! If the first fruits are consecrated, so too is the whole mass of dough, and if the root is consecrated, so too are the branches. If some of the branches were cut off and you, a branch of the wild olive tree, have been grafted in among the others and have come to share in the rich root of the olive, do not boast against the branches. If you do boast, remember that you do not support the root; the root supports you. You will say, “Branches were cut off that I might be grafted in.” Well and good. They were cut off because of unbelief and you are there because of faith. Do not be haughty on that account, but fearful. If God did not spare the natural branches, he will certainly not spare you.

Consider the kindness and the severity of God – severity toward those who fell, kindness toward you, provided you remain in his kindness; if you do not, you too will be cut off. And if the Jews do not remain in their unbelief they will be grafted back on, for God is able to do this. If you were cut off from the natural wild olive and, contrary to nature, were grafted into the cultivated olive, so much the more will they who belong to it by nature be grafted into their own olive tree. 



Matthew 11: 27-30

The Lord said to his disciples: “Everything has been given over to me by my Father. No one knows the Father but the Son–and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him. 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and find life burdensome, and I will refresh you. Take my yoke upon your shoulders and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart. Your souls will find rest, for my yoke is easy and my burden light.”


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –



June 29 The Holy Pre-Eminent Apostles Peter and Paul

Simon, son of Jonah and brother of Andrew, was first among the disciples to confess that Jesus was Christ, the son of the living God. It was by Jesus that he was called Peter. Paul, Apostle of the Gentiles, preached Christ crucified to the Jews and the Greeks. Both announced the Gospel of Jesus Christ in faith and love in the city of Rome and died martyrs under the emperor Nero. Peter, as the tradition goes, was nailed to a cross with his head downward and was buried in the Vatican next to the Triumphal Way. Paul received his punishment from the sword and was interred at the Ostian Way. Their triumph, equal in honor and veneration, is celebrated by the whole world on this day.



Leaders of the apostles, teachers of the world, intercede with the Lord of All to grant peace to the world and abundant mercy to our souls.



Lord, You have received your steadfast and inspired preachers, the foremost of your apostles, into the enjoyment of Your good gifts and repose. You preferred their sufferings and death above any sacrifice. For You alone know the secrets of the heart. 


Readings for the Feast


2nd Corinthians 11:21b thru 12:9

Brothers and sisters: What anyone else dares to claim–I speak with absolute foolishness now–I, too, will dare. Are they Hebrews? So am I! Are they Israelites? So am I! Are they the seed of Abraham? So am I! Are they ministers of Christ? Now I am really talking like a fool–I am more; with my many more labors and imprisonments, with far worse beatings and frequent brushes with death. Five times at the hands of the Jews I received forty lashes less one; three times I was beaten with rods; I was stoned once, shipwrecked three times; I passed a day and a night on the sea. I traveled continually, endangered by floods, robbers, my own people, [and] the Gentiles; imperiled in the city, in the desert, at sea, by false brothers; enduring labor, hardship, many sleepless nights; in hunger and thirst and frequent fastings, in cold and nakedness. Leaving other sufferings unmentioned, there is that daily tension pressing on me, my anxiety for all the churches. Who is weak that I am not affected by it? Who is scandalized that I am not aflame with indignation? If I must boast, I will make a point of my weakness. The God and father of the Lord Jesus knows–blessed be he forever–that I do not lie. In Damascus the ethnarch of King Aretas was keeping close watch on the city in order to arrest me, but I was lowered in a basket through a window in the wall and escaped his hands.

I must go on boasting, however useless it may be, and speak of visions and revelations of the Lord. I know a man in Christ who, fourteen years ago, whether he was in or outside his body I cannot say, only God can say–a man who was snatched up to the third heaven. I know that this man–whether in or outside his body I do not know, God knows–was snatched up to Paradise to hear words which cannot be uttered, words which no man may speak. About this man I will boast; but I will do no boasting about myself unless it be about my weaknesses. And even if I were to boast it would not be folly in me because I would only be telling the truth.

But I refrain, lest anyone think more of me than what he sees in me or hears from my lips. As to the extraordinary revelations, in order that I might not become conceited I was given a thorn in the flesh, an angel of Satan to beat me and keep me from getting proud. Three times I begged the Lord that this might leave me. He said to me, “My grace is enough for you, for in weakness instead, that the power of Christ may rest upon you.



Matthew 16: 13-19

When Jesus came to the neighborhood of Caesarea Philippi he asked his disciples this question: “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptizer, other Elijah, still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” “And you,” Jesus said to them, “who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God!” Jesus replied, “Blest are you Simon son of Jonah! No mere man has revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. I for my part declare to you, you are ‘Rock,’ and on this rock I will build my church, and the jaws of death shall not prevail against it. I will entrust to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you declare bound on earth shall be bound in heaven; whatever you declare loosed on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”


Readings for the day


Romans 11: 2b-12

Brothers and sisters: Do you know what Scripture says about Elijah, how he pleaded with God against Israel? “Lord, they have killed your prophets, they have torn down your altars; I alone am left and they are seeking my life.” How does God answer him? “I have left for myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.” Just so, in the present time there is a remnant chosen by the grace of God. But if the choice is by grace, it is not because of their works – otherwise grace would not be grace. What then are we to say?Just this: Israel did not obtain what she was seeking, but those who were chosen did. The rest became blind, as Scripture says: “God gave them a spirit of stupor; blind eyes and deaf ears, and it is so to this day.” David says: “Let their table become a snare and a trap, a stumbling stone and a retribution: let their eyes be darkened so that they may not see. Bow down their back forever.”

I further ask, does their stumbling mean that they are forever fallen? Not at all! Rather, by their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles to stir Israel to envy. But if their transgression and their diminishing have meant riches for the Gentile world, how much more their full number!



Matthew 11: 20-26

At that time Jesus began to reproach the towns where most of his miracles had been worked, with their failure to reform: “It will go ill with you, Chorazin! And just as ill with you Bethsaida! If the miracles worked in you had taken place is Tyre and Sidon, they would have reformed in sackcloth and ashes long ago. I assure you, it will go easier for Tyre and Sidon than for you on the day of judgment. As for you, Capernaum, ‘Are you to be exalted to the skies? You shall go down to the realm of death!’ If the miracles worked in you had taken place in Sodom, it would be standing today. I assure you,  it will go easier for Sodom than for you on the day of judgment.”

On one occasion Jesus spoke thus: “Father, Lord of heaven and earth, to you I offer praise; for what you have hidden from the learned and clever you have revealed to the merest children. Father, it is true. You have graciously willed it so.”


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –


June 28 The Translation of the Relics of the Holy Unmercenary Physicians Cyrus and John

The transfer of the relics of the holy martyrs, unmercinaries, and Wonderworkers Cyrus and John from the city of Konopa, near Alexandria (where they suffered in the year 311) to the nearby village of Manuphin, took place in the year 412. This Egyptian village prompted fear in everyone since in a former time there was a pagan temple inhabited by evil spirits. Patriarch Theophilus (385-412) wanted to cleanse this place of demons, but he died. His wish was fulfilled by his successor, the holy Patriarch Cyril (412-444). As he prayed fervently, the patriarch had a vision of an angel of the Lord who commanded him to move the venerable relics of Saints Cyril and John to Manuphin. His Holiness Patriarch Cyril did the angel’s bidding and built a church at Manuphin in the name of the holy martyrs.



O Christ God, through the wonders of your holy martyrs, You have given us an invincible rampart. By their prayers disperse the council of unbelievers; strengthen the rule of your kingdom, for You alone are good and the Lover of Humankind.



After receiving the divine gift of healing, O holy ones, you ceaselessly work wonders in the world and invisibly remove all our sufferings bu the art of your hands. O Cyrus, filled with God’s wisdom, and O glorious John, you are truly divine healers. 



Romans 10:11 thru 11:2a

Brothers and sisters: Scripture says: “No one who believes in him will be put to shame.” Here there is no difference between Jew and Greek; all have the same Lord, rich in mercy toward all who call upon him. [Scripture says:] “Everyone who calls the name of the Lord will be saved.”

But how shall they call on him in whom that have not believed? And how can they believe unless they have heard of him? And how can they hear unless there is someone to preach? And how can men preach unless they are sent? Scripture says, “How beautiful are the feet of those who announce good news!” But not all have believed the gospel. Isaiah asks, “Lord, who has believed what he has heard from us?” Faith, then, comes through hearing, and what is heard is the word of Christ. I ask you, have they not heard? Certainly they have, for the Psalmist says, “their voice has sounded over the whole earth, and their words to the limits of the world.” I put the question again, did Israel really not understand? First of all, Moses says, “I will make you jealous of those who are not even a nation: with a senseless nation I will make you angry.” Then Isaiah says boldly, “I was found by those who were not seeking me; to those who were not looking for me I revealed myself.” But of Israel Isaiah says, “All day long I stretched out my hand to an unbelieving and contentious people.”

I ask, then, has God rejected his people? Of course not! I myself am an Israelite, descended from Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. No, God has not rejected his people whom he foreknew.



Matthew 11: 16-20

The Lord said: “What comparison can I use to describe this breed? They are like children squatting in the town squares, calling to their playmates: ‘We piped you a tune but you did not dance! We sang you a dirge but you did not wail!’

“In other words, John appeared neither eating nor drinking, and people say, ‘He is mad!’ The Son of Man appeared eating and drinking, and they say, ‘This one is a glutton and drunkard, a lover of tax collectors and those outside the law!’ Yet time will prove where wisdom lies.”


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –


June 27 Our Venerable Father Sampson the Hospitaller

St. Sampson the Hospitaller was the son of rich and illustrious Roman parents. In his youth, he received an excellent education. He studied the medical arts and doctored the sick without charge. After the death of his parents, St. Sampson generously distributed alms and set his slaves free, preparing himself to go into the wilderness. With this intent in mind, he soon journeyed from Rome to the East. But the Lord directed him into a different path, that of service to neighbor, and so St. Sampson came to Constantinople. Settling into a small house, the saint began to take in homeless wanderers, the poor and the sick, and he attended to them. The Lord blessed the efforts of St. Sampson and endowed him with the power of wonderworking. He healed the sick not only through being a skilled physician but also as a bearer of the grace of God. News of St. Sampson spread abroad. The patriarch heard of his great virtue and ordained him to the holy priesthood. It was revealed to the grievously ill Emperor Justinian (527-565), that he could receive healing only through St. Sampson. While praying, the saint put his hand on the afflicted area and Justinian was healed. In gratitude, the emperor wanted to reward his healer with silver and gold, but the saint refused and instead asked Justinian to build a home for the poor and the sick. The emperor readily fulfilled his request. St. Sampson devoted the rest of his life to serving his neighbor. 



By your patience you reaped your reward, O venerable Father. Your prayers were without end as was your love and solicitude for the poor. Pray to Christ for our salvation, O blessed and merciful Sampson. 



You come quickly bearing heaven’s cures like some skillful doctor, O wise Sampson. We have assembled together with songs and chants, desiring to glorify Christ who works these marvels through you. 



Romans 9: 18 – 33

Brothers and sisters: God has mercy on whom he wishes, and whom he wishes he makes hard-hearted. You will say to me, “Why, then, does he find fault? For who can oppose his will?” Friend, who are you to answer God back? Does something molded say to its molder, “Why did you make me like this?” Does a potter have the right to make from the same lump of clay one vessel for a lofty purpose and another for a humble one? What if God, wishing to show his wrath and make known his power, has endured with much patience vessels fit for wrath, ready to be destroyed, and did so in order to make known the riches of his glory towards the vessels for mercy – which he prepared for glory – I am speaking about us whom he called, not only from among the Jews, but from among the Gentiles. 

As it says in the Book of Hosea: “Those who were not my people I will call ‘my people,’ and those who were not loved I will call ‘Beloved’; in the very place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’ but they shall be called sons of the living God.” Isaiah cries out, referring to Israel, “Though the number of Israelites should be as the sands of the sea, only the remnants will be saved, for quickly and decisively will the Lord execute sentence upon the earth.” It is just as Isaiah predicted: “Unless the Lord of hosts had left us a remnant, we should have become as Sodom, we should be like Gemorrah.”

How, then, shall we put it? That the Gentiles, who were not seeking justice, attained it – the justice which comes from faith – while Israel, seeking a law from which justice would come, did not arrive at that law? And why did it not? Because justice comes from faith, not from works. They stumbled over the stumbling stone, as Scripture says: “Behold, I am placing in Zion a stone to make men stumble and a rock to make them fall; but he who believes in him will not be put to shame.”



Matthew 11: 2-15

At that time when John, in prison, heard about the works Christ was performing, he sent a message by his disciples to ask Jesus, “Are you ‘He who is to come’ or do we look for another?” In reply, Jesus said to them: “Go back and report to John what you hear and see: the blind will recover their sight, cripples walk, lepers are cured, the deaf hear, dead men are raised to life, and the poor have the good news preached to them. Blest is the man who finds no stumbling block in me.”

As the messengers set off, Jesus began to speak to the crowds concerning John: “What did you go out to the wasteland to see–a reed swaying in the wind? Tell me, what did you go out to see–someone luxuriously dressed? Remember, those who dress luxuriously are to be found in royal palaces. Why then did you go out–to see a prophet? A prophet indeed, and something more! It is about this man that Scripture says, “I send my messenger ahead of you to prepare your way before you.’

“I solemnly assure you, history has known a man born of woman greater than John the Baptizer. Yet the least born into the kingdom of God is greater than he. From John the Baptizer’s time until now the kingdom of God has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force. All the prophets as well as the law spoke prophetically until John. If you are prepared to accept it, he is Elijah, the one who was certain to come. Heed carefully what you hear!’


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –


June 26 Our Venerable Father David of Thessalonica

St. David of Thessalonica pursued asceticism at the monastery of the Holy Martyrs Theodore and Mercurius. Inspired by the example of the holy stylites, he lived in an almond tree in constant prayer, keeping strict fast, and enduring heat and cold. He remained there for three years until an angel told him to come down. St. David received from God the gift of wonderworking, and he healed many from sickness. The holy ascetic gave spiritual counsel to all who came to him. Having attained passionlessness, he was like an angel in the flesh, and he was able to take hot coals into his hands without harm. He died in the year 540.



Drowning out the noises of the world with hymns, you took up your abode in a tree in the midst of an orchard, O father. In your heart you left the world, and you ascended into heaven by your good works. There you have taken up your abode with the angels. O David, look down on us who keep your memory.



You were like a perpetually blossoming orchard, continually bearing fruit of the good works. You were like a bird with a beautiful song, O David. Within your heart, you found the tree of life in the Lord, even more surely than on the fields of paradise. You tended it carefully and nourished it with grace. Always pray for us, O blessed David. 



Romans 5: 1-10

Brothers and sisters: Now that we have been justified by faith, we are at peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have gained access by faith to the grace in which we now stand, and we boast of our hope for the glory of God. But not only that – we even boast of our afflictions! We know that affliction makes for endurance, and endurance for tested virtues, and tested virtue for hope. And this hope will not leave us disappointed, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. At the appointed time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for us godless men. It is rare that anyone should lay down his life for a just man, though it is barely possible that for a good man someone may have the courage to die. It is precisely in this that God proves his love for us: that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Now that we have been justified by his blood, it is all the more certain that we shall be saved by him from God’s wrath. For if, when we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him by the death of his Son, it is all the more certain that we who have been reconciled will be saved by his life.



Matthew 6: 22-34

The Lord said: “The eye is the body’s lamp. If your eyes are good, your body will be filled with light; if your eyes are bad, your body will be in darkness. And if your light is darkness, how deep will the darkness be! No man can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other or be attentive to one and despise the other. You cannot give yourself to God and money. I warn you then: do not worry about your livelihood, what you are to eat and drink or use for clothing. Is not life more than food? Is not the body more valuable than clothes?

“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Which of you by worrying can add a moment to his life-span? As for clothes, why be concerned? Learn a lesson from the way the wild flowers grow. They do not work; they do not spin. Yet I assure you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was arrayed like one of these. If God can clothe in such splendor the grass of the field, which blooms today and is thrown on the fire tomorrow, will he not provide much more for you, O weak in faith! Stop worrying, then, over questions like, ‘What are we to eat, or what are we to drink, or what are we to wear?’ The unbelievers are always running after these things. Your heavenly Father knows all that you need. Seek first his kingship over you, his way of holiness, and all these things will be given you besides. Enough, then, of worrying about tomorrow. Let tomorrow take care of itself. Today has troubles enough of its own.”


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –


Sunday Bulletin 06/26/22


Sunday, June 26 – 3rd Sunday after Pentecost         

8:30 AM          Matins

9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy

Monday, June 27 – Sampson, Venerable; Bl. Nicholas Charnetsky& Others, Martyr        

8:30 AM          Morning Prayer

4:00 PM          Evening Prayer

Wednesday, June 29 – Saints Peter and Paul (Holyday of Obligation)   

5:30 PM          Vespers

6:30 PM          Divine Liturgy

Thursday, June 30 – Synaxis of the Twelve Apostles       

8:30 AM          Morning Prayer

Saturday, July 02 – Deposition of the Robe of the Theotokos        

5:00 PM          VC Outreach Divine Liturgy

6:30 PM          Vespers

Sunday, July 03 – 4th Sunday after Pentecost          

8:30 AM          Matins

9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy 


Please remember the following people in your prayers: Estella Biedenbender,  Ken Bosak, Fletes Family: Alicia, Frankie, Layla, Lupita & Veronica, Victoria Flores, Larry Goodwin, Holly Garlow,  Michelle Grana, Virginia Harrington, Jeanne Hart, Michael Hefferon, Nicole Hefferon, Rob Hooper, Chris Johnson, Mary-Jo Koman-Keogh, Patricia Kurczak,  Irene Lehman, Elizabeth & John Mallas, Dylan Mancia, Toni Martin, Marg Mauro, Juan Gabriel Martinez, Pedro Medina, Mina family: Mila, Diana, Rev. John & Mike,  Shannon O’Neill, Denise Painter, Austin Pearce, Tanya Petach, Casandra Porch, Nicholas, Rodriguez Diane Romano, Paul Saucedo, Kathleen Savko, Robert Stamer, Leanne Steuer, Mary Washko, Dina & Matthew Wiggins,  Carmen Zambrano, Lana Zimmerman, Patrick Zimmerman, Fr. Chris Zugger and all those who serve in the Armed Forces


Collection: $1,435.00; Candles: $37.35; Socials: $39.50; Online: $162.50; VC Outreach: $709.50; Holydays: $30.00; Married Priest Subsistence: $1,220.00; Bishop’s Appeal: $400.00

Total: $4,033.85 / Attendance- PSM: 55

Legacy Council

It is very important to me that I continue learning about the history of St. Mary’s, and listen to the thoughts of those who have been part of this parish for longer than I have.  If you have been coming to St. Mary’s regularly for more than 10 years, please join me for a listening session at 12pm on Sunday, July 10th.  Thanks in advance!  Love, Father Michael

Moving Forward

Since Fr. Nathan is taking over the reins in Las Vegas and we have been fruitful enough to have an outreach in Santa Paula, Fr. Michael will be splitting his time between the two communities. Beginning July 1st, he will spend Sunday thru Wednesday evening in Sherman Oaks and Thursday morning thru Saturday evening in Santa Paula. You can always reach him by cellphone (let him know if you don’t have it) and email. Keep an eye out for slight changes in our Saturday evening Vesper schedule. May God continue to bless our growing community!

Eparchial Appeal Update

The Annual Eparchial Appeal is underway! You can use the instructions you received from the bishop, or you can visit our parish’s donation page here:  We are working to support our Eparchy as a community, so please prayerfully discern what you can give, and I know we will meet and exceed our goal (we get a large percentage back) if we have full participation. Thank you for your generosity! 

Donations are being accepted through Sept. 30. So far, we have raised $8,565.00 of our $25,544.72 goal.   We need to raise $16,979.72 to meet our goal.

Thank you to those who have contributed: Bates, Chirdon, Clemens, Cook, Crans, Herrera, Koman-Keogh, Michnya, Mina, Onufrak, Patzwahl, Summe, Theisen, Wiggins, P. Zimmerman, and W. Zimmerman

Holy Land

I just returned from the Holy Land.  What an amazing blessing to spend time in one big relic of Our Lord, His mother and the Apostles etc.  I’m still processing my experiences, and I’m sure you’ll be hearing my application of these experiences in my homilies over the next few weeks and months.  In the meantime, I wanted to share one thought I had about halfway through the trip.  We go as pilgrims, to set our eyes and feet on the “holy places”, but for the Apostles, Mary Magdalene etc. this was their normal life and stomping ground.  I made this realization as I was on the shore of the Sea of Galilee where Christ multiplied the loaves and the fishes.  I immediately missed all of you and my mission field of the Proto-Cathedral and Santa Paula Outreach.  Our Lord desires that we make our own homes, parishes and daily lives “holy places”, and since we carry the risen Lord in the tabernacles of our hearts, we can make our own stomping ground relics of Christ.             

 –Fr. Michael

“Let it be done for you as you have believed.” Jesus brought healing to the centurion’s servant when he sought healing. When we have faith and live it out, our Church can continue to share the love and healing of God to the world. A vocation to holy orders or the monastic life brings that to the Church in a special way. To learn more, contact the Vocations Office at 206-329-9219 or email:


June 25 The Holy Venerable Martyr Febronia

The virgin martyr Febronia suffered during the reign of Diocletian (284-305). She was raised at a monastery in the city of Sivapolis in Assyria. The head of the women’s monastery was the abbess Bryaena, the aunt of St. Febronia. Being concerned about her niece’s salvation, Bryaena assigned Febronia a stricter form of life than the other nuns. According to their monastic rule, on Fridays the sisters put aside their other duties and spent the whole day in prayer and the reading of Holy Scripture. The abbess usually assigned the reading to St. Febronia. News of her pious life spread throughout the city. The illustrious young widow Hieria, a pagan, began to visit her, and under the influence of her guidance and prayer Hieria accepted holy Baptism, bringing her parents and kinsfolk to the Christian Faith.



O Jesus, your lamb Febronia cries out to You with great love: O my Bridegroom, I long for You in great pain. I am crucified with You, and in baptism I am buried with You. I suffer for your sake in order to reign with You. I die for you in order to live in You. Accept me as an immaculate victim since I am immolated for your love. Through her intercession, O merciful One, save our souls.  


The martyr Febronia spoke these words: It was not hard for me to follow You, my beloved Lord, for the sweetness of your love filled my soul with yearning, and the beauty of your mercy drew me to drink your chalice that You might admit me to the marriage feast in heaven along with the wise virgins, where I might sing to you. Therefore, O martyr, we celebrate your martyrdom and beseech you: Pray that the door to the feast remains open to us. 



Romans 3:28 thru 4:3

    Brothers and sisters: We hold that a man is justified by faith apart from observance of the law. Does God belong to the Jews alone? Is he not also the God of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles too. It is the same God who justifies the circumcised and the uncircumcised on the basis of faith. Are we then abolishing the law by means of faith? Not at all! On the contrary, we are confirming the law.

    What, then shall we say of Abraham, our ancestor according to the flesh? Certainly if Abraham was justified by his deeds he has grounds for boasting, but not in God’s view; for what does Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as justice.”



Matthew 7:24 thru 8:4

The Lord said to his disciples: “Anyone who hears my words and puts them into practice is like the wise man who built his house on rock. When the rainy season set in, the torrents came and the winds blew and buffeted his house. It did not collapse; it had been solidly set on rock. Anyone who hears my words but does not put them into practice is like the foolish man who built his house on sandy ground. The rains fell, the torrents came, the winds blew and lashed against his house. It collapsed under all this and was completely ruined.”

Jesus finished this discourse and left the crowds spellbound at his teaching. The reason was that he taught with authority and not like their scribes. 

When Jesus came down from the mountain, great crowds followed him. Suddenly, a leper came forward and did him homage, saying to him, “Sir, if you will to do so, you can cure me.” Jesus stretched out his hand and touched the leper and said, “I do will it. Be cured.” Immediately the man’s leprosy disappeared. Then Jesus said to him: “See to it that you tell no one. Go and show yourself to the priest and offer the gift Moses prescribed. That should be the proof they need.”


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications –