May 03 The Falling Asleep of our Venerable Father Theodosius the Great

Theodosius the Great founded the first cenobitic monastery in Palestine during the fifth century. He left his monastery to champion Orthodoxy when a heresy arose under the Emperor Anastasius. He traveled to Jerusalem and in the church, he stood at the high place and cried out for all to hear: “Whoever does not honor the […]

May 02 Our Father among the saints Athanasius the Great

Our holy father Athanasius the Great, archbishop of Alexandria, most outstanding in his holiness and teaching, who vigorously fought for the orthodox faith in Alexandria and Egypt from the time of Constantine to that of the emperor Valens. He patiently suffered many intrigues from the Arians and was frequently forced into exile. When he had […]

Apr. 30 The Holy Apostle James, Brother of John the Theologian

The Holy Apostle James, son of Zebedee, was the brother of St. John the Theologian, and one of the Twelve Apostles. He and his brother, St. John, were called to be Apostles by our Lord Jesus Christ, Who called them the “Sons of Thunder” (Mark 3:17). It was this James, with John and Peter, who […]

Apr. 29 The Nine Martyrs of Cyzice & Our Venerable Father Memnon the Wonderworker

The nine holy martyrs of Cyzice burned with a love for Christ. These martyrs refused to offer sacrifice to idols or deny Christ as their Lord. They were cruelly tortured and finally beheaded in the third century.  Our venerable father Memnon the Wonderworker was from early days devoted to fasting and prayer, and became a […]

Apr. 28 The Holy Apostles Jason and Sosipater & The Holy Martyrs Dadas, Maximum and Quintillian

The holy apostles Jason and Sosipater were disciples of St. Paul during the reign of the emperor Nero. They are mentioned in Romans 16:21 by Paul, who calls them his kinsmen. Jason was the first bishop of Tarsus, and Sosipater the first bishop of Iconium.  The holy martyrs Dadas, Maximus, and Quintillian were, at Dorostrorus […]

Apr. 27 The Holy Bishop-Martyr Simeon, Relative of the Lord & Our Venerable Father Stephen, Bishop of Vladimir 

The holy bishop-martyr Simeon, cousin of our Lord, who, as it is said, was a son of Cleophas and a relative of the Savior according to the flesh. Ordained bishop of Jerusalem after James, the brother of the Lord, he was afflicted with many tortures in the persecution of the emperor Trajan. As an old […]

Apr. 26 The Holy Priest Martyr Basil, Bishop of Amasea

The Hieromartyr Basil, Bishop of Amasea, lived at the beginning of the fourth century in the Pontine city of Amasea. He encouraged and comforted the Christians suffering persecution by the pagans. During this time the Eastern part of the Roman Empire was ruled by Licinius (311-324), the brother-in-law of the holy emperor Constantine the Great. […]