Nov. 12 Our Father among the Saints, John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria; Our Venerable Father Nilus; The Holy Priest Martyr Josaphat, Archbishop of Polotsk

Our venerable father John the Merciful, also called “the Almsgiver”, died at Amathus in the island of Cyprus in the year 620. He was famous for his compassion to the poor. Filled with love toward all, he built many churches, hospitals, orphanages, and worked with great care to relieve every misfortune of the city. To […]

Nov. 11 The Holy Martyrs Menas, Victor, and Vincent; The Holy Martyr Stephanis; Our Venerable Father and Confessor Theodore the Studite

The holy martyr Menas was a soldier from Egypt. When ordered to worship pagan idols and arrest and persecute Christians, St. Menas refused and left the army to go into the wilderness and live an ascetic life. At the age of fifty, St. Menas had a vision that he regarded as a sign to follow […]

Nov. 06 Our Father among the saints, Paul the Confessor, Archbishop of Constantinople

Our father Paul the Confessor, archbishop of Constantinople, was frequently exiled by the Arians because of his adherence to the Nicene faith, and was as often restored to dignity. Finally, he was sent by Constantius the emperor to Cucusum, a small village in Cappadocia. There, it is said, he was strangled in a conspiracy of […]

Nov. 05 The Holy Martyrs Galaction and Episteme

The holy martyrs Galaction and Episteme were husband and wife who joined nearby monasteries immediately after their marriage. They did not see each other for many years, until the persecution of Christians which brought them both to court and saw them die on the same day in the year 253.    Troparion Your martyrs, O […]

Nov. 04 Our Venerable Father Joannicus the Great; The Holy Martyr Nicander, Bishop of Myra; The Priest Hermas

Our venerable father Joannicus the Great left the military after more than twenty years in arms to live as a monk and pursue solitary life in different forests of Mt. Olympus. He was accustomed to end his prayer with these words: “God my hope, Christ my refuge, Holy Spirit my protector. He fell asleep in […]

Nov. 03 The Holy Martyrs Acepsimas the Bishop, Joseph the Priest, and Aeithalas the Deacon; The Dedication of the Church of the Holy Great Martyr George in Lydda

The holy martyrs Acepsimas the bishop, Joseph the priest, and Aeithalas the deacon: Acepsimas was eighty years old when the Persian king Sapor began the persecution of Christians in which Acepsimas was seized. He was interrogated, thrown into prison with Joseph and Aeithalas, and were killed when they refused to worship pagan idols in the […]

Nov. 01 The Holy Unmercenary Wonder-workers Cosmas and Damian

The holy wonder-workers and Unmercenary Physicians Cosmas and Damian and their mother, St. Theodota, were natives of Asia Minor (some sources say Mesopotamia). Their pagan father died while they were still quite small children. Their mother raised them in Christian piety. Through her own example, and by reading holy books to them, St. Theodota preserved […]

Oct. 31 The Holy Apostles Stachys, Amplius, and their Companions; The Holy Martyr Epimachus

The holy apostles Stachys, Amplius, and their companions were members of the Seventy Apostles. Stachys was the helper of St. Andrew the First Called, who made him bishop of Byzantium. Amplius and Urban were also fellow-workers with St. Andrew, and were made bishops of Lydda and Macedonia, respectively. Narcissus was made Bishop of Athens by […]

Oct. 29 The Holy Venerable Martyr Anastasia; Our Venerable Father Abraham the Hermit

The holy venerable martyr Anastasia was born in Rome to wealthy parents, but she was left as an orphan at the age of three. She was taken to a women’s monastery to live, under the guidance of Hegumena Sophia. When she was seventeen, the pagan governor summoned her to defend herself, which she did with […]

Oct. 22 The Holy Bishop Abercius of Hieropolis, Equal to the Apostles, Wonder-worker; The Holy Seven Children of Ephesus

The holy bishop Abercius, equal to the Apostles and wonder-worker lived in the 2nd century in Hieropolis in Phrygia. St. Abercius prayed to the Lord for the conversion of all the pagans living in the city. He was visited by an angel that told him to destroy the idols in the pagan temple. St. Abercius […]