June 14 The Holy Prophet Elisha & Our Holy Father Methodius, Patriarch of Constantinople

The holy prophet Elisha was a disciple of the prophet Elijah, and was himself a prophet in Israel from the time of King Joram to the days of Jehoash. Though his oracles do not remain, he nevertheless, by working miracles for foreigners, announced the coming of salvation for all people. 

Our holy father Methodius, patriarch of Constantinople. While he was a monk, he betook himself to Rome to Pope St. Paschal the First in defense of the holy icons. Elevated to the episcopate, he solemnly celebrated the triumph of the orthodox faith with the restoration of the holy icons. 


Troparion – Elisha

The glorious Elijah, an angel in the flesh, the greatest of the prophets and second forerunner of Christ’s coming, dispels diseases, purifies lepers, and showers all kinds of healing upon those who honor him, by sending a blessing from heaven upon Elisha. 


Troparion – Methodius

Burning with zeal for the holy icons, O most wise saint, you boldly opposed the malice of the king. You were locked in a tomb and suffered torment, and for your labors you were exiled. Do not forget us who sing of your fame, O most blessed pastor Methodius. 


Kontakion – Elisha

O blessed Elisha, you lived the life of a prophet of God. You received an abundance of graces, and now together with Elijah, you intercede fervently with Christ our God for all of us. 


Kontakion – Methodius

You fought like an angel on earth and inherited heaven for a reward, O Methodius. Having clearly revealed the reverence that was due icons, you were subjected to agonies and terrible hardships. But this did not deter you from your path of truth as you condemned those who cast out the icons of Christ. 



Romans 4: 4-12

    Brothers and sisters: When a man works, his wages are not regarded as a favor but as his due. But when a mar, does nothing, yet believes in him who justifies the sinful, his faith is credited as justice. Thus David congratulates the man to whom God credits justice without requiring deeds [when he says]: “Blest are they whose iniquities are forgiven, whose sins are covered over. Blest is the man to whom the Lord imputes no guilt.”

    Does this blessedness apply only to the circumcised, or to the uncircumcised as well? For we say that Abraham’s faith was “credited as justice.” What were the circumstances in which it was credited? Was it after he was circumcised or before? It was before. In fact, he received the sign of circumcision as a seal attesting to the justice received through faith while he was still uncircumcised. Thus he was to be the fighter of all the uncircumcised who believe, so that for them too faith might be credited as justice, as well as the father of those circumcised who are not merely so but who follow the path of faith which Abraham walked while still uncircumcised. 


Matthew 7: 15-21

    The Lord said: “Bo on your guard against false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but underneath are wolves on the prowl. You will know them by their deeds. Do you ever pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from prickly plants? Never! Any sound tree bears good fruit, while a decayed tree bears bad fruit. A sound tree cannot bear bad fruit any more than a decayed tree can bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is  cut down and thrown into the fire. You can tell a tree by its fruit. None of those who cry out, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of God but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.”


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com


June 13 The Holy Martyr Aquilina & the Holy Triphyllus, Bishop of Leucosia

The holy martyr Aquilina was twelve years old when she was brutally martyred under the emperor Trajan in the late third century. After converting one of her pagan friends to Christianity, she was arrested and tortured. Believing Aquilina dead after her tortures, her captors left her body outside the city to be eaten by wild beasts. However the saint was still alive, and during the night an angel came to her and healed her. She returned to denounce the pagan governor. She was taken into prison again, denounced as a sorceress, and ordered to be executed by beheading. St. Aquilina was taken by the Lord before her execution, but the executioner, fearing for his own safety, beheaded the body of the saint even though she was dead. Her relics were later taken to Constantinople and placed in a church named for her. 

Our holy father Triphyllus, Bishop of Leucosia in Cyprus, ardently defended the orthodox Nicene faith. He was the most eloquent speaker of his time, and a marvelous commentator in the Song of Songs, as St. Jerome relates. 


Troparion – Aquilina

O Jesus, your lamb Aquilina cries out to You with great love: O my Bridegroom, I long for You in great pain. I am crucified with You, and in baptism I am buried with You. I suffer for your sake in order to reign with You. I die for You in order to live with You. Accept me as an immaculate victim since I am immolated for your love. Through her intercession, O merciful One, save our souls. 


Troparion – Triphyllus

The sincerity of your deeds has revealed you to your people as a teacher of moderation, a model of faith, and as an example of virtue. Therefore, you attained greatness through humility, and wealth through poverty. O father and archbishop Triphyllus, ask Christ our God to save our souls.


Kontakion – Aquilina

Purifying your soul by the balm of virginity, you soared to heaven in a flight of martyrdom. You languished with love of Christ, O precious saint, and now you can stand before Him, O Aquilina. Join the angels in unceasing prayer for us on earth. 


Kontakion – Triphyllus

You perfected virginal chastity in a wonderful life, and you proved yourself a bishop of Leucosia. You became a prophet and a guide for those seeking God, O Triphyllus. For this reason we bless you in song, O glory of pastors. 



Romans 2:28 thru 3:18

    Brothers and sisters: Appearance does not make a Jew. True circumcision is not a sign in the flesh. He is a real Jew who is inwardly, and true circumcision is of the heart; its source is the spirit, not the letter. Such a one receives his praise, not from men, but from God.

    What is the advantage, then, of being a Jew, and what value is there in circumcision? The answer is, much in every respect. First of all, the Jews were entrusted with the words of God. You may ask, what if some of them have not believed? Will not their unbelief put an end to God’s faithfulness? Of course not! God must be proved true even though every man be proved a liar, so that, as Scripture says, “You shall be vindicated in what you say, and win out when you are judged.” But if our wrongdoings provides proof of God’s justice, what are we to say? “Is not God unjust when he inflicts punishment?” (I speak in a merely human way.) Assuredly not! If that were so, how could God judge the world? Another question: If my falsehood brings to light God’s truth and thus promotes his glory, why must I be condemned as a sinner? Or why may we not do evil that good may come of it? This is the very thing that some slanderously accuse us of teaching; but they will get what they deserve.

    Well then, do we find ourselves in a position of superiority? Not entirely. We have already brought the charge against Jews and Greeks alike that they are under the domination of sin. It is as Scripture says: “There is no just man, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one in search of God. All have taken the wrong course, all alike have become worthless; not one of them acts uprightly, no, not one. Their throats are open tombs; they use their tongues to deceive; the venom of asps lies behind their lips. Their mouths are full of curses and bitterness. Swiftly run their feet to shed blood; ruin and misery strew their course. The path of peace is unknown to them; the fear of God is not before their eyes.”



Matthew 6: 31-34 & 7: 9-11

    The Lord said: “Stop worrying, then, over questions like, ‘What are we to eat, or what are we to drink, or what are we to wear?’ The unbelievers are always running after these things. Your heavenly Father knows all that you need. Seek first his kingship over you, his way of holiness, and all these things will be given you besides. Enough, then, of worrying about tomorrow. Let tomorrow take care of itself. Today has troubles enough of its own.

    Would one of you hand his son a stone when he asks for a loaf, or a poisonous snake when he asks for a fish? If you, with all your sins, know how to give your children what is good, how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to anyone who asks him!”


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com


June 12 Our Venerable Fathers Onuphrius and Peter of Athos

Our venerable father Onuphrius the Great was an anchorite who piously spent his life for sixty years in the desolate wilderness in the late 4th and early 5th centuries.

Our venerable father Peter of Mt. Athos was a soldier by profession. Captured and imprisoned by Arabs, he was miraculously freed. He immediately set out for Rome, where he was tonsured a monk by the pope. He was guided in a vision to Mt. Athos, and spent thirty-five years in ascetic life in the 8th century. 


Troparion – Onuphrius

You entered the desert, being led by spiritual yearning; and you fought in it for many years like an angel. You are the equal of Elijah and the Baptist, and you were delighted by the Sacred Mysteries ministered by angel hands. Now that you have gone to them in the Trinity’s light, pray for us who venerate your memory. 


Troparion – Peter

The mountain of Athos rejoices, inviting all the monastic choirs to praise you. We join with them in singing to you, O venerable Peter, and we lay our petition before you: Seek peace for the world and mercy for our souls. 


Kontakion – Onuphrius

Illumined by the light of the most Holy Spirit, you turned your back on the distractions of this life. Taking up your life in the desert, O venerable father, you greatly pleased God our Creator. For this reason, Christ exalts you, O blessed saint. 


Kontakion – Peter

Leaving the company of mortals, you took up residence in caves and caverns, inspired by your love of God and the ardent burning desire of your soul. You received a crown from God for this. Now pray unceasingly for all of us to be saved. 



Hebrews 11:33 thru 12:2a

    Brothers and sisters: By faith [the Saints] conquered kingdoms, did what was just, obtained the promises; they broke the jaws of lions, put out raging fires, escaped the devouring swords; though weak they were made powerful, became strong in battle, and turned back foreign invaders. Women received back their dead through resurrection. Others were tortured and would not receive deliverance, in order to obtain a better resurrection. Still others endured mockery, scourging, even chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, sawed in two, put to death at sword’s point; they went about garbed in the skins of sheep or goats, needy, afflicted, tormented. The world was not worthy of them. They wandered the earth. Yet despite the fact that all of these were approved because of their faith, they did not obtain what had been promised. God had made a better plan, a plan which included us. Without us, they were not to be made perfect. 

    Therefore, since we for our part are surrounded by this cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every encumbrance of sin which clings to us and persevere in running the race which lies ahead; let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, who inspires and perfects our faith. 



Matthew 10: 32-33, 37-38, 19: 27-30

    The Lord said to his disciples: “Whoever acknowledges me before men I will acknowledge before my Father in heaven. Whoever disowns me before men I will disown before my Father in heaven. Whoever loves father or mother, son or daughter, more than me is not worthy of me. He who will not take up his cross and come after me is not worthy of me. 

    Then Peter said to him: “Here we have put everything aside to follow you. What can we expect from it?” Jesus said to them: “I give you my solemn word, in the new age when the Son of Man takes his seat upon the throne befitting his glory, you who have followed me shall likewise take your places on twelve thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel. Moreover, everyone who has given up home, brothers or sisters, father or mother, wife or children or property for my sake will receive many times as much and inherit everlasting life. Many who are first shall come last, and the last shall come first.”


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com



Sunday Bulletin 06/12/22


Sunday, June 12 – Sunday of All Saints          

8:30 AM          Matins

9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy

Saturday, June 18 – Leontius, Martyr        

5:00 PM          VC Outreach Divine Liturgy

6:30 PM          Vespers

Sunday, June 19 – 2nd Sunday after Pentecost        

8:30 AM          Matins

9:30 AM          Divine Liturgy  


Please remember the following people in your prayers: Estella Biedenbender,  Ken Bosak, Fletes Family: Alicia, Frankie, Layla, Lupita & Veronica, Victoria Flores, Larry Goodwin, Holly Garlow,  Michelle Grana, Virginia Harrington, Jeanne Hart, Michael Hefferon, Nicole Hefferon, Rob Hooper, Chris Johnson, Mary-Jo Koman-Keogh, Patricia Kurczak,  Irene Lehman, Elizabeth & John Mallas, Dylan Mancia, Toni Martin, Marg Mauro, Juan Gabriel Martinez, Pedro Medina, Mina family: Mila, Diana, Rev. John & Mike,  Shannon O’Neill, Denise Painter, Austin Pearce, Tanya Petach, Casandra Porch, Nicholas, Rodriguez Diane Romano, Paul Saucedo, Kathleen Savko, Robert Stamer, Leanne Steuer, Mary Washko, Dina & Matthew Wiggins,  Carmen Zambrano, Lana Zimmerman, Patrick Zimmerman, Fr. Chris Zugger and all those who serve in the Armed Forces


Collection: $4,686.70; Candles: $50.00; Socials: $79.50; Online: $397.50; VC Outreach: $565.00; Church Improvements: $300.00; Holydays: $195.00; Married Priest Subsistence: $150.00

Total: $6,468.70 / Attendance- PSM: 72

Wednesdays in June

Because both Father Nathan and Father Michael have an unusually complicated month of June, we will take a break from Wednesday evening Divine Liturgies and fire-pit socials.  We will resume the first week of July. 

Legacy Council

It is very important to me that I continue learning about the history of St. Mary’s, and listen to the thoughts of those who have been part of this parish for longer than I have.  If you have been coming to St. Mary’s regularly for more than 10 years, please join me for a listening session at 12pm on Sunday, July 10th.  Thanks in advance!  Love, Father Michael

Eparchial Appeal

The Annual Eparchial Appeal is underway!  You should have received a letter and donation instructions from Bishop Olmsted and the Eparchy of Phoenix.  You can use the instructions you received from the bishop, or you can visit our parish’s donation page here:  https://ephx.org/st-marys-eparchial-appeal/  We are working to support our Eparchy as a community, so please prayerfully discern what you can give, and I know we will meet and exceed our goal (we get a large percentage back) if we have full participation. Thank you for your generosity!  Thank you to those who have contributed: Chirdon, Clemens, Crans, Koman-Keogh, Michnya, Patzwahl, Theisen, Wiggins, P. Zimmerman, and W. Zimmerman

The Apostles’ Fast

The fasting period that prepares both our body and soul for the glorious feast of the Holy Preeminent Apostles Peter and Paul, begins, every year, the Monday after All-Saints Sunday.  This year then, it begins tomorrow.  The fast concludes with the feast of these great Apostles on June 29th.  Please do intensify your prayer, fasting and alms giving (have you given to the Eparchial Appeal yet?) during this time.  Our bishops have said this is a completely optional fast, but I would encourage you to fast more intensely on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; less intensely on Tuesday and Thursday; and no fasting on Saturday and Sunday.  

“The one who saves his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will obtain it.” The saints show us the meaning of Christ’s words, when they obtained life by giving their lives for the sake of Christ. Serving as a monk, nun, priest, deacon or in minor orders is one way to lose one’s life. This may be your calling to grow in Christ. Contact the Vocations Office at 206-329-9219 or email: vocations@ephx.org

June 11 The Holy Apostles Bartholomew and Barnabas

The holy apostle Barnabas was a good man and “full of the Holy Spirit and of faith.” He was counted among the first of the faithful at Jerusalem, preached the Gospel at Antioch and introduced Saul of Tarsus, just converted, to a number of the brothers. He accompanied Paul on his first trip to Asia to evangelize. He was present at the Council of Jerusalem. Having returned to the island of Cyprus, his native land, he spread the Gospel there. 

Bartholomew the Apostle, who is believed by many to be the same as Nathanael, was born in Cana of Galilee and was taken to Christ Jesus by Philip at the Jordan. Afterwards, the Lord called him to follow him and he joined the Twelve. After the Ascension of the Lord it is said that he preached the Gospel in India and there was crowned with martyrdom.



Receiving the Spirit as He came in fiery tongues, you preached the coming of the Word in the flesh. While one of you was beheaded for the Gospel, the other endured stoning for the sake of the faith. You have been sent to adorn the choirs of heaven, O Bartholomew and Barnabas. We honor your memory and ask that you intercede with God to forgive our sins. 


Kontakion – Bartholomew

O Bartholomew, apostle of the Lord, you appeared to the world as a shining star. You enlightened with the splendor of your teachings and the wonder of your miracles all those who honor you. 


Kontakion – Barnabas

O Barnabas, you became a perfect and faithful servant of the Lord. You were the first of the seventy disciples, worthy to be the companion of Paul in his preaching. You proclaimed to all that Christ is the Savior. Therefore, we celebrate your holy memory with hymns and songs.


For the Saints


Acts 11: 19-30

    In those days, those in the community who had been dispersed by the persecution that arose because of Stephen went as far as Pheonicia, Cyprus, and Antioch, making the message known to none but the Jews. However, some men of Cyprus and Cyrene among them who had come to Antioch began to talk even to the Greeks, announcing the good news of the Lord Jesus to them. The hand of the Lord was with them and a great number of them believed and were converted to the Lord. News of this eventually reached the ears of the church in Jerusalem, resulting in the sending of Barnabas to Antioch. On his arrival he rejoiced to see the evidence of the Lord, since he himself was a good man filled with the Holy Spirit and faith. Thereby large numbers were added to the Lord. Then Barnabas went off to Tarsus to look for Saul; once he had found him, he brought him back to Antioch. For a whole year they met with the church and instructed great numbers. It was in Antioch that the disciples were called Christians for the first.

    At about that time, certain prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. One of them named Agabus was inspired to stand up and proclaim that there was going to be a severe famine all over the world. (It did in fact occur while Claudius was emperor.) This made the disciples determined to set something aside, each according to his means, and send it to the relief of the brothers who lived in Judea. They did this, dispatching it to the presbyters in the care of Barnabas and Saul. 



Luke 10: 16-22a

    The Lord said to his disciples: “He who hears you, hears me. He who rejects you, rejects me. And he who rejects me, rejects him who sent me.”

    The seventy-two disciples returned in jubilation saying, “Master, even the demons are subject to us in your name.” Jesus said in reply: “I watched Satan fall from the sky like lightning. See what I have done; I have given you power to tread on snakes and scorpions and all the forces of the enemy, and nothing shall ever injure you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice so much in the fact that the devils are subject to you as that your names are inscribed in heaven.”

    At that moment Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said: “I offer you praise, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because what you have hidden from the learned and the clever you have revealed to the merest children. Yes, Father, you have graciously willed it so.”


For the day


Romans 1: 7b-12

    Brothers and sisters: Grace and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ. First of all, I give thanks to my God through Jesus Christ for all of you because your faith is heralded throughout the world. The God I worship in the spirit by preaching the gospel of his Son will bear witness that I constantly mention you in prayer, always pleading that somehow by God’s will I may at last find my way clear to visit you. For I long see and share with you some spiritual gift to strengthen you–rather, what I wish is that we may be mutually encouraged by our common faith. 



Matthew 5: 42-48

    The Lord said: “Give to the man who begs from you. Do not turn your back on the borrower. You have heard the commandment, ‘You shall love your countryman but hate your enemy.’ My command to you is: love your enemies, pray for your persecutors. This will prove that you are sons of your heavenly Father, for his sun rises on the bad and the good, he rains on the just and the unjust. If you love those who love you, what merit is there in that? Do not tax collectors do as much? And if you greet your brothers only, what is so praiseworthy about that? Do not pagans do as much? In a word, you must be made perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.”


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com


June 10 The Holy Priest Martyr Timothy, Bishop of Prusa

The hieromartyr Timothy, Bishop of Prusa (Bithynia), received from the Lord the gift of wonderworking because of his purity and sanctity of life. At Prusa he converted many pagans to the faith of Christ. The emperor Julian the Apostate (361-363), upon hearing about St. Timothy had him locked up in prison, but even there St. Timothy continued to preach the Gospel. Julian forbade him to teach about Jesus Christ, but the saint continued to spread the Christian Faith. Finally, the emperor gave orders to behead the saint. His holy relics were afterwards transferred to Constantinople. 



The world rejoices in singing your praises. How joyful is this assembly of the faithful for you. We celebrate your memory and sing: Save us from all misfortune, O Timothy, by your prayers. 



Washed by the rivers of your own blood, O martyred priest, you offered the fruit of your heart to Christ from the earth. You received in return an unending abundance from God. Beg Him to save from misfortune those who venerate you.



Romans 2: 14-29

    Brothers and sisters: When Gentiles who do not have the law keep it as by instinct, these men although without the law serve as a law for themselves. They show that the demands of the law are written in their hearts. Their conscience bears witness together with that law, and their thoughts will accuse or defend them on the day when, in accordance with the gospel I preach, God will pass judgment on the secrets of men through Jesus Christ. 

    Let us suppose you bear the name of “Jew” and rely on the law and pride yourself on God. Instructed by the law, you know his will and are able to make sound judgments on disputed points. You feel certain that you can guide the blind and enlighten those in darkness, that you can discipline the foolish and teach the Simple, because in the law you have at hand a clear pattern of knowledge and truth. Now then, teacher of others, are you failing to teach yourself? You who preach against stealing, do you steal? You who forbid adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples? You who pride yourself on the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law? As Scripture says, “On your account the name of God is held in contempt among the Gentiles.”

    Circumcision, to be sure, has value if you observe the law, but if you break it you might as well be uncircumcised! Again, if an uncircumcised person keeps the precepts of the law, will he not be considered circumcised? If a man who is uncircumcised keeps the law, he will pass judgment on you who, with your written law and circumcision, break it. Appearance does not make a Jew. True circumcision is not a sign in the flesh. He is a real Jew who is one inwardly, and true circumcision is of the heart; its source is the spirit, not the letter. Such a one receives his praise, not from men, but from God. 



Matthew 5: 33-41

    The Lord said: “You have heard the commandment imposed on your forefathers, ‘Do not take a false oath; rather, make good to the Lord all your pledges.’ What I tell you is: do not sweat at all. DO not swear by heaven (it is God’s throne), nor by the earth (it is his footstool), nor by Jerusalem (it is the city of the great King); do not swear by your head (you cannot make a single hair white or black). Say, ‘Yes’ when you mean ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ when you mean ‘No.’ Anything beyond that is from the evil one. 

    “You have heard the commandment, ‘An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.’ But what I say to you is: offer no resistance to injury. When a person strikes you on the right cheek, turn and offer him the other. If anyone wants to go to law over your shirt, hand him your coat as well. Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him two miles.” 


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com

June 9 Our Father among the saints Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria

St. Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria, a distinguished champion of Orthodoxy and a great teacher of the Church, came from an illustrious and pious Christian family. He studied the secular sciences, including philosophy, but most of all he strove to acquire knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and the truths of the Christian Faith. In his youth Cyril entered the monastery of Macarius in the Nitreia hills, where he stayed for six years. Theophilus, the patriarch of Alexandria (385-412), ordained him as a deacon, numbered him among the clergy and entrusted him to preach. In singular zeal for the fullness of the orthodox faith, he asserted dogmas at the Council of Ephesus concerning the one person in Christ and at the same time the divine maternity of the Virgin Mary. 



Your words reveal a treasure of theology for the world, and they crushed the blasphemy of Nestor. You defended the true glory of the Theotokos, o father Cyril. Now pray to Christ to have mercy on us. 


From the fountain of dogma you poured knowledge on us. With the same water from the savior you drowned heresy. You also protected your flock from terrible storms, and you are a beacon for everyone, O blessed Cyril. You reveal divine things to us.



Romans 1:28 thru 2:9

    Brothers and sisters: (Perverse men) did not see fit to acknowledge God, so God delivered them up to their own depraved sense to do what is unseemly. They are filled with every kind of wickedness: maliciousness, greed, ill will, envy, murder, bickering, deceit, craftiness. They are gossips and slanderers, they hate God, are insolent, haughty, boastful, ingenious in their wrongdoing and rebellious toward their parents. One sees in them men without conscience, without loyalty, without affection, without pity. They know God’s just decree that all who do such things deserve death; yet they not only do them but approve them in others. 

    That is why everyone of you who judges another is inexcusable. By your judgment you convict yourself, since you do the very same things. “We know that God’s judgment on men who do such things is just.” Do you suppose, then, that you will escape his judgment, you who condemn these things in others yet do them yourself? Or do you presume on his kindness and forbearance? Do you know that God’s kindness is an invitation to repent? In spite of this, your hard and impenitent heart is storing up retribution for that day of wrath when the just judgment of God will be revealed, when he will repay every man for what he has done: eternal life to those who strive for glory, honor, and immortality by patiently doing right; wrath and fury to those who selfishly disobey the truth and obey wickedness. Yes, affliction and anguish will come upon every man who has done evil, the Jew first, then the Greek. 



Matthew 5: 27-32

    The Lord said: “You have heard the commandment, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ What I say to you is: anyone who looks lustfully at a woman has already committed adultery with her in his thoughts. If your right eye is your trouble, gouge it out and throw it away! Better to lose part of your body than to have it all cast into Gehenna. Again, if your right hand is your trouble, cut it off and throw it away! Better to lose part of your body than to have it all cast into Gehenna. 

    “It was also said, ‘Whenever a man divorces his wife, he must give her a decree of divorce.’ What I say to you is: everyone who divorces his wife forces her to commit adultery, but lewd conduct is a separate case. The man who marries a divorced woman likewise commits adultery. 


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com


June 8 The Translation of the Relics of Theodore the Recruit

The Holy Great Martyr Theodore the Recruit suffered for Christ in Herakleia on 8 February 319. At the time of his sufferings the holy martyr Theodore ordered his servant Uaros to bury his body on the estate of his parents in Eukaitos. The transfer of the relics of the Greatmartyr Theodore was done on 8 June 613 during the reign of the emperor Heraclius. 



You became a brilliant general in the real armies of the King of heaven, O Theodore the Triumphant. You fought courageously with the weapons of faith and put the legions of demons to flight. Therefore, we praise you with fervor at all times. 



O Theodore, pride of martyrs, you put on the armor of faith and took the Word of God as a spear to vanquish the enemy. In the company of the martyrs, do not cease to intercede with Christ our God in behalf of all of them. 



Romans 1: 18-27

    Brothers and sisters: The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against the irreligious and perverse spirit of men who, in this perversity of theirs, hinder the truth. In fact, whatever can be known about God is clear to them; he himself made it so. Since the creation of the world, invisible realities, God’s eternal power and divinity, have become visible, recognized through many things he has made. Therefore these men are inexcusable. They certainly had knowledge of God, yet they did not glorify him as God or give him thanks; they stultified themselves through speculation to no purpose, and their senseless hearts were darkened. They claimed to be wise, but turned into fools instead; they exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images representing mortal man, birds, beasts, and snakes. In consequence, God delivered them up in their lusts to unclean practices; they engaged in the mutual degradation of their bodies, these men who exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator blessed be he forever, amen! God therefore delivered them up to disgraceful passions. Their women exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural, and the men gave up natural intercourse with women and burned with lust for one another. Men did shameful things with men, and thus received in their own persons the penalty for their perversity. 



Matthew 5: 20-26

    The Lord said to his disciples: “I tell you, unless your holiness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees you shall not enter the kingdom of God. You have heard the commandment imposed on your forefathers, ‘You shall not commit murder; every murderer shall be liable to judgment.’ What I say to you is: everyone who grows angry with his brother shall be liable to judgment; any man who uses abusive language toward his brother shall be answerable to the Sanhedrin, and if he holds his brother in contempt he risks the fires of Gehenna. If you bring your gift to the altar and there recall that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift at the altar, go first to be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift. Lose no time; settle with your opponent while on your way to court with him. Otherwise your opponent may hand you over to the guard, who will throw you into prison. I warn you, you will not be released until you have paid the last penny.”


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com


June 7 The Holy Priest Martyr Theodotus, Bishop of Ancyra

The holy martyr Theodotus lived in Ancyra of Galatia in the third century. He was distinguished by his kindliness and concern. At the height of the persecution under Diocletian (284-305) he provided Christians with everything they needed, and gave them shelter in his home. There they secretly celebrated church services. St. Theodotus visited the Christian captives in prison, paid their bail, and reverently buried the bodies of martyrs who had been thrown to the wild beasts. Once he buried the bodies of seven holy women martyrs, who were drowned at sea (May 18). They reported this act to the governor and he was arrested. After refusing to offer sacrifice to idols, and denouncing the folly of paganism, St. Theodotus confessed Christ as God, for which they subjected him to terrible tortures and beheaded him with a sword. They wanted to burn the holy martyr’s body, but could not do so because of a storm which had arisen, so they gave his holy relics to a certain Christian for burial.



O holy priest-martyr Theodotus, you lent yourself to the apostles’ way of life and succeeded them on their throne. Inspired by God, you found the way to contemplation through the practice of virtue. Therefore, you became the perfect teacher of truth, fighting for the faith unto the shedding of your blood. Intercede with Christ our God that He may save our souls.



Enlightening creation with miracles and sufferings, you were truly a star of light, O blessed Theodotus. Celebrating your famous memory today, we praise Christ with a heart of joy. 



Romans 1: 1-7 and 13-17

    Greetings from Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart to proclaim the gospel of God which he promised long ago through his prophets, as the holy Scriptures record – the gospel concerning his Son, who was descended from David according to the flesh but was made Son of God in power according to the spirit of holiness, by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord. Through him we have been favored with apostleship, that we may spread his name and bring obedient faith to all Gentiles, among who are you who have been called to belong to Jesus Christ. 

    To all in Rome, beloved of God and called to holiness, grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 

My brothers, I want you to know that I have often planned to visit you (though up to now I have been kept from it) in order to do some fruitful work among you, as I have among the other Gentiles. I am under obligation to Greeks and non-Greeks, to learned and unintelligent alike. That is why I am eager to preach the gospel to you Romans as well. 

I am not ashamed of the gospel. It is the power of God leading everyone who believes in it to salvation, the Jew first, then the Greek. For in the gospel is revealed the justice of God which begins and ends with faith; as Scripture says, “The just man shall live by faith.”



Matthew 4: 23-25, 5: 1-13

At that time Jesus toured all of Galilee. He taught in their synagogues, proclaimed the good news of the kingdom, and cured the people of every disease and illness. As a consequence of this, his reputation traveled the length of Syria. They carried to him all those afflicted with various diseases and racked with pain: the possessed, the lunatics, the paralyzed. He cured them all. The great crowds that followed him came from Galilee, the Ten Cities, Jerusalem and Judea, and from across the Jordan. 

When he saw the crowds he went up on the mountainside. After he had sat down his disciples gathered around him, and he began to teach them: “How blest are the poor in spirit: the reign of God is theirs. Blest too are the sorrowing; they shall be consoled. Blest are the lowly; they shall inherit the land. Blest are they who hunger and thirst for holiness; they shall have their fill. Blest are they who show mercy; mercy shall be theirs. Blest are the single-hearted for they shall see God. Blest too are the peacemakers; they shall be called sons of God. Blest are those persecuted for the sake of holiness; the reign of God is theirs. Blest are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of slander against you because of me. Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is great in heaven; they persecuted the prophets before you in the very same way.

“You are the salt of the earth. But what if salt goes flat? How can you restore its flavor? Then it is good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.”


Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com


June 6 Our Venerable Fathers Bessarion and Hilarion

Our venerable father Bessarion the Wonder-worker was an anchorite in Skete in Egypt, stood as a beggar for the love of God and as a pilgrim in the fifth century. The Greek fathers compared him to Moses and Elijah because of his virtues and miracles. 

Our venerable father Hilary the Younger was hegumen of the Dalmatian Monastery, and for the sake of the cult of holy icons, he suffered imprisonment, lashes, and exile with unconquered faith in the ninth century. 



O God of our ancestors, You always deal with us according to your everlasting compassion, take not your mercy away from us; but through the prayers of our ancestors, guide our lives along the ways of peace. 


Kontakion – Bessarion

Imitating the powers of heaven, O venerable father, you lived a soaring life like a bird, flying upward with unquenchable desire to Christ the King until you reached Him. O Bessarion, pray unceasingly for all of us.


Kontakion – Hilarion

O father Hilarion, you were a courageous fighter, and the fire did not harm you because of the refreshing dew that came from God. You exceeded the limits of human endurance in fighting your battles; and now you rejoice with the saints. As you join with them, we beg you to pray for all of us. 



Ephesians 5: 8b-19

    Brothers and sisters: Live as children of light. Light produces every kind of goodness and justice and truth. Be correct in your judgment of what pleases the Lord. Take no part in vain deeds done in darkness; rather, condemn them. It is shameful even to mention the things these people do in secret; but when such deeds are condemned they are seen in the light of day, and all that then appears is light. That is why we read: “Awake, O sleeper, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.”

    Keep careful watch over your conduct. Do not act like fools, but like thoughtful men. Make the most of the present opportunity, for these are evil days. Do not continue in ignorance, but try to discern the will of the Lord. Avoid getting drunk on wine; that leads to debauchery. Be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and inspired songs. Sing praise to the Lord with all your hearts.



Matthew 18: 10-20

    The Lord said to his disciples: “See that you never despise one of these little ones. I assure you, their angels in heaven constantly behold my heavenly Father’s face. What is your thought on this: A man owns a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away; will he not leave the ninety-nine out on the hills and go in search of the stray? If he succeeds in finding it, believe me he is happier about this one than about the ninety-nine that did not wander away. Just so, it is no part of your heavenly Father’s plan that a single one of these little ones shall ever come to grief. 

    “If your brother should commit some wrong against you, go and point out his fault, but keep it between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. If he does not listen, summon another, so that every case may stand on the word of two or three witnesses. If he ignores them, refer it to the church. If he ignores even the church, then treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector. I assure you, whatever you declare bound on earth shall be held bound in heaven, and whatever you declare loosed on earth shall be held loose in heaven.

    “Again I tell you, if two of you join your voices on earth to pray for anything whatever, it shall be granted you by my Father in heaven. Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst.”


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Icon courtesy of Jack Figel, Eastern Christian Publications – ecpubs.com

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